View Full Version : How to 'unshare' something

October 31st, 2014, 07:26

I inadvertently shared a table (PFRPG) that I didn't want to share (with the players)... How do I take that back?


- s.west

October 31st, 2014, 07:57
Right click on the shared item. There's an unshare option, "Stop Sharing" I think, in the readiel menu. The S or P icon should disappear.

October 31st, 2014, 09:19
I prepared a really long, drawn-out post explaining why I was unable to figure this out, but eventually came to my senses and realized the pointlessness of that.
The short and to-the-point explanation is that:

You Share table X from table X's sheet, but you Stop Sharing table X back on the Tables window.

That's not intuitive. I expected the Share Sheet selection on table X's radial menu to turn into a Stop Sharing Sheet selection...

Anyway, thanks a lot for your response.

- s.west

October 31st, 2014, 09:35
More experimentation reveals that you can also Stop Sharing table X by just left-clicking on its little 'P'.

Well, whaddya know?