View Full Version : FG Con 5 : A Cauldron Full of Mischief

September 1st, 2014, 12:36
ETU: A Cauldron Full of Mischief
Come experience the new and upcoming ETU material on Fantasy Grounds for https://www.fg-con.com/ for free on Friday October 17th at 10pm EDT (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ETU%3A+A+Cauldron+Full+of+Misch ief&iso=20141017T22&p1=814&ah=3).
FGCON is an online (virtual) convention lasting three days, free for GM's and players with people from all over the world!
In addition to this game, there are seven more Savage Worlds games including Savage Firefly, Ghostbusters, Weird War II/Achtung! Cthulhu, Hell on Earth, Red Sands of Mars and with more to come.
And if you can't wait that long, we're about to start Degrees of Horror this coming Friday. There are already five players signed up but we have room for more. If you would like more information concerning any of this you know where to find me ;)73697370