View Full Version : 5E Hoard of the Dragon Queen/Rise of Tiamat

December 21st, 2014, 23:45
When: Sundays 7pm EST until 10pm EST (I'm in EST - Ontario Canada to be precise)
Frequency: Weekly
Voice/Text: Voice preferred. Plan on using Skype. However, private conversations/messages etc. will probably be sent via text.
Type: Module but will be adding things as the players inspire me.
Group Size: 5 Max.
License: I've got a license. I assume all players require one as well. Like I said, new to FG so learning the system here still.

Experienced GM but new to FG. I've heard good things about FG and seen some interesting posts on-line. I'm hoping that the players here are less flakey than on Roll20 though! I'm looking to start up running the Rise of Tiamat campaign in the Forgotten Realms. I usually prefer to run something more sandbox of my own creation, but I'm not certain that would work well for an on-line game. This is set up to be a heroic adventure path of epic proportions, so characters should be reluctant and/or aspiring heroes. Evil types probably won't work out too well. Start date will most likely be in the New Year though, since everyone's schedules get a little weird around the holidays. Either reply to this thread or drop me an e-mail/IM if you're interested.


December 22nd, 2014, 00:55
First off,
Welcome to Fantasy Grounds!

Heres a link given to me when i first arrived here. ( Good Info ) https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?19579-Advice-for-new-FG-players

Also you may want to create a signature that includes the information about your available times, the type of license you hold and what your looking for as far as players or games. =)
This will give you more " advertising" and makes an easy reference for other players.

I wish you the best of luck assembling your game!

On a side note... The support here in Fantasy Grounds is excellent ( speaking from my own experience )

December 22nd, 2014, 00:57
There's a good chance I'd be able to play. I've been running/playing since AD&D among other RPGs. I would probably play a Half-orc Cleric of War (Trithereon). Will stats be rolled or point buy? And if rolled...will you want us to roll in game?

December 23rd, 2014, 22:45
I think we'll go with the point-buy or array just to keep a level playing field.

December 24th, 2014, 17:45
I am working on my concept. Thinking about going spellcaster.

December 24th, 2014, 18:46
I'm interested. Possibly going Valor Bard, but I'm looking up a few things. Leaning towards Paladin, Vengeance, I think, or a Valor Bard. If I go Bard, I might go bow, though that depends on how the group is composed.

Are there any house rules to be aware of? Are short rests 1 hour?

December 24th, 2014, 20:09
calendar for sign up?

im interested

December 24th, 2014, 23:16
- No house rules that I'm aware of so far but I don't have enough personal experience with 5e to know if there's anything necessary. That being said, if there's something that the group doesn't like, we can discuss it after game and decide about it. I prefer to postpone the rules discussion whenever possible until after game so we can focus on the story and having fun.
- So that means that short rests will be 1 hour duration, yes.
- I'm going to hold off on setting up the game calendar until I've found my players. I'm hoping if I'm a little more thorough in my initial vetting, I can avoid the train wreck I've encountered in the past on Roll20 with games just dying out after a session or two. Sometimes not even one session!

December 25th, 2014, 04:26
I'm actually dropping out. I got invited to a friend's game. Good luck!

December 26th, 2014, 21:30
I would be interested. Just bought a license for FG and am making my own campaign but want to use it as a player first.

Dragonborn/Monk is what I'm thinking. Let me know if that works. Got a lot of other character concepts I want to use.

December 26th, 2014, 21:55
I might be interested. 10 PM would have to be a set cut-off point for me, though, because I have to get up at five in the morning on Mondays. Dibs on the barbarian, likely human.

December 27th, 2014, 03:24
I'm still interested. Curious if you've got other times through the week that you'd be able to run. If you have more options, there may be more people able to play. Either way, Sunday evenings work for me.

December 28th, 2014, 16:33
Hey wanted to see if you still have any spots not really looked at 5e that much mainly stick to 4e but want to see what its like will need to come up with some char concepts if I can join.

P.S from Northern Ireland but will have no issues with times since I am usually up watching the NFL

January 2nd, 2015, 03:48
Hope you have room for one more. Have a planned start date? I'm EST(Williamsburg, VA USA) Willing to play whatever class is needed to round out the party but prefer fighter, cleric, rouge or combination of them. Just want to get my first FG game/campaign under my belt. Have Skype, running on Mac so i'm not sure if that is going to provide for any hurdles. Would be happy to test connect before hand to iron out any issues.

January 4th, 2015, 23:56
Any spot open, really want to play skype name is lordserpentus.

January 5th, 2015, 16:04
Still accepting players?

January 5th, 2015, 18:07
i'm getting the feeling this is gonna peter out to another dead "gauging interest" post...

January 7th, 2015, 18:49
Hey I also live in Ontario are you still looking for players. I haven't played any DND for a long time and I've only played 3.5 and have never used FG but would be very interested in giving this a shot. I'm hoping to make some sort of ranger or wizard depending on what's needed however I can make another class if necessary :) it would be cool to play with someone in the same province so let me know