View Full Version : That annoying double spacing when Coping from PDFs...

October 26th, 2014, 06:33
Ive found if you use the PDF viewer that comes with windows 8 (metro interface) you dont get the double spacing!! And it seems to make less mistakes too! Who knew? A microsoft app was actually helpful!

October 26th, 2014, 15:50
I'll have to try it out. Double spacing should be illegal hehe

Metro Interface you say?

October 26th, 2014, 16:09
Ive found if you use the PDF viewer that comes with windows 8 (metro interface) you dont get the double spacing!! And it seems to make less mistakes too! Who knew? A microsoft app was actually helpful!


October 26th, 2014, 16:14
What double spacing?

October 26th, 2014, 20:13
What double spacing?

alot of people when they cut n paste from a pdf get spaces between the lines. Its some thing to do with adobe reader

October 26th, 2014, 20:14
I'll have to try it out. Double spacing should be illegal hehe

Metro Interface you say?

Yep the default one that microsoft include with win 8

October 26th, 2014, 20:45
alot of people when they cut n paste from a pdf get spaces between the lines. Its some thing to do with adobe reader
Never seen it.

October 26th, 2014, 21:16
Never seen it.

I believe the "double space" means that copied text lines becomes paragraphs in FG.

October 27th, 2014, 02:06
That's how I took it also - single lines become paragraphs. In FG the Ctrl-J joins selected lines into a single paragraph when you are in a formatted text field.

October 27th, 2014, 10:28
Ive found if you use the PDF viewer that comes with windows 8 (metro interface) you dont get the double spacing!! And it seems to make less mistakes too! Who knew? A microsoft app was actually helpful!

I also found that on a Mac, preview does not give the problem where Adobe reader does.

October 27th, 2014, 10:45
I do the CTRL-J magic also for the lines.... but I think he is referring to the double spaces that often are in a copied text like:

This cramp ed and cluttered shop smells of a strange
mixture of inc ense, spice, and du st. Its so le propr ietor,
VO RVAS HALI VOON (LN male human wizard 2/rogue 2/
expert 2), an exotic-looking character with bright
blue eyes, long red hair, and almo st bronze- colored
skin, is gregarious and excited ab out every customer.
Not everything in his shop is fo r sale, rendering the
shop's eclectic collection of strange relic s, stat ues,
and monument fr agments part muse um. Vorva shali's
stock chan_ges constantly, as his dozens of contacts
fr om Magnimar come in weekly to buy and trade

I can live with the double spacing, but the spaces inside words REALLY annoys me. Is this the spaces you talk about Willot? I normally use Foxit reader and here I have the same problem. I have yet to try the Metro one.

October 27th, 2014, 21:00
I can live with the double spacing, but the spaces inside words REALLY annoys me. Is this the spaces you talk about Willot? I normally use Foxit reader and here I have the same problem. I have yet to try the Metro one.
No, I did mean the line spacing. However the reader also seems (although not perfect) better at eliminating the spaces within the middle of words. I actually didnt know about cntrl J

October 27th, 2014, 21:22
...I actually didnt know about cntrl J

I didn't either until a while ago. I had used Notepad++ for that, as I knew that one could do the CTRL+J trick, so when I read that you could do that inside FG, I thought back to all the times I had cut and pasted it in to Notepad++ and then to FG.... sigh!

October 27th, 2014, 22:55
My personal solution in Savage Worlds is introduced in Enhanced Library v1.4 build 5 (link to post (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?22039-Ikael-s-extensions-for-Savage-Worlds-4-testing&p=190383&viewfull=1#post190383)). In that extension I have created paste-button which can be displayed next to formatted textfield. When that button is clicked any text from your clipboard is appended to given formatted textfield as single paragraph and double-spacing is eliminated. The tool will also do small formating by adding bold style for heading word(s) if it follows : character. Double spacing has really annoyed me long time, and this was lingering long time in my mind, but never had motivation to do it. Thanks for setting this discussion up, it made me re-realize how annoying double spacing really is when you're converting massive PDF entry/story