View Full Version : 5e or Pathfinder question and discussion.

October 21st, 2014, 21:17
5E is moving on up. I read about it online and have looked at the players handbook. I like the grandness of Pathfinder though and don't see myself switching over at least anytime soon. Does anyone else have any definitive reasons that 5e is/could be better than Pathfinder?

Moon Wizard
October 21st, 2014, 21:21
Given it's newness, I think people are still getting to know the system, and waiting to see all the books and adventure module plans.

From my perspective, I like the faster speed of play, and the increased risk level (ie easier to be taken out if poor planning/tactics). My players feel the same way.

It's almost as fast to play as some of the rules light systems right now, but we'll have to see how it evolves with expansions.


October 22nd, 2014, 03:25
The speed of combat is a big bonus to me and my group as is the "old" school feel to me. It's really too new to tell how it will age, though.

October 22nd, 2014, 03:55
I really like my game experience of 5E so far (except the dwarven wingman during FG Con, but that's another story).

It's really too new to tell how it will age, though.
This is what I will watch with interest. The main area I'll watch is level progression. Currently 5E PCs level much quicker than 3.5E, 4E and Pathfinder characters - from looking at average XP for 5E encounters, PCs will hit 20th level around the same time equivalent Pathfinder PCs would be hitting 8th or 9th level - in terms of number of encounters and XP earned per level appropriate encounters. The fastness of level progression is not specifically an issue within the game itself as a 5E PC gets less "stuff" per level than an equivalent 3.5e/4e/Pathfinder PC. My interest will be what comes after 20th level as a lot of PCs will be hitting that a lot sooner than they would have in previous D&D incarnations and much sooner than Pathfinder PCs using the normal experience track.

October 22nd, 2014, 18:54
To me 5E feels more like Pathfinder lite "same great dice, less filling." While the streamlined gameplay is something that a lot of people to get into I don't see it something that can be sustained over time. It also seems to carry much of the gameplay nazi from 4E. In 3.5/Pathfinder I am able to make a character of my liking, an agile fighter can hold his own against a strength fighter now a days and don't get me started on the types of rogue you can build. I get to to decide for myself how the game will be played, and how my class selection will work. Where as with 4E those options where twiddled down to the game telling me how it was supposed to be played. From what I've experienced from 5E it still carries that "you will play this our way" attitude.

This may change in future expansions, but for right now 5E just seems like a kiddy pool in comparison to the vast ocean I am enjoying.

And on a side note Paizo is releasing a new set of rules soon that are designed to streamline a few things,(Pathfinder Unchained (https://paizo.com/products/btpy97vo/discuss?Pathfinder-Roleplaying-Game-Pathfinder-Unchained-Hardcover)) so it looks like their trying to keep up. Only time will tell.