View Full Version : Weapons with a rate of fire greater than 1

October 21st, 2014, 13:30
In Savage Worlds, weapons with a Rate of Fire greater than one are supposed to get only 1 wild die for the shooting roll, no matter how many how many shooting dice are rolled for that attack. How is the best way for this to work in the ruleset? If someone fires off 3 rounds at 3 different targets (3 different shooting rolls), wouldn't the ruleset automatically add the wild die to each roll? We haven't actually run into this in a session yet but I have a feeling it may be coming up once the players (we're all pretty new to playing Savage Worlds) figure out they can do it :)

October 21st, 2014, 13:53
Pick up your shooting die and wild die but don't throw them yet, just hold them up. Then right click to add a number of shooting die equal to the number of rounds you want to shoot. Now you can throw the dice! This will only roll one wild die and a number of shooting die equal to what you selected with the right click and list every "bullet" fired. Enjoy!