View Full Version : Question about hosting vs. GMing with Ultimate version

October 4th, 2014, 22:18
Hi all,

Quick question about the Ultimate version of FG. I understand that it allows you to host sessions for other players, regardless of whether they are using the paid or free version of FG. What I'm not 100% clear on, though, is whether or not the person with the Ultimate license needs to be the GM as well. So for example, could I use the Ultimate license to act as the host for my group, but have another member take on the actual GM duties?

The reason I'm a little confused is because there doesn't seem to be complete agreement between the information on various sources. On the actual FG website's page for the ultimate version, here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.xcp?id=SWK03), it says you can host games for registered & unregistered players, and run games as the GM. However, on the steam page for the ultimate version here (https://store.steampowered.com/app/300870/), it says you can host games for other players and GMs. Unless I'm totally misreading this, it would seem to suggest that you can in fact host a session with another player acting as GM.

Can any devs shed some light on this? Or players who can give confirmation one way or the other?


October 16th, 2014, 04:09
I'd also like to know the answer to that question.


October 16th, 2014, 04:12
The person with the Ultimate license *has* to be the GM for the gaming session. They can't "loan" the license to someone else or something similar.

The ultimate license holder can also play games - with the usual restrictions on other players in the session based off the license the GM is using. If the GM is using a full license then only player (lite), GM (full) and ultimate licenses can play in the game - free licenses can only play in a game ran by an ultimate license holder, or as a one-on-one game with a GM who holds a full license (FG converts to demo mode and only one player can connect to the GM, if another tries to connect the free license is booted).

October 16th, 2014, 04:19
The host other player's and GMs just refers to type of licenses, ie an Ultimate license can host someone with a Full License (which is the other license type sold on steam).

October 16th, 2014, 04:36
Ah. Might want to get Steam to clarify that in the description, then, to clear up any confusion.

October 16th, 2014, 09:18
it would be great if the having a Ultimate licence holder present in a game could host games without being the GM, being able to have multiple GM's for a game session would be good as well

October 16th, 2014, 15:08
The opt into the sub plan for a month or two for each GM. Ie when one gm quits he drops the plan, next one picks one back up.

October 16th, 2014, 19:18
In any stable, normal sized group with multiple GMs it is always cheaper for the GMs to get Full (steam) Licenses and the player's lite licenses - even if the GM's buy the lite licenses for the players and give them to them.

Like Nylanfs mentions, the sub plan is also very viable where you have several GM's but not a group of regular players.