View Full Version : Problem with health bars, dots and names

November 6th, 2014, 06:24
Can anyone help me out with why names, health bars and dots on tokens are showing up really small?

In a purchased module, they look like this:


but, when I make my own encounters and add tokens, they look like this:


I've tried 3 different sizes of the same map. 100ppi, 150ppi and 300ppi all with a 50px grid and all with the same result.

Hopefully, there's a simple answer.


November 6th, 2014, 13:19
Kale looks like he is common to both screen shots but the other tokens look like Devin Knight in one and RPG Art Kit in the other - what are the dimensions of the tokens in the different scenarios?

November 6th, 2014, 18:54
See this thread:
Health Dots Do Not Draw Correctly (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?21694-Bug-%283-5E%29-Health-Dots-Do-Not-Draw-Correctly)

The grid and token scaling assumptions for health dots need improvement and would benefit from an implementation that is mostly independent of grid and token size/scaling (similar to the facing arrows). However, if you are willing to live within certain grid and token size constraints, then they may be more usable. Hopefully, they will be revised at some point in the future as time permits. Alternately, you can also use tooltip mode, which displays the status as text...but admittedly not as nice as at-a-glance status.

November 6th, 2014, 19:36
Kale looks like he is common to both screen shots but the other tokens look like Devin Knight in one and RPG Art Kit in the other - what are the dimensions of the tokens in the different scenarios?

Yes, Kale is the same token in both. That one and the goblin in the bottom scenario, I used from the Devin Knight set and just added a round base in photoshop so I could see them better. The dimensions for those are 256x256, 100ppi. The goblins in the top picture are the ones that came already in the module (Pathfinder Basic 1: A Learning Time) and I don't know where to find them, So I can't tell you the dimensions.

November 6th, 2014, 19:40
See this thread:
Health Dots Do Not Draw Correctly (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?21694-Bug-%283-5E%29-Health-Dots-Do-Not-Draw-Correctly)

The grid and token scaling assumptions for health dots need improvement and would benefit from an implementation that is mostly independent of grid and token size/scaling (similar to the facing arrows). However, if you are willing to live within certain grid and token size constraints, then they may be more usable. Hopefully, they will be revised at some point in the future as time permits. Alternately, you can also use tooltip mode, which displays the status as text...but admittedly not as nice as at-a-glance status.

Tooltip mode is fine for online but, I'm also using FG at the tabletop with a LCD monitor as a digital map for the players. They use miniatures, I use the tokens. So, in that situation, having the tooltips is no good when they can't hover a mouse over the tokens on the screen.

Moon Wizard
November 6th, 2014, 21:24
The challenge is that token widgets (which are used for health bar/dot, effect icons and name plates) are tied to the token, not to the map. They currently have no access to map sizing (i.e. grid size).

As we work on our port to Unity, we are looking at redesigning the image/map control. One of the big things I want to look at is the defining of "distance" on maps independent of the grid setting, which gives us more options for invisible grids and tabletop wargaming. Also, reconciling various token resolution sizes (and their accompanying widgets) is on the list as well.

For now, lower resolution tokens will increase widget sizes.


November 6th, 2014, 21:28
Ah. Simple fix then. Thanks for that :)

June 27th, 2018, 16:11
Has something changed in this topic? Because years have passed, and I am experiencing this problem (that's why I am here). Any workarounds? And also waht's this whole deal with Unity? :D

June 27th, 2018, 16:14
Has something changed in this topic? Because years have passed, and I am experiencing this problem (that's why I am here). Any workarounds? And also waht's this whole deal with Unity? :D
No real change. See the reason here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44423-Problem-seeing-token-data&p=394754&viewfull=1#post394754

And also a possible fix from damned 2 posts after.

June 27th, 2018, 16:18
Thanks! I'll look into it :)