View Full Version : Customising healing surge value (HSV)

December 3rd, 2014, 21:37
I'm trying to find an elegant way to implement the feat Dragonborn Lineage, specifically the part where "Your healing surge value is equal to one quarter of your maximum hit points plus your Constitution modifier." Because a character's healing surge value is a read-only field calculated from HP, I can't just manually edit it to fit.

I've tried using the HEAL effect, but that (A) doesn't take ability modifiers as a parameter and (B) modifies all outgoing healing effects, which isn't quite what I'm going for. As a workaround the player is currently manually using a power effect that just heals him by his Constitution modifier every time his HSV is invoked, but I'm hoping for something automated that I've overlooked.

Eru the One
December 3rd, 2014, 23:47
I've been holding Ctrl and scrolling up with the mouse wheel to increase/decrease the surge values for my other 4e characters. I know it's not as nice as just adding a CON mod/etc., but it will stay until you change it.

December 4th, 2014, 16:12
I wasn't aware you could do that - in digging a bit more it looks like the functionality applies to any box with a plus in the upper-right corner. Good to know, thanks!

December 4th, 2014, 16:53
I don't want to clutter up the 4E forum with a dozen little questions, so I'll just put a follow-up question in here based upon some of the new powers my players are taking:

Specifically, I've got a couple powers that generate targeted effects (Eyebite and a campaign specific power that's basically a favored enemy) which only apply when acting against the targeted enemy. I get that I target an effect by using the TRGT modifier, and can drag the target icon onto the enemy in the CT to link everything up - works great, and that alone is a huge help in bookkeeping. What I'm curious about is if there is a way to skip the step where the effect has to be manually targeted.

So in the case of Eyebite, the PC already has the enemy as a target when he attacks, he applies the effect to himself (either by clicking the running man or dragging the effect onto his own token or CT entry). Which applies the effect (in this case, "TRGT; Invisible"), but the effect doesn't have a target. Any way I can have the effect target the same entity as the effect initiator already has targeted?

Again, the default functionality that I'm working with is already a huge improvement over nothing, just looking to automate as much as possible to eliminate human error.

December 4th, 2014, 18:27
It sounds like you may not know how 3rd party targeting works? In the case of Eyebite, the warlock first targets a monster and rolls to hit. If the player selects himself by clicking on his token and then when holding down the shift key, drag and drops the effect on the monster. You will know he did the targeting right if in the effects line on the combat tracker the effect [TRGT: Monster Name 4]; Invisible appears. You are looking for the monster name inside the brackets [ ] to let you know it is a targeted effect only on that monster.

Sometimes you target the monster and drag the effect to the PC it depends how the power was written and WotC was not consistent. Also you can drag the effect to multiple targets which is handy for warlords which have some power that gives only one target a bonus against multiple monsters.

Something my players did was put the targeting instructions at the bottom of their powers or in a note, ie target monster(s), shift drag self or target monsters shift drag monsters. Your guys will have to try it both ways sometimes to figure out which is which, just watch the mods to the dice rolls.

Also just because a power has the TRGT in it doesn't mean you should use 3rd party targeting since it's slow, IE some powers have TRGT in the effect but if the effect applies to everyone, then just drop the effect on the monsters like normal and forget it.

Edit: Here is the link that explains it on the Wiki. It's under Effects Application: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/4E_Character_Sheet

December 4th, 2014, 18:38
That's correct, I didn't get how 3rd party targeting works. This makes sense, and I can dig into the effect specifics to get a sense of where it needs to be applied. The shift-drag thing was the key feature I was unaware of - thanks!

December 5th, 2014, 04:45
You're welcome. One other little tidbit is that sometimes you are better off re-writing the effect in the reverse if it means less shift dragging.