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View Full Version : IFT conditional effect not working?

December 26th, 2014, 06:51
Has anyone managed to get the IFT conditional effects working in the 5E ruleset? I've tried 3.0.9 live and 3.0.10 test and I can't get either to work.


Apply the "charmed" condition to an NPC.
Add the following effect to a PC: IFT: charmed; ADVATK
Have the PC target the NPC and roll an attack

But the attack doesn't have advantage. This works for similar effects in the 3.5E ruleset and the code looks similar in 5E (without spending too much time diving into it). "charmed" is a valid condition.

Note: the above is just an example of using IFT, I'm not asking for ways to add ADVATK to charmed creatures - I'm just asking if anyone has managed to get the IFT conditional targeting working.

Anyone have any success?


December 26th, 2014, 16:15
You are right, this doesn't seem to be working. I've tried it out with various conditions but without success.

December 26th, 2014, 18:09
It appears to be working for more traditional effects after the IF/IFT command - e.g. ATK and DMG work OK with conditional effects. I think it is just the 5E specific advantage and disadvantage effects.

December 26th, 2014, 19:52
It appears to be working for more traditional effects after the IF/IFT command - e.g. ATK and DMG work OK with conditional effects. I think it is just the 5E specific advantage and disadvantage effects.

Confirmed; they work with all the other conditions but with none of the advantage and disadvantage ones.

December 27th, 2014, 18:11
Trenloe: Did you report this as a possible bug? Just checking before I do so since there's not much point in all of us starting a thread on the matter.

December 27th, 2014, 18:18
Yeah, I reported it in the House of Healing forum.