View Full Version : Player Character Movement

September 12th, 2014, 03:15
So, I am testing out FG with me as a GM and a couple of clients connected. I guess we are missing something or have a setting wrong because we can't seem to do combat the way it seems like it should work. I, as the GM, have to move and change facing for all players and NPCs. I don't think this is right, but maybe we are missing something.


September 12th, 2014, 03:56
If you lock the tokens via the right-click menu on the map, then the players can drag and drop their tokens along a set of waypoints and you can right-click to approve the movement or simply move the figures any way you want as the GM. If you prefer a more free-form movement style, then unlock the player tokens on the map. Does that make sense?

Also, drag the PC portraits to the combat tracker first and then to the map. The same applies to NPCs. Get them into the combat tracker first and then to the map to enable most of the features linked with the combat tracker.

September 12th, 2014, 04:12
Thanks. Is there a way to set it so that a given player can control only his/her token and not others?


September 12th, 2014, 04:29
Is there a way to set it so that a given player can control only his/her token and not others?
Player can move any tokens linked to friendly characters - those marked on the combat tracker as friendly by the GM (the green smiling face). So, no, you can't restrict it to just the owner of the PC token moving that token.

September 12th, 2014, 04:35

We noted during testing tonight that while the players could not move their characters, we did see a nice pointer that showed up so we could track movement distances. Is there a way to turn that on when they can actually move their characters? Another nice thing would be if we decide to play with characters locked, that the players could at least control their facing.

How do other DMs here play? Tokens locked or unlocked?


September 12th, 2014, 04:51
oops, double post

September 12th, 2014, 05:26
I think they can control their facing - but only on their turn. They cant turn to face that flanking opponent until it is their turn.
I prefer to play unlocked - sometimes I have to lock it if a player is too excited but otherwise I just leave them unlocked.

Locking tokens and locking scale are very different things too. Locking scale is very good to do - it will cause your tokens to stay in relative sizes.

September 12th, 2014, 09:41
The distance calculation arrow is tied to locked token movement. However, you can always draw a separate arrow pointer that shows (straight-line) distance.

You can rotate tokens with the mouse wheel when your pointer is hovering over the token.

Personally, I lock token movement during combat and leave it unlocked the rest of the time.

September 12th, 2014, 15:43
As facing isn't a factor in Pathfinder I usually have the facing turned off when playing PF. It is very important in Champions but then I prefer to control the facing as the GM because they can only change their facing on their turn. I generally run with tokens 'unlocked' when movement distances do not matter or when the PCs are 'exploring' and there really isn't anything for them to stumble over... once they find something I move the tokens back a step, lock the tokens and combat begins... or the trap is set off.. or whatever. The GM can use the 'locked' movement distance measurements by clicking control when they drag a token when in locked mode.. this lets them measure and plan movements for the bad guys as well.