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View Full Version : Lasso and Sling without attack table

January 2nd, 2015, 21:16

I used the following weapon:
- lasso
- sling
during the combat a error message appear, that the needed attack table can not be found.

I found that in the lasso a different table is shown as for grabble attacks, which is working.

How can I solve this problem.

best regards
:-) plastictotoro

January 2nd, 2015, 21:31
They are both working for me when I drag them from Character Law or Arms Law. Do you have the Arms Law module open? If not then it won't be able to find the correct table. If you do then I would check the item combat tab to make sure the Attack Table field is showing Sling (for the Sling) or Grapple (for the Lasso). Be sure to check it from the Combat Tracker since that is the one that will be used for the attack.

January 2nd, 2015, 21:34
yes, this points is working, but the weapons can be used within the combat tracker. :-(

I just mad a check without a combat map, it was working. :-O

Thank you for support