View Full Version : Savage Worlds v4 is almost there

October 3rd, 2014, 16:15
As some of you might be aware we are very much ready to push the next major version of Savage Worlds into public play testing. SW4 introduces lots of new features, few changes and it's based on CoreRPG ruleset. Personally I would like to increase/highlight people's awareness of the new SW4 and its feature to gain better play tester base and generally increase how-to-do-it-in-SW-ruleset knowledge. We are aware that documentation is not the strongest point here, but that's because we don't have the tools nor time to do it properly. Personally I don't earn any penny from doing the development but I do it because I see FG+SW as rock-solid solution for virtual tabletop!

Doswelk is doing awesome videos about SW4 which will be the edge of learning how to use the ruleset, but unfortunately all of these videos might not be out there before we start play testing phase, so my question is how could we increase the awareness and awesomeness of next Savage Worlds ruleset? For instance, are people interested in having google hangout session with developers where SW4 features are covered with Q&A? What other ways we could increase the awareness and interest?

October 3rd, 2014, 16:16
PLEASE CHECK THE MOST UPDATED CHANGELOG FROM HERE (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?22583-Savage-Worlds-v4-0-now-in-TEST-get-involved-with-our-testing-!).

Topics of next Savage Worlds ruleset divided into Categories (directly from changelog):

[CoreRPG] SavageWorlds ruleset is build on top of CoreRPG
[Feature] Improved story, image, encounter, item, note, tokenbag, modifier, effects and option preference features

[Feature] Any trait die can be adjusted by +2 to -2 steps with new menu option
[Feature] Weapon damage is updated automatically when attributes change, this can be changed with new option
[Feature] Any attribute (in addition to STR) can be used to defined weapon's damage. Use three first letters of attribute to use them
[Feature] If ?-character is assigned after STR-notation in weapon damage minimum strength requirements are ignored when calculating damage
[Feature] !-character can be assigned after attribute-notation in weapon damage to increase given attribute by one die-type for damage calculation purposes
[Feature] If Charisma is assigned to as modifier to any trait it's modifier will be updated whenever Charisma value changes
[Feature] Raise calculator tool. New preference option is provided to manage it
[Feature] Double-click or middle-mouse click any dervied stat on CT or in NPC sheet to set that number into Raise Calculator
[Feature] Damage string and AP value can be declared for any damage dices by right clicking on it and selecting EDIT -> SETUP (feature especially for Powers)
[Feature] AP value is displayed next to damage dices
Minisheet's attack list could not display more than few attacks
[Bug] When dragging full count of PC inventory item their count get increased. As a fix, hold ALT down instead of CTRL
[Deprecated] Table slashcommands no longer supported, use rollabel tables instead

[Feature] Support for Rollable tables
[Feature] Support for Calendar
[Feature] Support for Parcel sheet
[Feature] Support for Party sheet
[Feature] Armor and Weapons can be created as part of campaign
[Feature] Sub-list buttons in Items list are draggable and can be dropped to hotkeys
[Feature] NPC and Vehicle sheets support space and reach
[Feature] Items can be marked as unidentified/identified for players. New preference option is provided to manage this
[Feature] Vehicle sheet support drag-and-droppable weapons
[Feature] Vehicle sheet's weapon details can be displayed by clicking the link icon on right side of the weapon
[Feature] Weapon sheet has own field for Armor Piercing

[Feature] Show bennies on PC portraits. New preference option is provided to change visibility
[Feature] Show power points on PC portraits. New preference option is provided to change visibility
[Feature] Show wounds and shaken/incapacitated status on PC portraits. New preference option is provided to change visibility
[Feature] Show parry and toughness on PC portraits. New preference option is provided to change visibility
[Feature] Race links can be dragged and dropped into character sheet's race field
[Feature] Details can be added to skills, edge, hindrance, power and allies created in character sheet
[Feature] Minimum strength penalties for ranged weapons are included automatically into weapons when updating weapon damage
[Feature] New way to define derived stat values: Modifiers can be assigned for derived stats (right click -> modifiers, or double-click) and derived stats are updated automatically. This can be changed with new option
[Feature] Ally's token is displayed next to name in ally list
[Feature] Weapon details can be changed for sub-attacks
[Feature] Support for Skill Specialization setting rule. New preference option added to manage this. When enabled, specializations can be added to skills
[Feature] Support for No Power Points setting rule. New preference option added to manage this. When enabled, power points are not displayed
[Feature] Support for Joker's Wild setting rule. New preference option added to manage this
[Feature] Power Points are only visible if character has selected Arcane Background
[Feature] Items, Armors, Weapons and Vehicles can be dragged and dropped on PC Portrait to give item to character. Host must hold ALT down to perform this
[Feature] NPCs can be dragged and dropped on PC Portrait to assign ally to character. Host must hold ALT down to perform this
[Feature] Coins can be recorded to PC sheet as currency
[Feature] Armor stat is displayed next to Toughness in PC sheet/minisheet. New preference option is provided to manage it

[Feature] Embedded field for inputing mood is displayed below chat-entry. This can be changed with new option
[Feature] Language and mood selections are identity-based
[Feature] Friend-or-foe icons are used for NPC when they speak in chat. This can be changed with new option

[Feature] Support for dragging and dropping Items, Armors, Weapons and Vehicles from Party Sheet into PC and Ally sheet
[Feature] Support for dragging and dropping Items, Armors, Weapons and Vehicles from PC and Ally sheet into Party Sheet
[Feature] Party allies section in Party Sheet can be used to store and share common NPC allies who are not with PCs at the moment

[Feature] Ally's name changes in CT when updated in character sheet
[Feature] Only Wild Card NPCs see their bennies in CT
[Feature] Active combatant is highlighted in CT. Highlighing background color depends on combatant's friend-foe status
[Feature] Active NPC combatant's attack & damage lines and effects are automatically expanded/shown
[Feature] Active combatant's targets are highlighted in CT with bluish background color. This replaces previous PC portrait next to targeted combatant
[Feature] Targeted combatant's defense and effects are automatically expanded/shown
[Feature] Map targeting tools are synched with CT. For instance group targeting, targeting all friends or enemies or clearning all targetings
[Feature] Option to decide when effect's duration is processed. Default value is "caster's turn" as per SW rules, another option is "target's turn"e
[Feature] Effect with duration of zero doesn't expire, but can be manually deleted
[Feature] Effects can be toggled to be maintainable. Maintainable effects will notify when they are about to expire
[Feature] In addition to dropping effects into CT effects list they can be dropped on CT entry's name or on toggle-effects icon to apply them
[Feature] Effects can be dragged from CT entries and dropped to another entry to replicate entry. This is useful when casting power on several targets
[Feature] Maintainable effects display plus icon which can be clicked to increase duration by one
[Feature] When effect's caster is removed from CT, all his effects are removed from other combatants as well
[Feature] When double clicking token in CT entry, map is opened and centered to that token
[Feature] When holding CTRL down and clicking token in CT entry, that token becomes targeted by active combatant
[Feature] Active combatant can quickly target opponents by just holding CTRL down and clicking targets
[Feature] When double clicking token on map, the corresponding sheet is opened
[Feature] At the end of round, notify if any combatant is still on hold
[Feature] To quickly duplicate NPC in CT, hold ALT down and click its group box
[Feature] To quickly delete whole CT group hold ALT down and remove one entry
[Feature] CT entries can be moved to or away from groups by dragging from their link icon. To duplicate CT entry, hold ALT down and drag-and-drop from link
[Feature] Combatant's Shaken and Incapaciated statuses are highlighted in chat when it's his/her turn
[Feature] Wild Card NPCs get their bennies automatially when added to CT
[Feature] Show effects on minitracker. This can be changed with new option
[Feature] Minitracker shows "On Hold" button when it's player's or his ally's turn. The button can be used to go On Hold and give turn to next combatant
[Feature] On hold player can interrupt by double-clicking On Hold card. This will send nofitication to chat and remove On Hold status
[Feature] On Hold status is indicated better by different action card. If combatant is On Hold the whole turn, s/he will be on top the next turn
[Feature] When player clicks "End Turn" button the turn switches to next combatant automatically
[Feature] New CT menu option: Clear all targets
[Feature] CT activates active combatant's identity
[Feature] Vehicles can be dragged and dropped into CT for initiative and targeting purposes. In addition vehicle's weapon damages can be rolled from CT
[Feature] Targeting lines on map are displayed for active combatant
[Feature] Combatant's space & reach is taken account when applying combat encounter
[Feature] Auto-apply Joker bonus to trait and damage rolls. New preference option is provided to manage it

[Feature] Action Cards can be dragged from card deck tool and from hand and dropped to PC portrait, chat, card hand, combat tracker or to chase tracker
[Feature] Action Cards can be removed individually from card hand with right click menu

[Experimental] Hit and damage detection. Drop any trait or damage dices on tokens on map or target tokens and hold CTRL down while making the roll to target it against given opponents

[Feature] GM bennies can be setup with new right click menu option in tools

October 3rd, 2014, 22:27
Ikael - I would certainly like to help by updating the supplement to version 4. If you do anything with Google hangouts, I will try to join if our timezones overlap. If V4 is coming out in the next few weeks, I'll just wait for that. I've never run both a dev version and a play version.

I do have a question about 3.4 you might be able to answer. There are two boxes in the upper right hand corner of the character frame in the chacter selection window. I know that the one in the far right is for bennies, but what is the one to the left for?

October 4th, 2014, 01:18
Ikael -I do have a question about 3.4 you might be able to answer. There are two boxes in the upper right hand corner of the character frame in the chacter selection window. I know that the one in the far right is for bennies, but what is the one to the left for?

The adventure deck cards.

October 4th, 2014, 02:33
Went through our first session using SWv4. It went smooth. I imported the pc's from our usual campaign. The edges and Hindrances links had to be reapplied from the modules but other than that no problems.

October 5th, 2014, 11:28
With ETU library extension adapter on I get this console error when toggling on/off the Options ---> Chat: Show GM dice rolls: Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/table_main.lua"]:58: attempt to index global 'hiderollresults' (a nil value)
When the extension is disabled the console error goes away.

October 5th, 2014, 16:53
With ETU library extension adapter on I get this console error when toggling on/off the Options ---> Chat: Show GM dice rolls: Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/table_main.lua"]:58: attempt to index global 'hiderollresults' (a nil value)
When the extension is disabled the console error goes away.

I was able to reproduce this, but even thou it occurs in SavageWorlds v4.0 ruleset it is not related to this project directly. Primarily this bug should be reported to ETU extension developer but it's good that this issue was shared here as well for general know-it base

October 5th, 2014, 17:05
Went through our first session using SWv4. It went smooth. I imported the pc's from our usual campaign. The edges and Hindrances links had to be reapplied from the modules but other than that no problems.

This is not Savage Worlds v4 related bug either. The cause of this is because edges and hindrances were created with use of Enhanced Library extension, but their content was not moved to the campaign where they were required. Originally these characters were created within campaign where you used Enhanced Library to create custom edges and hindrances. The reference between edges and hindrances was broken because character export does not export library content, just character details. To avoid this issue the Enhanced Library should be initially used to create module and content of it should be exported. After that you should have assigned edges and hindrances from exported module to character so the reference it accessable outsiude the campaign even if you export characters (but the module should be enabled in next campaign as well)

October 11th, 2014, 04:27
When flipping through the right hand side tabs of Personality sheets a small grey rectangle appears between the two tabs.

Savage Worlds Deluxe version 4.0.0 (Build 6)
SW NPC Maker version 0.8 (Build 6)
Adventure Deck version 1.4.0 (Build 1)
SW Enhanced Adventure Deck version 0.3 (Build 2)
SW Enhanced Desktop version 1.4 (Build 2)
SW Enhanced Library version 1.4 (Build 3)

October 13th, 2014, 17:35
My group will be making the conversion to SW once our current campaign concludes.

In the meantime some of us have been starting to use the rules to get more familiar with them. Would love to help out with SW4 testing so we are ready for it.

The changes/upgrades are all awesome and going to make SW the premier rule set for FG that others will be chasing to catch up with.

Appreciate all the work and effort that went into your "labor of love"!!!!

Tel Arin
November 13th, 2014, 23:32

How can I get the SW v4 ruleset?. I put my Fantasy Grounds in DEV mode , and I no see any changes. I want to run a superheroes campaign and n(at the same time) i want to playtest the ruleset.

Thanks in advance.

November 14th, 2014, 00:57
Dev mode, update and then when you create a new campaign you have to choose SavageWorlds instead of SavageWorlds3 as the ruleset. Or you can start an existing campaign and the client will ask you if you want to upgrade your existing campaign.

Tel Arin
November 14th, 2014, 21:40
Dev mode, update and then when you create a new campaign you have to choose SavageWorlds instead of SavageWorlds3 as the ruleset. Or you can start an existing campaign and the client will ask you if you want to upgrade your existing campaign.

Hi Mask_of_winter !

Nothing happens, I mean:

I put the FG in dev mode, but nothing happens. I dont see any update o download related to the SW ruleset.

After that, I only see the 3.4 savage world ruleset when I load o create a sesion.

No options for a SavageWorlds (SW 4) instead of SavageWorlds3 as the ruleset.




November 14th, 2014, 21:55
Hi Mask_of_winter !

Nothing happens, I mean:

I put the FG in dev mode, but nothing happens. I dont see any update o download related to the SW ruleset.

After that, I only see the 3.4 savage world ruleset when I load o create a sesion.

No options for a SavageWorlds (SW 4) instead of SavageWorlds3 as the ruleset.
It looks like you don't have the SavageWorlds rulsets purchase associated with your FG website login. Send an email to [email protected] explaining how you purchased the SW ruleset and which FG website account you want the purchase associating with.

Tel Arin
November 14th, 2014, 22:33
Thanks, I sent an email!

EDIT. Ok, The problem has been solved thanks to the support.

November 15th, 2014, 15:14
Will the Sci-fi extension get an upgrade for v4? I'm using the extension in v4 right now and it looks like it still needs a lot of work.

November 16th, 2014, 15:42
Will the Sci-fi extension get an upgrade for v4? I'm using the extension in v4 right now and it looks like it still needs a lot of work.

Checked the latest codes and seems like Sci-fi theme has not been updated for version 4.0 yet. Fantasy theme also seems to have need for update.

December 15th, 2014, 02:11
Whenever anyone tries to use a benny when using Deadlands mod in Savage Worlds v4 I get a Console popup with the following error...

Script Error: [string "desktop/scripts/drophandler_fatechip.lua"]:19: findNode: Invalid parameter 1

and on the Chat window I get something like...


December 17th, 2014, 21:18
Fixed in latest release

December 18th, 2014, 15:58
Yep. As of last night's update the Fate Chips are working. Thanks!

January 4th, 2015, 19:22
Very much off-topic, but just noticed that today one year has passed since the very first discussion (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20162-SavageWorlds4-is-it-going-to-ever-happen) about next major SavageWorlds (ie. SW4) release was started. The year has been good and we are very near to release it.

January 4th, 2015, 21:10
I am getting this error on ALL of my campaigns when I try to roll anything with anyone...very frustrating.
Script Error: [string "desktop/scripts/modifierstack.lua"]:353: attempt to index field 'targeting_toggle' (a nil value)

January 4th, 2015, 21:14
I am getting this error on ALL of my campaigns when I try to roll anything with anyone...very frustrating.
Script Error: [string "desktop/scripts/modifierstack.lua"]:353: attempt to index field 'targeting_toggle' (a nil value)

I would need you to type /version to your fantasy grounds and paste its results to here to know more about your issue. However this bug was dealt some time ago already, and latest files contains fix for it. I would recommend updating your ruleset and extensions but first copy-paste /version results here to so I can know more, thanks!

January 4th, 2015, 21:25
Ive tried savageworlds3 and savageworlds (test version) and updated.
Version 3.0.10
still getting error.

January 4th, 2015, 21:42
I would need you to type /version to your fantasy grounds and paste its results to here to know more about your issue. However this bug was dealt some time ago already, and latest files contains fix for it. I would recommend updating your ruleset and extensions but first copy-paste /version results here to so I can know more, thanks!

Ive tried savageworlds3 and savageworlds (test version) and updated.
Version 3.0.10
still getting error.

January 4th, 2015, 21:42
Ive tried savageworlds3 and savageworlds (test version) and updated.
Version 3.0.10
still getting error.

I need to know exact version and extensions you are using, please use /version command in FG while using the ruleset and exts.

January 4th, 2015, 21:53
I need to know exact version and extensions you are using, please use /version command in FG while using the ruleset and exts.

Savage Worlds Deluxe version 4.0.0 (Build 12)
Fantasy Companion Extension version 1.0 (Build 1)
SW Enhanced Desktop version 1.4 (Build 5)
SW Enhanced Effects version 0.5 (Build 3)
SW Enhanced Libraryt version 1.4 (Build 6)

January 4th, 2015, 22:05
Savage Worlds Deluxe version 4.0.0 (Build 12)
Fantasy Companion Extension version 1.0 (Build 1)
SW Enhanced Desktop version 1.4 (Build 5)
SW Enhanced Effects version 0.5 (Build 3)
SW Enhanced Libraryt version 1.4 (Build 6)

Thanks, you are using out-dated Enhanced Effects extension. Get latest from here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?19202-Savage-Worlds-Enhancement-Extensions&p=193116&viewfull=1#post193116).