View Full Version : Yggdrasill: Offerings to the Great Winter

September 10th, 2014, 13:03
Looking for players for a Friday evening game of Yggdrasill (8pm to 11pm UK time). I'm looking at running the full Offerings to the Great Winter adventure as an introduction to the game. Possibly looking at running a further adventure following that if players wish. I would estimate that the Offerings to the Great Winter adventure will take 4 to 6 sessions.
Note: I'll be running a cut-down version of this scenario as a one-shot for FGCon. The first session will cover the same ground as the FGCon session is intended to.

Scenario: The runes have spoken, and through them, the gods. But their words remain obscure. The characters are dispatched to find answers, to the western coasts of Norway to consult a powerful sorceress. The way is dangerous, a gauntlet they must run to reach their goal.

Pre-generated Characters are available. I'll be using the Text Chat within Fantasy Grounds.
6 player slots available.
1) Sigurd Ivarsson – Hirdman (warrior)
2) Hild Thorbjornsdottir – Volva (seer of the Gods)
3) Thorgrim Olavsson – Beserker (warrior of Odin)
4) Klemet Gandalvsson – Thulr (nature seer)
5) Yngwe Gilsursson – Skald (bard)
6) Jorun Hrolfsdottir – Noble

Alias: infirm ogre cold bard

Calendar entry: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=1267

September 13th, 2014, 08:37
I would be up for a bit of this-I am going to do a BRP:Ice Ages scenario for FG Con

September 13th, 2014, 08:39
Or rather-I was-I'll probably do an alternative genre but with BRP to avoid a clash

September 13th, 2014, 09:44
get her posted up so we can promote it!
tell all your friends and past players too :)

September 13th, 2014, 14:23
I'm interested Valarian. I'm currently trying to find some information about the game, but let's be honest, I'm gonna buy it because I'm too curious.

So YOLO. Count me in !

September 13th, 2014, 14:45
:) Don't need to buy the game to join in. I'll be going through the game mechanics as we get to them.
Basically, you have attributes tgat control the number of d10 rolled. You pick the best 2, but a 10 rolled leads to another die rolled. Add to this the skill number to beat s target number, usually 14.

September 13th, 2014, 15:19
It's too late now, I'm already reading the PDF. I'll make some kind of mystic !

September 14th, 2014, 09:10
So:when I said Ice Ages I meant Mythic Iceland-although ...sorry-too early and no coffee.

September 14th, 2014, 10:01
It's too late now, I'm already reading the PDF. I'll make some kind of mystic !
The Thulr is the best template to look at for a mystic type. The Thulr is seer, healer and presides over funerals. The example in the book is Klemet Gandalvsson. If you are familiar with the History Channel's Vikings series, Floki and the old man (seer) would be examples of Thulr type characters.

September 14th, 2014, 10:29
The pre-generated characters work well for the adventures in the books. For other characters, they would either replace the pre-generated characters in that role or we may start going down other lines of adventure.

The characters will start in the village of Rohald as followers of Hrolf Knudson, the Jarl of Rohald. Rohald is on the western side of the isle of Fyn, exposed to raids by Jutish pirates. As a result, the population is made up of hard men, quick to take up weapons. The jarl of Rohald is a descendant of Kjari, a local hero whose saga is engraved on a large runic pillar, close to a sacred grove. The community is known for their loyalty to clan Kjari, and has ties of blood, dating back many generations, to the lord of Odense.

September 14th, 2014, 12:49
Wow I went to Odense, Dannemark before, it feels so mythic all of a sudden. :P They pronounce it Oun-ce ! Yes yes !

My plan was to take one of the pre-gen and modify it a bit, to my taste, so that the character still has an obvious place -perhaps the same he had before- in the game. I'll make you a proposition and if that does not work to both our tastes, I'll stick with the original pre-gen.

September 16th, 2014, 20:23
There are still 2 player slots left if anyone wishes to join in for some Viking/Norse adventure in the age of myths and heroes. Starting this Friday (19th Sept) with some game system introduction and leading in to the first adventure.

September 24th, 2014, 22:05
Today I've read something about norse culture that surprised me: Some historians think that there were actually many woman fighters among vikings, and we just took for granted that they were mans before because there was weapons with the skeletons.

Here is a link to an english version of the article : https://content.usatoday.com/communities/sciencefair/post/2011/07/invasion-of-the-viking-women-unearthed/1#.VCMitfl5MxI

(I've read the french original, wich has a bit of different information)

September 24th, 2014, 22:07
hmmm there are at least a dozen articles suggesting that this is a clear misinterpretation of the studies findings...

September 25th, 2014, 06:46
Women are thought to have fought, but not the normal situation. Defending homesteads, when on settling voyages, and the like. I think possibly things can be summed up by Eowyn's line in The Two Towers: "The women of this country learned long ago, those without swords can still die upon them".

Danish and Saxon culture was a lot more egalitarian than they are usually given credit for. Seen through Roman and Greek cultural eyes, woman were given an inordinate amount of power and freedom. They could inherit in their own right for a start.