View Full Version : Can I use an extension to change standard mouse cursors?

November 15th, 2014, 06:12
Working on creating a Star Wars saga extension that changes the graphical outputs in 4E base ruleset. I've managed to change the gm icon, background, background image, and button images on the right hand side. Changing the standard pointer to a lightsaber would rock, but was curious if there's a graphical setting I can alter via an xml reference to overwrite the default cursor. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks!

November 15th, 2014, 06:42
Not quite so easy...

November 15th, 2014, 07:01
Not quite so easy...
These custom pointers are different from what the OP is asking for. Custom pointers are drawing shapes on a map/image, unless I've got the wrong end of the stick (lightsaber) the OP is asking if there is a way to change the mouse cursor. I'm not aware of a way to do this through LUA code.

November 15th, 2014, 08:00
Trenloe is correct. I am looking for a way to turn the standard arrow into a lightsaber or star destroyer and the glove into a vader hand. Not a 'pointer', but the actual cursor used to click on fields to interact.