View Full Version : Conditional effects

August 27th, 2014, 17:39
I'm trying to implement some common NPC abilities and I think that conditional effects are the way to do this, but I'm having trouble finding any examples for them (including in the demo 4E campaign) so I'm feeling very uncertain about syntax.

The effects I'm trying to implement are:

When the target is marked, you have CA on the target
When you have CA on the target, +1d6 to your damage

I'm thinking that an effect like [IFT:MARKED][CA] would handle the first condition, and [IF:CA][1d6 DMG] for the second. But again, I'm not sure I'm writing these correctly but hopefully that gets across what I'm going for. This appears to be something the rule language parser doesn't handle on its own, and is the kind of bookkeeping I often forget in combat so I'm hoping that FG can do the remembering for me.

Could anyone point me to some examples of conditional effects so I can get a sense of how to implement them?

August 27th, 2014, 18:21
There isn't much documentation around for conditional effects. This thread for 3.5e has a few examples of the syntax and some discussions so it might help get you started: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20505-Alignment-Condition-extension

I can't seem to be able to apply the condition CA as part of a conditional IFT check for marked. It seems to work with IF: marked; CA but not IFT: marked; CA

You might have to use: IFT: marked; ATK:2; DMG:1d6

August 27th, 2014, 18:46
I think that should get me up and running, I'll test it tonight. Faking combat advantage via attack/damage modifier isn't a problem, as this is mostly the only way these kinds of NPCs get CA. I was stuck on literally the syntax of it, so did not know that they should be written as:

IFT: marked; ATK:2; DMG:1d6

Rather than


If I find this works we'll I'll try and update the wiki page to clarify and add examples.