View Full Version : Returning player seeking 5th ed. D&D group, campaign (new to FG)

September 29th, 2014, 01:52
Just signed up on Fantasy Grounds today. First look at online play of this type.

I am looking for a 5th edition D&D playing group/campaign. Background: started playing D&D just before AD&D PHB came out. Played 1978-1989 before drifting away. 5th edition has me interested in the game again.

I am Central USA timezone (GMT-6). Hoping to find ongoing campaign I can slide into. I'm looking to knock the rust off my roleplaying skills.

Please message if interested. Thanks.

September 29th, 2014, 08:15
Welcome to Fantasy Grounds
Any thoughts on times you are available?
Ransolot is looking to start a campaign Sunday Mornings (would be 10 to 1) your time zone. (text only) - check his post.
I can check with our DM we may need another player it's Tuesday evenings 7 to 11 pm your time zone. (uses Skype for voice)

Other than that, keep looking, things open up periodically.

September 30th, 2014, 00:08
Thank you most kindly, Emerald_wind.

I am available weeknights (except Thursdays) after 6 pm Central USA time, and all day/evening on Sundays. Saturdays are taken.

I will give Ransolot a shout.

[Edit] I'd love to discuss with you and your DM what kind of fit I might be in his campaign world and your playing group.