View Full Version : D&D 3.5 The Crystal of Life (Home made) (Looking for players) (New Gm)

September 28th, 2014, 19:02

I am looking for 3-5 people preferably located in europe.
We play sundays 20:00 - 23:00 GMT +1 (Copenhagen)
I have an Ultimate license so even people who hasent bought the software can join

The Campaign is of my own design. I am a fairly new GM especially with using Fantasy Grounds.

Its a rather basic campaign that will slowly get more and more advanced as we get through the story.

Game Calender page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=1279

It would be preffered if you would have something like skype for the sessions since i personally prefer
conversing with people with spoken words and i find it easier to over see.

X-baby longshot
October 25th, 2014, 12:38
what are you using for character creation?

October 25th, 2014, 16:01
ya know i feel like i should support a fellow dane and i really want to but sadly that is doing an time where i cannot play sorry mate would have loved to join otherwise

October 25th, 2014, 22:04
well i generally use the 3.5 rule set, you can make your char yourself and then send it for approval to me or you can send me a descrbtion of what you want to play and ill make it for you. We can also sit down and talk while i make your charecter to make sure everything is as you would like.

X-baby longshot
October 25th, 2014, 23:09
I'm an old 3.5 player, have played more Pathfinder and 4.0 in recent years, haven't played 3.5 in over 6 years. But i loved 3.5 and own most of the library, that said I am wondering how much material from 3.5 you have access to and how much your going to allow players to pull from to make characters. what rules your using to role stats and what not. I have never used FG before so the online tabletop will be new to me. only other question is when do we start?

October 26th, 2014, 00:10
I'm an old 3.5 player, have played more Pathfinder and 4.0 in recent years, haven't played 3.5 in over 6 years. But i loved 3.5 and own most of the library, that said I am wondering how much material from 3.5 you have access to and how much your going to allow players to pull from to make characters. what rules your using to role stats and what not. I have never used FG before so the online tabletop will be new to me. only other question is when do we start?

Well you can be all the classes and the races from the standard players handbook in 3.5. Personally i have acess to 137 3.5 books. I will allow some speciel Races like Drows, Minotaurs and full Orcs, maybe some Kenku(crow/humanoid) or some Yuan-ti (Snake/humanoid). Class wise i prefer the classic classes since they are easy to get a reasonable understanding of. Stat wise i personally prefer just doing the standard roll for each and then do some swapping to get the maybe 1 or 2 good rolls in my primarily used stats. If you want a full list of Races and Classes i will allow i can quickly create one.

I have tried in some instances using the v 4 charecter editor to create charecters and then transfer them over to 3.5 but i found out that is pretty hard, time expensive and just a pain.

https://dnd3rd.sourceforge.net/ i have used this site a couple times for when i myself was a player to make a suggestion on how my charecter should look for my gm. Thats a possibility to do that if you want.

X-baby longshot
October 26th, 2014, 20:00
ok when do we start?

October 26th, 2014, 20:17
well if everyone can and charecters have been made next sunday