View Full Version : Table & Party Sheet Help

Hecklerus Prime
October 3rd, 2014, 00:33
Hey all. Stepped away from gaming for about a year and now I'm back running a game in FG. Lots of changes since I've been gone. Right away, almost everything seems to be an improvement. We run mostly 3.5e, which seems to be getting less and less popular every day :( but still nice to see changes being made. Got a few things we can't seem to get working right. Here goes.

I made several tables that calculated the number of random encounters over an 8 hour period based on the statistical Combination formula. I made three, one each for a 12%/hour, 6%/hour, and 3%/hour. I then sent the results of that table to another table that determined the type of encounter (threatening vs. non-threatening) and finally onto the encounter event table. Pretty complex, I suppose. Anyway, in the past they would make multiple rolls automatically and cascade down through the tables. This doesn't seem to work anymore.

Example: On one table there was a 1% chance of four encounters. The table result was "Four Encounters [Encounter Type] [Encounter Type] [Encounter Type] [Encounter Type]" and each [Encounter Type] would roll once on the Encounter Type table. This no longer seems to work. If a table is referenced at all there can be no other words/references/letters in that entry.
Problem repeats where one of my magic fumble tables calls for "Roll on [Magic Critical] chart" and it will no longer call the Magic Critical table.

Exported tables attached, so you can see what I mean.

The party sheet was one of my most favorite tools. I recall that I could drop one item on the inventory tab and export that one item to multiple characters. I cannot seem to get this to work anymore. Best I can do is add multiple copies of that one item and assign one character each. Gets tedious when each character finds a longsword or something.

On a side note, if I add an item with multiple quantities all quantities will not send to the character, only one. For example, say I add a line for a pint of oil and set the number to ten. I then assign the character that just scored 10 pints of oil and hit Distribute. Only one pint gets sent instead of all ten. Bummer.

Moon Wizard
October 3rd, 2014, 02:51
Tables now support links directly. Just drop a table record link on a cell to trigger a cascading roll.

On items, multi-distribution not built yet. Even the drag between (add to char / remove from party), is new. You can drag into portraits at top of screen.


October 3rd, 2014, 03:52
You might see something in this thread that answers your Table question: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?22148-Roll-on-Table-receive-an-image

Hecklerus Prime
October 17th, 2014, 01:13
Thanks for the tip, Moon. My only issue is that it will not allow multiple rolls or let me link the same table multiple times. For example, on the random encounter chart it is possible to have one, two, thee, or four encounters in one day. If the result is more than one encounter I cannot seem to get it to roll on the next table multiple times. Once, yes. Multiple times, no. Is there a way I can achieve this? If not, what are the chances that the old code could be reinserted in the next edition so that it will remain functional? It's a shame to have lost that reverse compatibility, especially given that I have several dozen tables that use this type of multi-reference cascade.

October 17th, 2014, 01:18
You can get it to roll twice by dragging a link to the other table to an entry and then putting the "[second table name]" in the descriptive text area. Anything more than 2 is not currently supported, although I'll leave it to Moon to respond about whether or not that could be a future feature or provide some code that can be used in a custom extension.

October 17th, 2014, 05:17
The table result was "Four Encounters [Encounter Type] [Encounter Type] [Encounter Type] [Encounter Type]" and each [Encounter Type] would roll once on the Encounter Type table. This no longer seems to work.

Make four columns in the table. Put "[Encounter Type]" (a bracket link to whatever table) in each column. It will roll all four tables. OR You can drag and drop the link square from each table into each column.

EDIT: As a side note, even though you have four columns in the table, not every row has to use all the columns. Empty columns will be ignored.

Hecklerus Prime
October 20th, 2014, 02:07
Oh my God. You just invented the coolest thing since yodeling, dude! It'll take a while to update all of my tables, but at least they'll still work. Major thanks, Nickademus. ddavison, yours was a close second. These forums are amazing!

October 20th, 2014, 06:29
No problem. I still have yet to go through and fix all my tables, but it's good to know the functionality is still there.