October 13th, 2014, 06:49
I've been eagerly checking these pages for anyone running a WFRP game but to no avail. Has the game really fallen from grace that much that noone is playing it? Despite it being IMHO still one of the best RPGs out there?
If my GM skills (and familiarity with GMing via FG) were sufficient I'd have tried to start my own game but even then I wonder how many takers there would even have been.
I mean how many games of D&D/Pathfinder does one need? Not that I'm especially attacking those games mind (each to their own). But are people simply playing it cos it's new and there's lots of available players? Or has everyone really dumped WFRP in favour what I feel are more limited systems? Very sad indeed :(
Anyway just my 10c worth.
If my GM skills (and familiarity with GMing via FG) were sufficient I'd have tried to start my own game but even then I wonder how many takers there would even have been.
I mean how many games of D&D/Pathfinder does one need? Not that I'm especially attacking those games mind (each to their own). But are people simply playing it cos it's new and there's lots of available players? Or has everyone really dumped WFRP in favour what I feel are more limited systems? Very sad indeed :(
Anyway just my 10c worth.