View Full Version : Bandwidth used as player

November 12th, 2014, 03:33
Hi, I was wondering, how much bandwidth does FG use if you are a player? I am asking as I am on a shitty 3G connection but would still like to join in. Thanks

November 12th, 2014, 03:41
The most used is when you first login.

Also, when the GM shares an image with you. This will depend on how large the image files are - most experienced FG GMs will try to reduce the size of the images and maps they will share, but some may forget/miss the odd map or image in their campaign.

In addition, if your game uses voice there will be the additional bandwidth of the voice system used - TeamSpeak, Skype, etc..

November 12th, 2014, 12:07
you might expect 5-15mb on first download.
after that it should not be high unless your GM is using high res maps - some do - some dont.
i try and keep my images as light weight as possible.