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View Full Version : New to Fantasy Ground.. looking for some help and advise

December 4th, 2014, 02:04
hello everyone,

i an old time table top player and i was just checking out Fantasy grounds, and i must say i like it. looking through it more deeply i noticed there is a Call of Cthuhlu game for this system. i would like your advise on how to proceed. first what do i need? i dont have anything right now, i havent even bough fantasy ground, let alone the Call of Cthuhlu studd, so what i would like to knwo is what i need. second is there any groups out there who do call of Cthuhlu? i new to that game but i have 6th edition hard bound copy and was wondering if there is any like minded people who are looking for a new player and willing to teach me some new trips.

lastly, i am a big 3.5 and pathfinder player, are there any mods out as well. thank you all for taking the time to read and reply to this, cant wait to hear you suggestions and input.

December 4th, 2014, 02:30
You will find more PF than 3.5 or CoC games going.
However - add some extra info there like your days/times that you are available, can you do voice games or text only.
Frequent the boards and post responses to GMs that advertise games.
Pop over to https://extraordinarygamers.com/ and join up - they probably run a dozen games every week - many of them available for new players.
You might not find [B]the[B] game you are after straight away - but you will find games in which you can learn and practise and have fun and your CoC game will come along :)

December 4th, 2014, 03:17
thank you,

my work schedule leaves me very open on the weekends and some weekdays, i do big 12 hour shifts and leaves me with three days on work and four days off ( or visa/versa).

ill keep my eye on the GMs forum, lastly... on stream should i download fantasy grounds and what else?

lastly i have a voice chat system set up.

December 4th, 2014, 03:40
Just Fantasy Grounds!
TeamSpeak is the most common voice client but many groups have their own preference - mumble, vent, skype etc.

December 8th, 2014, 18:32
i an old time table top player and i was just checking out Fantasy grounds, and i must say i like it. looking through it more deeply i noticed there is a Call of Cthuhlu game for this system. i would like your advise on how to proceed. first what do i need? i dont have anything right now, i havent even bough fantasy ground, let alone the Call of Cthuhlu studd, so what i would like to knwo is what i need.
Call of Cthulhu has it's own ruleset - you'd need to purchase that if you wanted to GM Call of Cthulhu. If you are a player, you download the data from the GM so don't need to purchase the CoC ruleset to be able to play. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.xcp?id=DGA070

Of course, the prerequisite is also getting a Fantasy Grounds license (unless you plan on only playing and you can find a GM with an ultimate license).

December 10th, 2014, 09:01
We have a new GM over at Steam who wants to run some Cthulhu sessions on Mon/Tue/Wed evenings GMT time.

If you have some interest and availability please check the thread on Steam.