View Full Version : Creative Worldbuilding

December 17th, 2014, 02:58
Hello everyone.

Im interested in running a new game , and i want to use Dawn of Worlds as a start. ( https://www.clanwebsite.org/games/rpg/Dawn_of_Worlds_game_1_0Final.pdf )

Im not exactly sure how i can go about this on a VTT. I played around with using map tokens in FG , but im not sure if this will be an easy median to get the result i want.

I am going to create a land mass , and each player can spend their turn adding to the world, as per the Dawn of Worlds pdf.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what type of program can be the best solution to create this type of game ?

Im using the Old World Style Map tokens for this.


December 18th, 2014, 20:59
After reading several threads all over the web , the most ive seen done is a play by email , or play by post .
Each player modifying the map in a certain program then sharing it back to the group.

Im thinking that just making the land mass and allowing players to draw on it may be the easiest method.
This way we can meet in skype, make changes to the map in real time. I feel having everyone together instead of via email would be the best way to keep the creativity flowing and add that element of tension when another player starts messing with your creations.

After its finished i can re create the map with the tile packs that i have.
All of the back story from world building will roll right in to the actual 5E game.
My hopes is to give each player a larger investment in the world itself, and hopefully raise the immersion of the game.

Im still open for suggestions if anyone has any =)

December 18th, 2014, 23:56
The world creation idea is interesting. In in FG you could just use a battlemap with a grid on it, probably an inch grid and use VoIP and go around the table and have people type in chat what they are doing and points spent so you would have a log.

December 19th, 2014, 01:02
I did something similar for my Fate game. We used the free pdf document A Spark in Fate Core to flesh out the setting and were going to use the map method in Legends of Anglerre.

The whole process was very engaging and a lot of fun for us.

I wish you the same.

December 19th, 2014, 01:10
You could use tokens on the map to indicate what's going on. You could lock tokens so that players weren't randomly moving tokens without you knowing.

December 19th, 2014, 05:29
Building the land mass to use as a mat, and then using the tokens for mountains ect seems to work rather well.

Heres the map i put together for the game and an example token.


December 19th, 2014, 05:42
You might find the enhanced images extension of use: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20231-Enhanced-Images-%28layers%29-for-FG-3-0-CoreRPG-%28and-rulesets-based-on-CoreRPG%29 This creates 3 layers in which you can put tokens - the players can only interact with tokens on the top (play) layer, whereas the GM can put tokens on any of the 3 layers. There are some limitations with the extension (based off limits imposed by the FG API), so I'd recommend reading post #1 in the thread. But, I think this will be of significant use to you. The main annoyance is remembering which layer you're on when you're adding tokens as you can't move them to another layer, you have to remove them and add them back on the correct layer.

December 19th, 2014, 16:05
The layers are really cool.

Im not sure how to use them though. I mean as far as for the Dawn of worlds generation.

The only thing i can think of is using the bottom layer if i want to include a token that the players wouldnt be able to move , like a scale or a compass.
Since the players have the capability to re-shape the terrain even after its been placed.

I do however still need to come up with a way to write on the map to mark areas that have been corrupted ect.
I suppose i could make use of the shadow tokens included in the old world set, or create text line tokens that could be placed when needed.

On another note.. Is it possible to re-size a token in FG , I know you can option the token to 100 or 80 percent , or turn the grid off for full size of the image. But is there a way to get other sizes of the token , like dragging bars or nodes or something ?

Id love to be able to use my mileage bar inside FG rather than build it into the map.

Thanks to everyone for your input!

December 19th, 2014, 16:22
Perhaps at this point i should have the thread moved to the tavern ?

Since it is now FG related =)

December 19th, 2014, 18:06
On another note.. Is it possible to re-size a token in FG , I know you can option the token to 100 or 80 percent , or turn the grid off for full size of the image. But is there a way to get other sizes of the token , like dragging bars or nodes or something ?
Hover your mouse cursor over the token, hold down the CTRL key and use the mouse wheel to resize that individual token.

December 19th, 2014, 20:12
I don't speak for everyone,(I think your idea is awesome btw) most gamers want convenience so pulling that off is going to be tough.And lets face it as DM's if you want it done right do it yourself.

December 20th, 2014, 13:17
Trenloe... Thanks , i missed the token sizing where ever it is when i read up on FG.. That will be a big help for the Dawn of Worlds game, as i can make larger and smaller forests and such!

Kelendor.. While i will need the right players for it to work , I cant count how many times ive played a setting , and seen certain aspects of it are lost due to the lack of immersion by the players. Clerics who have no idea of who there god really is beyond their name and alignment and perhaps the simple one line of dialogue next to the name in a list. Im hoping the larger investment by the players will allow for more role playing opportunities and give a much needed depth to the game that can be lost in a GM or Standard setting. The Vision of the DM can sadly be lost in translation, as every player will interpret things differently. Not to mention im lazy, and the combined efforts will help me too =)

December 20th, 2014, 13:27
Here's my blog on the process of collaborative worldbuilding our group went through: https://extraordinarygamers.com/Journal/Post/637/When-There-Are-Sparks-Part-1

Let us know how it worked out for your group. I'm anxious to read the results.

December 20th, 2014, 13:30
Well said,you make very good points.