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View Full Version : Portraits/Images error

November 3rd, 2014, 20:46
This is a screenshot of the bug: https://s3.postimg.org/ue8ua6mc2/Immagine.jpg

Basically, all portraits are non-visible only for me, while my own is bugged like seen there. On top of which all images are either Yellow as if loading forever or dark gray as seen in screenshot, for all other players they are fine.

Appeared 2 patches ago after I tried to upload another portrait to the folder from google images.

Tried reinstalling after wiping all the folders and changing installation pattern but didn't help.
Any suggestions please?

November 3rd, 2014, 22:14
In the FG settings screen (accessible from the main FG start page) see if "Cross-platform compatibility mode for Linux and Mac" is selected. If it isn't, turn it on - if it is, turn if off. See if that makes any difference. Also make sure that "Enable network diagnostics" is not selected.

November 8th, 2014, 22:18
We've managed to fix it after some time, it seems it was some connection related problem between the two of us that lost some packets in the way.

Thanks anyway!!

December 6th, 2014, 02:07
What was your fix, if I might ask. I have a player with the same issue.

December 6th, 2014, 02:22
Have player do a static ping to his gateway (eg ping -t or ping -t etc) and another one to google (ping -t
If you are seeing many dropouts - particularly on the gateway ping you can have data integrity issues.

December 6th, 2014, 02:33
Thank you, I'll have him do that.

December 6th, 2014, 02:39
He is not getting any packet loss, oh well, time to continue the ghost hunt. Thank you very much for your assistance!
I've had him uninstall, and reinstall, and deleting his Roaming folder. For some reason he is not getting any images, players or maps. though everything in the console works fine.

December 6th, 2014, 02:54
next i would look and see if he has moved his data file into dropbox or onedrive etc? this is not a good idea.
also try disabling AV for 10mins. delete the FG cache for this campaign and try again.

ooops - step 1 would be to try deleting the current campaign cache on the Player side.