View Full Version : Looking for 2 Players - Reign of Winter AP

Old Man Trouble
October 29th, 2014, 23:25
I am looking to run a second instance of my Reign of Winter campaign. I currently have 2 players and am looking for 2 more. I'm willing to get started with 3 total. The particulars can be found below.

Time - Wednesday, 5pm-9pm Eastern time. (First session 11/5 if we can swing it)
Frequency - Weekly if enough can attend.
System - Pathfinder
FG License - Ultimate (You need demo only)
Text/Voice - All roleplay will occur in text. Voice chat may be used for questions, clarifications, etc. I find the nuts and bolts of combat runs more smoothly through voice chat.
RP to Combat ratio - 50/50. This will be influenced by players, though I will try to include at least one combat scene and one noncombat scene in the majority of game sessions.
Game length - I expect this campaign to take between 2 and 3 years. Please be in it for the long haul.

Player requirements
- Enjoyment - This is the big one. Please enjoy being an active participant in both roleplay and tactical combat situations. I hold no ill will towards those that prefer one and exclude the other, but this is probably not the game for you.
- As this is primarily a text based game, I require players to competent and comfortable in a text environment. Having a moderate to fast typing speed is highly recommended, if not required. Know the difference between IC and OOC. Bonus points to those that understand that dialog is made up of motions, expressions, and words.
- Knowledge of FG - This is not really a game for individuals new to FG. Please be comfortable with combat, and targeting. Knowledge of how to use effects and player effect removal is desired, but I'm willing to teach if you're a fast learner. I would like to keep combats rolling along with text flavor to accentuate the mechanics.
- Knowledge of Pathfinder - I will be the first to admit that I frequently find new wrinkles in Pathfinder and changes from 3.5. I spent a great deal of time in 3.5 land and still get them confused. Please understand the d20 system, and be familiar with Pathfinder. Perfect rules knowledge is not required.
- Activity - Everyone misses as session now and then, but generally show up every week. I plan to run sessions so long as 3/4 party members can attend. There may also be play-by-post in between weekly sessions, or especially if we must miss a session.
- Be excellent to each other. Nuff said.

Character requirements
- Build a character with life and details. I care not if you prefer to get the underlying bones of class/stats/dice/plusses/minuses out of the way first, or if you wish to start with history/backstory/height/race/personality and let the details of statistics take care of themselves.
- I am intentionally leaving out information on builds and acceptable classes. We will make sure your concept can work and be successful.
- In general, get along. Witty banter, one-up-manship, differing ideologies, etc are all good. Being that guy that puts scorpions in other people's beds, steals their stuff and sells it, and constantly wandering off alone because no one undestands is not. Don't be the guy that's firing crossbow bolts at the bad guys while the rest of the party wants to talk things out (Or the guy that really wants to give that baby murdering vampire just one more chance to reform his ways when everyone else wants him dead.)
- Be willing to be led. This adventure path has been criticized for being linear. I can vouch for this being a valid criticism. It's still good. There will be a great deal of freedom in how goals are accomplished. But when the adventure wants you to go off into the desert, I will not look kindly on those that insist that the mountains are the place to be.

I believe I've rambled on long enough. I'm really pretty easy to get along with. Feel free to ask questions, send character ideas, etc. If you wish to approach the adventure path completely blind, I can certainly accommodate that.


October 31st, 2014, 14:22

Old Man Trouble
October 31st, 2014, 22:06
Hey, you're not allowed to sign up twice! 8D Unless you want to run BOTH of your small menaces to society. Or perhaps I should interpret your cough as a non-vocalized request for additional friends to come out into the wilderness and enjoy the winter wonderland, while trying desperately not to die and save the whole world all at the same time?

Old Man Trouble
November 4th, 2014, 23:45
All player slots have now been filled. Thank you all for the interest.