View Full Version : Looking for Savage Worlds game

October 8th, 2014, 00:55
Hello! I just recently picked up Fantasy Grounds and am interested in joining in to learn how to play Savage Worlds using it. I have no experience with VTTs, but I'm eager to learn. My eventual goal, once I become acquainted enough with how Fantasy Grounds works, is to start up my own SW game. I'm leaning towards an ETU game at the moment. If anyone is looking for a potential player, please let me know!

October 8th, 2014, 00:58
Ecaza - you havent checked out https://www.fg-con.com/events then have you!
There are more than a dozen SW events inluding an ETU and a How to GM with Savage Worlds session.
There are also heaps of other sessions - get signed up - even better - bring a friend too!

October 8th, 2014, 01:14
Hello! I just recently picked up Fantasy Grounds and am interested in joining in to learn how to play Savage Worlds using it. I have no experience with VTTs, but I'm eager to learn. My eventual goal, once I become acquainted enough with how Fantasy Grounds works, is to start up my own SW game. I'm leaning towards an ETU game at the moment. If anyone is looking for a potential player, please let me know!


You'll find a wealth of information on the Savage Worlds forums on here. You can also check out my SW overview youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHMlt38iz3k#t=509
I'm also running the ETU game for FG Con: https://www.fg-con.com/events/sxg-a-cauldron-full-of-mischief-sxg/ and the workshop/Q&A: https://www.fg-con.com/events/so-you-want-to-be-a-savage-worlds-gm/

I also run ETU: Degrees of Horror every other Friday at 10:30pm EDT to 12:30am and Savage Worlds open table one-shots on opposite Saturdays 10:30pm to 1:30am through the Society of Extraordinary Gamers.

If these times are not convenient for you SXG has many GMs that run more Savage Worlds games at different times. If you're interested in joining my ETU game send me a pm and check out the links in my signature to learn where you can find more Savage Worlds goodness.

Happy gaming!

P.S. Did you know the ETU pack is now available for purchase through the FG store? https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.xcp?id=S2P10310FG2

October 8th, 2014, 02:29
Thanks for the info! I knew the ETU pack was available and purchased it when I got my FG sub along with the SW ruleset and the Adventure Deck.

I'll definitely have to check out FG Con!

October 10th, 2014, 01:29
Curses! Unfortunately, I have to work that Friday and won't be able to attend the "How To GM SW" session.

October 10th, 2014, 01:33
Watch for the session to be available on youtube later that day.

October 10th, 2014, 02:34
Awesome, I was hoping you'd put it on youtube. I too will be at work during the GM session.

October 10th, 2014, 02:37
we are going to try to record all the GM how to sessions.

October 11th, 2014, 21:21
Thanks and I'll be looking forward to it. I should be available to play on Saturday morning and Sunday evening. I have two tabletop games that weekend, but I will hopefully be able to play at least one or two games.