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August 27th, 2014, 14:44
Xorne's 5E @ FG YouTube Playlist (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLePiBJtKmjLn5IzhpakEcVqAHoYfezZbe)

Current Videos in Playlist:

Player Quickstart - Getting started as a player new to Fantasy Grounds with joining a game, building your character sheet, using the player tools, and some effects examples.
Behind the DM Screen - Guide for new FG DMs on hosting a game, creating and manipulating campaign data, and in-depth review of the Combat Tracker, Map Tools, and Party Sheet.
Adventure Building - Guide for new DMs on how to create Adventure Modules by exporting an existing campaign, and best-practices.

PAR5E Tutorial - Video tutorial showing how to parse the various Library Module sections you can create using the PAR5E utility.
PAR5E: Adventure Modules - Video tutorial showing the few extra steps to making Adventure Modules with the PAR5E utility.

EDIT - Updated list to reflect my 5E @ FG YouTube Playlist

August 27th, 2014, 16:06
I love it - you open with - "this is going to be my brief as possible..." :)
Nice job.
Man it would be great for everyone if the Wizards would allow Fantasy Grounds to sell/distribute their content!

August 27th, 2014, 18:55
Thanks Xorn. Excellent video. You made me chuckle some at a few points :)

All - If you can't bring yourself to read the PAR5E documentation, make sure to at the very least checkout this awesome tutorial video from Xorn. It covers pretty much everything you will need to get going with PAR5E.

And to spare you the misery of manual line break removal Xorn (and all), here's an alternative regular expression one-liner for Find/Replace (just make sure Regular Expressions is checked):

Find: ([^\.])((\r\n|\r|\n)\s*)
Replace: $1 followed by a space character

Hit Replace All and you should have nicely formatted reference text paragraphs. This might merge the title lines in with the first line of the following paragraph, but thats quicker to fix given you have to add markup to these lines anyway. :)

August 27th, 2014, 21:52
I've just finished re-recording it all, I broke it up into 11 sections this time so I can edit a little easier, and I'm adding callouts and transitions. It will also be 720p and use zoom-n-pan as needed. I'm excited; this one should be much more polished.

Alzarian Crimson
August 27th, 2014, 22:24
Xorn: Wow, this is really great. Thank you so much! One thing - I noticed that you had a module entitled Player's Handbook and one for the Dragon Queen adventure. Where did you get this source material? I'm assuming its not the whole PHB but just the basic rules posted on WotC's website?

August 27th, 2014, 23:10
Both are the whole thing. I own both books and I've read them cover to cover, as well as parsed them cover to cover. I used NAPS2 to scan them at 300 dpi, then PDFXChange has a built in OCR that works pretty decently. End result: Parsed books.

I've got Lost Mine of Phandelver parsed, too.

August 28th, 2014, 02:16
Updated the video.

Hmmm. Can a moderator change the name of the thread to remove the (Rough Cut) part?

August 28th, 2014, 03:41
Just noticed I rendered the revised tutorial without including the skills.txt parse. Re-rendering it now.

August 28th, 2014, 05:33
Can a moderator change the name of the thread to remove the (Rough Cut) part?

August 28th, 2014, 06:32
Thanks Xorn. Excellent video. You made me chuckle some at a few points :)

All - If you can't bring yourself to read the PAR5E documentation, make sure to at the very least checkout this awesome tutorial video from Xorn. It covers pretty much everything you will need to get going with PAR5E.

And to spare you the misery of manual line break removal Xorn (and all), here's an alternative regular expression one-liner for Find/Replace (just make sure Regular Expressions is checked):

Find: ([^\.])((\r\n|\r|\n)\s*)
Replace: $1 followed by a space character

Hit Replace All and you should have nicely formatted reference text paragraphs. This might merge the title lines in with the first line of the following paragraph, but thats quicker to fix given you have to add markup to these lines anyway. :)

I tried this... pretty slick all in all. I tried it on the Acolyte background, and it did... pretty good. I still had to add enough line breaks back in that it wasn't any faster than using my AHK macros, but still, very nice.

To understand that, is it looking for line breaks that aren't preceded by a period and removing them? I initially was using find " \r\n" and replacing with " ", which was getting similar results to what you posted (but not quite as good).

Then I got AHK set up to where I just need to highlight from the first line to the last night (not necessarily at the first or last character) and push Numpad0. I'm so fast at it now, plus I can toggle between 10 different macros on the fly.

August 28th, 2014, 10:08
Thanks Xorn, great videos, don't suppose you could copy the macro's you use for this in a .txt file for those that want to use AHK could you?


August 28th, 2014, 12:03

Numpad 0: Clear clipboard, copy selected text, wait for clipboard, replace all linebreaks with spaces in clipboard, paste clipboard.
Numpad.: Type ##; (I use this one a lot when doing adventures.)
Numpad 1: Clear clipboard, copy selected text, wait for clipboard, delete all spaces from clipboard, paste clipboard.
Numpad 2: Clear clipboard, copy selected text, wait for clipboard, replace all spaces with semicolons in clipboard, paste clipboard.
Numpad 3: Clear clipboard, copy selected text, wait for clipboard, add a semicolon at the end of every linebreak in clipboard, paste clipboard.
Numpad 4: Clear clipboard, copy selected text, wait for clipboard, prepend "#bs;" to clipboard, and after every linebreak, paste clipboard.
Numpad 5: Clear clipboard, copy selected text, wait for clipboard, prepend/append "<b>" and "</b>", paste clipboard.
Numpad 6: Clear clipboard, copy selected text, wait for clipboard, prepend/append "<i>" and "</i>", paste clipboard.
Numpad 7: Clear clipboard, copy selected text, wait for clipboard, prepend/append "#ls;" and "#le;" and insert "#li;" after every linebreak, paste clipboard.
Numpad 8: Clear clipboard, copy selected text, wait for clipboard, prepend/append "#ts;" and ";\r\n#te;" and insert "#tr;" after every linebreak, and ";" before every linebreak, paste clipboard.
Numpad 9: Clear clipboard, copy selected text, wait for clipboard, prepend/append "#zfs;" and "#zfe;" and insert "#zft;" after every linebreak, paste clipboard. (Making frames.)

At first I didn't have 10 hotkeys, but after making Lost Mine of Phandelver I found I was using all of these so often that I wanted hotkeys for them.

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, %A_SPACE%, All
Send ^v

Send {#}{#};

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, %A_SPACE%, , All
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, %A_SPACE%, `;, All
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `;`r`n, All
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `r`n#bs;, All
Clipboard := "#bs;" Clipboard
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
Clipboard := "<b>" Clipboard "</b>"
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
Clipboard := "<i>" Clipboard "</i>"
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `r`n#li;, All
Clipboard := "#ls;`r`n#li;" Clipboard "`r`n#le;"
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `;`r`n#tr;, All
Clipboard := "#ts;`r`n#tr;" Clipboard "`;`r`n#te;"
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `r`n#zft;, All
Clipboard := "#zfs;`r`n#zft;" Clipboard "`r`n#zfe;"
Send ^v

(Numpad1 is because every single header in my scan/OCRs show up as "A d v e n t u r e H o o k", etc.)

August 28th, 2014, 15:44
So very awesome, Xorn! Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!

August 28th, 2014, 21:12
I tried this... pretty slick all in all. I tried it on the Acolyte background, and it did... pretty good. I still had to add enough line breaks back in that it wasn't any faster than using my AHK macros, but still, very nice.

To understand that, is it looking for line breaks that aren't preceded by a period and removing them? I initially was using find " \r\n" and replacing with " ", which was getting similar results to what you posted (but not quite as good).

Correct. The [^\.] means any character except period. (\r\n|\r|\n) means any combination of line break and the \s* means 0 or more spaces. So the find looks for any line breaks that are not preceded by a period. The replace simply replaces the line break with a space character.

Then I got AHK set up to where I just need to highlight from the first line to the last night (not necessarily at the first or last character) and push Numpad0. I'm so fast at it now, plus I can toggle between 10 different macros on the fly.

Thats cool. Whatever works best for you. I use TextMate on OSX which includes Macro support. I have macros setup for all PAR5E markup tags. I simply use a combination of Ctrl+Numeric Keypad to adjust/format text blocks accordingly. I also have Ctrl+Alt+B to bold any text and Ctrl+Alt+I to Italic any text.

When I get some time, I will post up some additional regular expressions that I often use. For example when dealing with a lower quality scan, OCR'd text can often get corrupted or split. Searching for common corruptions is easy enough but rejoining words can be tricky. Luckily I have done enough of these that I have a cookbook of regular expression recipes that I can call upon to rectify text quickly.


Find: \s([^a|A|&|I|\d+]\b)\s(.*)
Replace: $1$2

Rejoins all single characters that are not part of a word boundary.

August 28th, 2014, 21:38
Nice. When I did HotDQ I got the entire document pasted in and the line breaks removed before I did anything. Then when I fixed "w ord" the first time, I just replaced all and got them in one go. By the time I was halfway through the TXT I rarely had to fix a word anymore.

However the H e a d e r s G e t t i n g S p a c e d O u t took up a very large portion of my life. :P

August 28th, 2014, 23:02
Nice. When I did HotDQ I got the entire document pasted in and the line breaks removed before I did anything. Then when I fixed "w ord" the first time, I just replaced all and got them in one go. By the time I was halfway through the TXT I rarely had to fix a word anymore.


However the H e a d e r s G e t t i n g S p a c e d O u t took up a very large portion of my life. :P

Just in case this crops up again.

Find: \s([^A-Z])
Replace: $1

Should Net you: Headers Getting Spaced Out on the above text. :)

August 29th, 2014, 12:43
For some reason AutoHotkey isn't working for me. I've got Xorn's script set up, but when I press the keys nothing happens. Is there some sort of issue with UAC that needs to be fixed?

August 29th, 2014, 19:19
Make sure NumLock is on. If it was working and then stopped, right click the icon in your systray and choose "Reload Script"

August 29th, 2014, 19:27
Cripes, I feel stupid now. :) Thanks, Xorn!

Make sure NumLock is on. If it was working and then stopped, right click the icon in your systray and choose "Reload Script"

August 29th, 2014, 19:30
Holy crap! Alzarian Crimson just gave me the mother of all tips! If you cut-n-paste the text from Adobe Reader into MS Word, it strips out the extra line breaks! If I use PDFXChange it doesn't work, but from Adobe Reader it works perfectly! Holy cow this is awesome! (Just remember to Save As "Plain Text .txt")


There's an example. That's straight cut-n-paste, no modification on the Word side. The only weird part is that it stops copying at any table, so you have to continue your copy paste after the table.

(Note: It's worked on the Basic PDFs just fine. On my self-OCR'd Player's Handbook, no change. :P)

August 29th, 2014, 20:07
(Note: It's worked on the Basic PDFs just fine. On my self-OCR'd Player's Handbook, no change. :P)
Yeah, it all depends on how the PDF is put together originally - sounds like the Basic D&D one was created where the paragraphs were defined in the original document and so that formatting persists into the PDF document. Using OCR on a scanned document usually results in single line text as the OCR has no real reference to know where there are paragraph breaks, etc.. This also depends on the OCR software used - some make an attempt at identifying paragraphs (to varying degrees of success).

September 4th, 2014, 22:55
I have a question. Working though Parse (thanks by the way), but getting ruleset error: No vertical anchor defined in control. Any idea of what might be wrong?

September 4th, 2014, 23:21
Nevermind...I was in dev no release mode. Works without issue now!

September 6th, 2014, 10:10

I'm slowly parse my handbook, it's my first time making modules for fantasy grounds and I have run into a small problem in that I can't open any of the modules in fantasy ground's, any idea's ?



September 6th, 2014, 18:49
Did you use par5e?

Do you know where to put the .mod files?

Do you know how to open the library?

That's a great place to start for us to help you out.


September 7th, 2014, 17:47

Yeah I was using par5e. I saved the module in to the module folder inside fantasy grounds. When I open the library nothing shows, so I clicked on the modules button. The module is there but won't open whenI click the book button.

September 7th, 2014, 18:52
Yeah I was using par5e. I saved the module in to the module folder inside fantasy grounds. When I open the library nothing shows, so I clicked on the modules button. The module is there but won't open whenI click the book button.
You need to double-click on the module entry in the Module Activation window, or left-click+hold+drag to the left if you are clicking on the book icon (like opening a book) - when you left-click+hold on the book icon you'll see an arrow appear pointing to the left. But, it's easier just to double-click on any of the rest of the specific module entry.

Tel Arin
September 8th, 2014, 11:34
Thanks for Sharing!

September 11th, 2014, 02:10
Just noticed the video isn't on twitch any more

September 11th, 2014, 02:56
Has WoTC been handing out the C&D's? FG update just removed a theme.

September 11th, 2014, 04:16
So what happened to the video? I was hoping to watch it again so I could get some more attempts done with Par5e.

September 11th, 2014, 05:44
Was hoping to watch the rest of the video myself! Please!

Moon Wizard
September 11th, 2014, 17:54
The theme was not meant to be released yet. It contains artwork that has not been licensed yet, so we had to remove it from the update.


September 12th, 2014, 02:05
Bummer! It looked good, though a little white for my taste.

September 12th, 2014, 02:42
Is there any way to figure out how to use this parser now that this video has been deleted? I just got an Ultimate licence and no easy way to get 5e without parser vid or written tut. Thanks

September 12th, 2014, 02:57
Well there is documentation is in the zipfile. Depending how good you are at following the written direction. I personally have done most of the files but for some reason I can't get the Classes to work. I was hoping i might get a hint from the tutorial to something I might have missed, or done wrong.

September 12th, 2014, 03:06
Hey, thanks for that! somehow I missed looking in the folder for the help files and just grabbed the parser and yanked it out and moved it :o. I do enjoy vids more but I guess that option is gone so I'll read through all the docs. GL on your Classes also.

September 12th, 2014, 03:39
No problem. We all do that from time to time.

September 12th, 2014, 14:02
Holy crap! I'm so sorry everyone! I thought I marked that video as a Highlight, so that it would be saved indefinitely... I will re-up the video as soon as I get home from work! I feel like such a boob! Hmmm. I might be able to remote to my home machine and do it from work. Stay tuned!

September 12th, 2014, 14:04
im wondering how many people were thinking you or the host got a cease&desist order...?

September 12th, 2014, 14:08
im wondering how many people were thinking you or the host got a cease&desist order...?

The thought had occurred to me, but I was hoping it was just a broken link... thank the D&D gods it was :p

September 12th, 2014, 14:31
I've got it streaming up to Twitch right now; I'll make sure to mark the video as a highlight this time!

September 12th, 2014, 15:22
okay that was an abortive attempt to stream it remotely. I'll fix it when I get home, promise.

September 12th, 2014, 15:45
Hey! I lied, looks like it streamed fine, just took awhile before I was able to make a Highlight clip from it. Link has been updated.

September 13th, 2014, 01:13
Thanks a ton Xorn! Hopefully that will help me with my class entries that are giving me fits right now.

September 13th, 2014, 04:35
If not, fire me a PM.

September 13th, 2014, 04:41
Thank you very much Xorn, I really appreciate it!

September 13th, 2014, 05:33
Excellent Tutorial, still hasn't solved my problem with the Class file, but it is an excellent tutorial!

September 13th, 2014, 16:02
Check the PAR5E thred Emerald, pretty sure you were probably having a similar problem to what I had and finally resolved.
Now I'm flying through the classes- thanks to Xorn's vid and AHK script.

September 14th, 2014, 14:43
I will say this- though many don't have access to it and it's kind of pricey- I'm using Abbyy Fine Reader 11 for my scans and ocr. Initially I'd then save it to pdf and do my pasting from PDF Xchange. However, I found out that if I did my pasting from the text window of Abbyy, paragraphs pasted without the cr/lf at the end of every line. It does put an extra CR/LF between paragraphs, but it's a simple fix in notepad++ to do a search for \r\n\r\n and replace with \r\n. It also pastes tabs for lists and tables so you have to search for \t and replace with a space. Really just a matter of seconds to clean the text up after pasting everything.

September 20th, 2014, 20:27
Hey Xorn,

I've looked until I'm blue in the face - but I can't get the autohotkey to work.

Do you see anything wrong here?

#NoEnv ;
SendMode Input ;
SetworkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ;

#SingleInstance force

Send {delete}{space}

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, %A_SPACE%, All
Send ^v

Send {#}{#};

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, %A_SPACE%, , All
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, %A_SPACE%, `;, All
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `;`r`n, All
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `r`n#bs;, All
Clipboard := "#bs;" Clipboard
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
Clipboard := "<b>" Clipboard "</b>"
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
Clipboard := "<i>" Clipboard "</i>"
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `r`n#li;, All
Clipboard := "#ls;`r`n#li;" Clipboard "`r`n#le;"
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `;`r`n#tr;, All
Clipboard := "#ts;`r`n#tr;" Clipboard "`;`r`n#te;"
Send ^v

Clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `r`n#zft;, All
Clipboard := "#zfs;`r`n#zft;" Clipboard "`r`n#zfe;"
Send ^v

September 24th, 2014, 13:38
Hey Xorn,
I've looked until I'm blue in the face - but I can't get the autohotkey to work.

Here is my AutoKey code file:

#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance Force
#EscapeChar \

+F1:: ;replace line return with a space, and then move cursor to next line
clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, \r\n, %A_SPACE%, All
Send ^v
Send {Home}
Send {Down}

+F2:: ;replace spaces with semicolons
clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, %A_SPACE%,;, All
Send ^v

^F2:: ;remove spaces
clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, %A_SPACE%, , All
Send ^v
Send {Left}

+F3:: ;remove all spaces, return to the front of the line, and add #abf; to the front and ; to the end
clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, %A_SPACE%, , All
Send {#}
Send {a}
Send {b}
Send {f}
Send {;}
Send ^v
Send {End}
Send {;}
Send {Home}
Send {Down}

^F3:: ;remove all spaces, return to the front of the line, and add #fe; to the front and ; to the end
clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, %A_SPACE%, , All
Send {#}
Send {f}
Send {e}
Send {;}
Send ^v
Send {End}
Send {;}
Send {Home}
Send {Down}

+F4:: ;remove all spaces, return to the front of the line, and add ##; to the front, Return
clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, %A_SPACE%, , All
Send {Return}
Send {#}
Send {#}
Send {;}
Send ^v
Send {Home}

+F5:: ;search the current document for and fix the following common errors: o f, ’, “
clipboard =
Send ^a
Send ^c
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, o%A_SPACE%f, of, All
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, w%A_SPACE%ere, were, All
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, “, ", All
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, ”, ", All
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, ’, ', All
Send ^v

+F6:: ;creates a table row with the #tr; tag
Send {#}
Send {t}
Send {r}
Send {;}
Send {End}
Send {;}
Send {Home}
Send {Down}

^F6:: ;creates a list entry
Send {#}
Send {l}
Send {i}
Send {;}
Send {Home}
Send {Down}

+F7:: ;add bold text tags
clipboard =
Send ^c
Send {<}
Send {b}
Send {>}
Send ^v
Send {<}
Send {/}
Send {b}
Send {>}
Send {Home}

+F8:: ;add italic text tags
clipboard =
Send ^c
Send {<}
Send {i}
Send {>}
Send ^v
Send {<}
Send {/}
Send {i}
Send {>}
Send {Home}

+F10:: ;replace gp+space with gp+semicolon
clipboard =
Send ^c
StringReplace, clipboard, clipboard, gp%A_SPACE%, gp;, All
Send ^v

September 25th, 2014, 00:04
Many thanks for sharing spoofer.

October 3rd, 2014, 02:36
Off Topic but Important!

We have had a late GM cancellation for FG Con for a DnD 5e session of The Lost Mine of Phandelver with 5 bookings in place.
Any DnD5 DMs want to take over this session for us?
The game is scheduled at this time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Lost+Mine+of+Phandelver&iso=20141018T19&ah=5
Any assistance from the community would be great.

November 15th, 2014, 03:33
Would it be possible to change the title of this sticky to "Playing 5E over FG Video Playlist"?

November 15th, 2014, 10:52
You should be able to do it yourself, Xorn. Edit the first post, then click advanced button and you can edit the title.

November 17th, 2014, 00:11
I did, but that just edited the title of the first post, not the thread from the topic list.

November 22nd, 2014, 04:21
hey Xorn any chance you can send the scanned books at all?

November 22nd, 2014, 04:27
Sweedbeast - we do not share copyright material here.

November 22nd, 2014, 04:33
damn i kinda figured i thought i would just ask oh well lll check out a store and probably get the books next pay check i had 4E but i started on 3.5E and the powers of 4E just didn't seem like a real dnd game it kinda felt like a pick you power and then roll almost like cards lol but ya i heard 5E got rid of them so i got interested

November 22nd, 2014, 04:35
do you know if you can get the information on DDI compendium for 5e to parse and make modules for FG i did it with 4E just wanted to know if WOTC is still doing that with 5E

November 22nd, 2014, 05:59
As of right now, there is no DDIC for 5E.

November 22nd, 2014, 07:57
Ok i need help with the auto hotkey program i have it set exactly like Xorn's but when i press numpad 0 nothing happens at all its like His works and mine just kinda craps out what may i be doing wrong

Edit nvm i got it from spoofer Thx man for the script

November 22nd, 2014, 11:40
Edit nvm i got it from spoofer Thx man for the script

You're welcome.

November 23rd, 2014, 15:58
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

#SingleInstance force

; Copy Clipboard, replace line feeds with spaces; paste clipboard
Clipboard =
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, %A_SPACE%, All
Send ^v

; Type ##;
Send {#}{#};

; Copy clipboard, remove all spaces, paste clipboard
Clipboard =
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, %A_SPACE%, , All
Send ^v

; Copy clipboard, replace spaces with semicolons (;), paste clipboard.
Clipboard =
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, %A_SPACE%, `;, All
Send ^v

; Copy clipboard, add semicolon(;) to end of all paragraphs; paste clipboard
Clipboard =
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `;`r`n, All
Send ^v

; copy clipboard, insert #bs; at the start of all paragraphs, paste clipboard
Clipboard =
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `r`n#bs;, All
Clipboard := "#bs;" Clipboard
Send ^v

; copy clipboard, enclose text with <b>...</b>, paste clipboard
Clipboard =
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
Clipboard := "<b>" Clipboard "</b>"
Send ^v

; copy clipboard, enclose text with <i>...</i>, paste clipboard
Clipboard =
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
Clipboard := "<i>" Clipboard "</i>"
Send ^v

; copy clipboard, enclose text with #ls; & #le;, insert #li; at start of paragraphs, paste clipboard
Clipboard =
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `r`n#li;, All
Clipboard := "#ls;`r`n#li;" Clipboard "`r`n#le;"
Send ^v

; copy clipboard enclose text with #ts; & #te;, insert #tr; at start of paragraphs, paste clipboard
Clipboard =
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `;`r`n#tr;, All
Clipboard := "#ts;`r`n#tr;" Clipboard "`;`r`n#te;"
Send ^v

; copy clipboard, enclose text with #zfs; & #zfe; insert #zft; at start of paragraphs, paste clipboard
Clipboard =
Send ^c
ClipWait, 1
StringReplace, Clipboard, Clipboard, `r`n, `r`n#zft;, All
Clipboard := "#zfs;`r`n#zft;" Clipboard "`r`n#zfe;"
Send ^v

That's my latest AHK script. My old script would stall out if you didn't have anything selected when you hit a button--I added a timeout to fix that. I've also commented all the hotkeys to explain what they do.

November 23rd, 2014, 15:59
Well since this is my tutorial thread I guess I'll announce that "PAR5E: Adventure Modules" is compiled and uploading to my YouTube channel right now. Should be available in an hour or two. :)

November 23rd, 2014, 18:20
One more request for a dev to change the thread title to "5E @ FG (& PAR5E) YouTube Playlist"

November 23rd, 2014, 20:40
ok i need help with a probelm i have

Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.8-b28]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ............................... [PHB 5E]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Acolyte - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................. [Charlatan - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ................... [Criminal - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ................ [Entertainer - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................. [Folk Hero - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .............. [Guild Artisan - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ..................... [Hermit - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ...................... [Noble - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................. [Outlander - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ....................... [Sage - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ..................... [Sailor - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Soldier - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ..................... [Urchin - OK]
Parse : backgrounds .................................................. ....................... [Completed]
Make : backgrounds windowlists .................................................. ........... [Completed]
Parse : class .................................................. .......................... [Cleric - OK]
Parse : class .................................................. ............................. [Completed]
Make : class windowlists .................................................. ................. [Completed]
Parse : tables .................................................. ............................ [Completed]
Make : tables windowlists .................................................. ................ [Completed]
Make : tables (campaign) .................................................. ................. [Completed]
Make : tables (reference) .................................................. ................ [Completed]
Make : backgrounds (reference) .................................................. ........... [Completed]
Make : class (reference) .................................................. ................. [Completed]
Make : module xml data .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Make : archive data .................................................. ...................... [Completed]
Make : module xml library entries .................................................. ........ [Completed]
Write : module xml data .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Write : module xml syntax .................................................. ...... [Mal Formed - WARNING] <--------- what does this mean?

Edit: Nvm found the problem within the cleric text i had the (5th<i>;) problem in the domain spells

November 23rd, 2014, 20:49
You probably have a tag that's not complete... check your lists, tables, and any <b></b> or <i></i> that you used.
If that doesnt' find it, try just doing a Find All In Current Document (Notepad++) for #, and make sure you aren't missing any semicolons.

November 23rd, 2014, 20:55
ok sorry for making a fool of myself but i had a question for Xorn

How do i get all of the text under Divine Domain to show up under it in the the little card in FG

all i get is Divine Domain then a link list of the Domains but the wording of divine domain is not there how do i change that?

November 23rd, 2014, 23:41
I think someone noted the other day that the text under #abh; gets lost. Just put the text under the corresponding #fe; if you don't want to lose the text. I'm not sure if it's on Zeus's list or not.

November 24th, 2014, 21:44
I just did a marathon of watching Xorn's video playlist. I must say they are to say it mildly, awesome! Probably deserve their own thread so people can find it easily? I was curious on the adventure building in Par5e how much time you actually save apples to apples to doing it in Story in Fantasy Grounds? I think in Xorn's video he said it took him 80 min, so about 1.5 hours in Par5e. So how long would that same exact module take doing it in Fantasy Grounds in Story entry, for a skilled story editor.

If it's about the same time or even less why do it in Par5e? Are there added benefits? I was able to follow the video and jotted down all the new mark up commands, and with his video, instruction and hotkeys, feel it would be pretty straight forward to make an adventure module in Par5e, but what benefits do you gain if you are pretty fast in Story editing in Fantasy Grounds plus you have the easy interface to edit the story with? The more I think about it seems to just be a style preference with no advantage for either.

November 27th, 2014, 04:27
I think someone noted the other day that the text under #abh; gets lost. Just put the text under the corresponding #fe; if you don't want to lose the text. I'm not sure if it's on Zeus's list or not.

So is this the correct way to do it then?

#abh;Divine Domains
#fe;In a pantheon, every deity has influence over different aspects of mortal life and civilization, called a deity’s domain. All the domains over which a deity has influence are called the deity’s portfolio. For example, the portfolio of the Greek god Apollo includes the domains of Knowledge, Life, and Light. As a cleric, you choose one aspect of your deity’s portfolio to emphasize, and you are granted powers related to that domain.

November 27th, 2014, 14:46
[description/fluff text]

#abf; is like a #fe;

in your case, if there is just a feature with description following, then:

#fe;Divine Domains;[level?],[level?],[levelx]
In a pantheon, every deity...

November 28th, 2014, 07:09
[description/fluff text]

#abf; is like a #fe;

in your case, if there is just a feature with description following, then:

#fe;Divine Domains;[level?],[level?],[levelx]
In a pantheon, every deity...

so i tried this and it just took away Divine Domains Header away from above all of the the domain links at the bottom of the cleric card in FG

November 28th, 2014, 10:21
The only way I could get it to work Sweedbeast was to make it an extra domain by using #ab;Divine Domains, I also couldn't get it to show under the Divine Domains header before the list of actual domains.

December 5th, 2014, 15:33
Hi guys, I'm having a minor problem parsing the Entertainer background. It's Entertainer Routines table rolls on a d10 an I tried it like this:

d10 Routine
1 Actor
2 Dancer
3 Fire-eater
4 Jester
5 Juggler
6 Instrumentalist
7 Poet
8 Singer
9 Storyteller
10 Tumbler

Problem is that the last one (tumbler) stays out of the table, so the table only gets 9 entries and there's a "10 Tumbler" as a text after the table. What's the correct sintaxe? I've already tried setting the 10 as 0, it gets added to the table but without a value.

Edit: Same goes for d20 tables. All entries after 10 won't go in the table. Trying to figure it out by myself...

December 5th, 2014, 23:59
Are you running the latest version/build - the tables were limited to 9 entries for a while - Im *positive* that was resolved... there are lots of posts on tables earlier....

December 6th, 2014, 11:32
That solved. I had problems recovering my password at Dr Zeuss website and used a Par5e version that had been sitting on my desktop for a long time. Thanks a lot.

December 14th, 2014, 21:04
Hi guys me again so I have been working on classes and i tried to parse my document after doing like 5 calsses ( which i shouldn't have done after 5 of them done) and i get the mal format thing again so i started to look around for the problem and when i did a search all of ";" i found out that notepad ++ does not recognize ";" after any ")" now do we need a space between these two to have notepad++ see that a ";" is there or just leave it be and parse knows what to do with it

December 14th, 2014, 21:31
The parser will definitely work with that properly. Notepad ++ just notices it as a grammatical error (which it technically is - except for what we are doing here). For me the most common error is not closing a tag <b></b> or forgetting to put in the #te; at the end of a table.

December 21st, 2014, 03:15
Hey guys how do i get Par5e and set it up?

December 21st, 2014, 06:26
Try this thread for procuring the software:


December 21st, 2014, 13:55
Thanks for the link... That helped so much.

December 21st, 2014, 19:17
Hey guys having a problem when Par5eing Backgrounds.txt and tables.txt.

Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.8-b28]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. .................. [5E Players Handbook]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : backgrounds .................................................. .......... [Invalid Path - WARNING] <------
Parse : tables .................................................. ............... [Invalid Path - WARNING] <------
Make : tables (campaign) .................................................. ................. [Completed]
Make : tables (reference) .................................................. ................ [Completed]
Make : backgrounds (reference) .................................................. ........... [Completed]
Make : module xml data .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Make : archive data .................................................. ...................... [Completed]
Make : module xml library entries .................................................. ........ [Completed]
Write : module xml data .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Write : module xml syntax .................................................. ............... [Well Formed]
Write : module xml definition .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module images .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module tokens .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module thumbnail .................................................. .......... [Completed]
Cook : module archive .................................................. .................... [Completed]
Build : module .................................................. ............................ [Completed]

Can anyone help?

El Condoro
December 21st, 2014, 21:45
Set up a tables.txt file (it can be empty) in your input folder and tick Tables on in the par5e settings. See if that helps.

December 21st, 2014, 22:15
thanks ill try it.

Edit- No good still doing the same thing.
Edit- Scratch my last... I figured it out :0

December 22nd, 2014, 04:51
Ok i have hit another snag in Par5eing 5E i have got to class.txt and when i Par5e i get this.....

Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.8-b28]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ............................... [5E PHB]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Acolyte - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ................... [Criminal - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................. [Folk Hero - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ...................... [Noble - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ....................... [Sage - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Soldier - OK]
Parse : backgrounds .................................................. ....................... [Completed]
Make : backgrounds windowlists .................................................. ........... [Completed]

then it just stops and does nothing else. Any ideas?
FYI yes i have class.txt selected in Par5e.

December 22nd, 2014, 05:50
you should also check the main thread from which you downloaded the Par5e tool as many of your issues will be answerred already within its glorious 120+ pages :)

El Condoro
December 22nd, 2014, 06:18
Ok i have hit another snag in Par5eing 5E i have got to class.txt and when i Par5e i get this.....

Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.8-b28]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ............................... [5E PHB]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Acolyte - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ................... [Criminal - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................. [Folk Hero - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ...................... [Noble - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ....................... [Sage - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Soldier - OK]
Parse : backgrounds .................................................. ....................... [Completed]
Make : backgrounds windowlists .................................................. ........... [Completed]

then it just stops and does nothing else. Any ideas?
FYI yes i have class.txt selected in Par5e.

That seems like something related to the tables.txt (backgrounds). After you make sure tables.txt exists and tables is checked in the parser, cut out all of the class entries and put them in a temporary text file, and add them back in one at a time to clases.txt and re-parse until the parser hangs. Then work out what the issue is, put all the entries back and re-parse.

December 22nd, 2014, 20:10
ok i have rewatched the tut vid and it is still doing the same thing. now i am at a loss

December 22nd, 2014, 20:30
ok i have rewatched the tut vid and it is still doing the same thing. now i am at a loss
Follow El Condoro's advice in post #90 above - this should help to identify what part of your .txt file is causing the issue.

December 22nd, 2014, 21:47
Follow El Condoro's advice in post #90 above - this should help to identify what part of your .txt file is causing the issue.

I only have Cleric in the class.txt file so far cause i was going to Par5e after each one that way i knew if i messed up on one. Is there a way for someone to look at my class.txt file to see if/where i messed up?

December 23rd, 2014, 00:05
search on Cleric Par5e there are multiple potential issues there.

December 23rd, 2014, 00:49
search on Cleric Par5e there are multiple potential issues there.

Well i have sifted through most of the links and havent found anything that would help me. Is there a way for me not to share but make it to were someone could view the .txt file and tell me were the problem is so i can fix it?

December 23rd, 2014, 00:51
if you looked at the other posts you will see that people are posting the text that they are parsing and having an issue with. post it here (or there) and hopefully someone will check it out with you.

December 23rd, 2014, 00:59
if you looked at the other posts you will see that people are posting the text that they are parsing and having an issue with. post it here (or there) and hopefully someone will check it out with you.

Well im not sure where the problem lies with-in the .txt file and i cant post the whole thing on here cause it over 16000 characters long and if my memory serves you cant go over 10000 on the forums.

December 23rd, 2014, 01:03
im confused. you are saying that you only have Clerics in your file and that it is 16000 characters?
if that is the case try parse the first 1/4. and keep adding a section at a time.

December 23rd, 2014, 01:05
im confused. you are saying that you only have Clerics in your file and that it is 16000 characters?
if that is the case try parse the first 1/4. and keep adding a section at a time.

ok ill try that.

December 23rd, 2014, 01:25
Arms and eyes upraised toward the sun and a prayer on his lips, an elf begins to glow with an inner light that spills out to heal his battle-worn companions. Chanting a song of glory, a dwarf swings his axe in wide swaths to cut through the ranks of orcs arrayed against him, shouting praise to the gods with every foe’s fall.
Calling down a curse upon the forces of undeath, a human lifts her holy symbol as light pours from it to drive back the zombies crowding in on her companions. Clerics are intermediaries between the mortal world and the distant planes of the gods. As varied as the gods they serve, clerics strive to embody the handiwork of their deities. No ordinary priest, a cleric is imbued with divine magic.
#bp;Healers and Warriors
Divine magic, as the name suggests, is the power of the gods, flowing from them into the world. Clerics are conduits for that power, manifesting it as miraculous effects. The gods don’t grant this power to everyone who seeks it, but only to those chosen to fulfill a high calling. Harnessing divine magic doesn’t rely on study or training. A cleric might learn formulaic prayers and ancient rites, but the ability to cast cleric spells relies on devotion and an intuitive sense of a deity’s wishes.
Clerics combine the helpful magic of healing and inspiring their allies with spells that harm and hinder foes. They can provoke awe and dread, lay curses of plague or poison, and even call down flames from heaven to consume their enemies. For those evildoers who will benefit most from a mace to the head, clerics depend on their combat training to let them wade into melee with the power of the gods on their side.
#bp;Divine Agents
Not every acolyte or officiant at a temple or shrine is a cleric. Some priests are called to a simple life of temple service, carrying out their gods’ will through prayer and sacrifice, not by magic and strength of arms. In some cities, priesthood amounts to a political office, viewed as a stepping stone to higher positions of authority and involving no communion with a god at all. True clerics are rare in most hierarchies.
When a cleric takes up an adventuring life, it is usually because his or her god demands it. Pursuing the goals of the gods often involves braving dangers beyond the walls of civilization, smiting evil or seeking holy relics in ancient tombs. Many clerics are also expected to protect their deities’ worshipers, which can mean fighting rampaging orcs, negotiating peace between warring nations, or sealing a portal that would allow a demon prince to enter the world.
Most adventuring clerics maintain some connection to established temples and orders of their faiths. A temple might ask for a cleric’s aid, or a high priest might be in a position to demand it.
#bp;Creating a Cleric
As you create a cleric, the most important question to consider is which deity to serve and what principles you want your character to embody. The Player’s Handbook includes lists of many of the gods of the multiverse. Check with your DM to learn which deities are in your campaign.
Once you’ve chosen a deity, consider your cleric’s relationship to that god. Did you enter this service willingly? Or did the god choose you, impelling you into service with no regard for your wishes? How do the temple priests of your faith regard you: as a champion or a troublemaker? What are your ultimate goals? Does your deity have a special task in mind for you? Or are you striving to prove yourself worthy of a great quest?
#bp;Quick Build
You can make a cleric quickly by following these suggestions. First, Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength or Constitution. Second, choose the acolyte background.

#h;The Cleric
#tr;1st;+2;Spellcasting, Divine Domain;
#tr;2nd;+2;Channel Divinity (1/rest), Divine Domain feature;
#tr;4th;+2;Ability Score Improvement;
#tr;5th;+3;Destroy Undead (CR 1/2);
#tr;6th;+3;Channel Divinity (2/rest), Divine Domain feature;
#tr;8th;+3;Ability Score Improvement, Destroy Undead (CR 1), Divine Domain feature;
#tr;10th;+4;Divine Intervention;
#tr;11th;+4;Destroy Undead (CR 2);
#tr;12th;+4;Ability Score Improvement;
#tr;14th;+5;Destroy Undead (CR 3);
#tr;16th;+5;Ability Score Improvement;
#tr;17th;+6;Destroy Undead (CR 4), Divine Domain feature;
#tr;18th;+6;Channel Divinity (3/rest);
#tr;19th;+6;Ability Score Improvement;
#tr;20th;+6;Divine Intervention improvement;

#h;Spell Slots per Spell Level—

#th;level;cantrips;;1st;2nd;3rd;4th;5th;6th;7th;8t h;9th;

#h;Class Features
As a cleric, you gain the following class features.
#h;Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per cleric level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your
Constitution modifier per cleric level after 1st
Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: All simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
#li;(a) a mace or (b) a warhammer (if proficient)
#li;(a) scale mail, (b) leather armor, or (c) chain mail (if proficient)
#li;(a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
#li;(a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
#li;A shield and a holy symbol
As a conduit for divine power, you can cast cleric spells. See chapter 10 for the general rules of spellcasting and chapter 11 for a selection of cleric spells.

December 23rd, 2014, 01:26
This is what i get when i Par5e the above txt. Can anyone help?

Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.8-b28]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ............................... [5E PHB]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Acolyte - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ................... [Criminal - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................. [Folk Hero - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ...................... [Noble - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ....................... [Sage - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Soldier - OK]
Parse : backgrounds .................................................. ....................... [Completed]
Make : backgrounds windowlists .................................................. ........... [Completed]

December 23rd, 2014, 01:30
first you appear to have a stack of bogus characters in there.
try saving your source as unicode
then get rid of any other non standard characters with find/replace

December 23rd, 2014, 01:32
first you appear to have a stack of bogus characters in there.
try saving your source as unicode
then get rid of any other non standard characters with find/replace

I followed the tut vid to the tee and everything you see is done in the vid so i am at a loss.

December 23rd, 2014, 01:50
Remove the #h; in front of #h;Class Features #h;Hit Points #h;Proficiencies and #h;Equipment
then it will parse

December 23rd, 2014, 02:01
Remove the #h; in front of #h;Class Features #h;Hit Points #h;Proficiencies and #h;Equipment
then it will parse

Can i change #h; to #bp;

Scratch my last big thanks @Thegroo for the help

December 23rd, 2014, 07:17
Ok i am finley on to the fighter and i have came across a couple of things that are not right. Any ideas why?


Edit: been trying all night to figure this out still dont know what is causing the (Fighter Warning) and (Divine Domains) as in the screen shot.

December 23rd, 2014, 22:50
Ok i am finley on to the fighter and i have came across a couple of things that are not right. Any ideas why?


Edit: been trying all night to figure this out still dont know what is causing the (Fighter Warning) and (Divine Domains) as in the screen shot.

Have entered an abh; part for the fighter? If yes please post it. If not, enter one and try again

December 24th, 2014, 04:13
Have entered an abh; part for the fighter? If yes please post it. If not, enter one and try again

Thanks Thegroo that worked for getting rid of the (Divine Domains) now i just have to figure out y i still have the (Fighter Warning).

December 25th, 2014, 01:50
I figured out what the problem was... I had put #bp; after the #abh; instead of #ab;. Also I am on the equipment part and Par5e stops at one spot and it wont finish can someone please help?

This is were it stops at in Par5e:

Parse : equipment (weapon) .................................................. ............. [Blowgun - OK]
Parse : equipment (weapon) .................................................. ...... [Crossbow, Hand - OK]
Parse : equipment (weapon) .................................................. ..... [Crossbow, Heavy - OK]
Parse : equipment (weapon) .................................................. ............. [Longbow - OK]
Parse : equipment (weapon) .................................................. ................. [Net - OK]
Parse : equipment (adventuring gear) .................................................. .... [Abacus - OK]
Parse : equipment (adventuring gear) .................................................. ...... [Acid - OK]
Parse : equipment (adventuring gear) ............................................ [Alchemist's Fire - OK]
Parse : equipment (adventuring gear) .................................................. .... [Arrows - OK]
Parse : equipment (adventuring gear) ............................................. [Blowgun Needles - OK]

This is the code for that section in the .txt file:

Abacus;2 gp;2 lb.;
Acid (vial);25 gp;1 lb.;
Alchemist’s fire (flask);50 gp;1 lb.;
Arrows (20);1 gp;1 lb.;
Blowgun needles (50);1 gp;1 lb.;
Crossbow bolts (20);1 gp;1˝ lb.;
Sling bullets (20);4 cp;1˝ lb.;
Antitoxin (vial);50 gp;-;
#st;Arcane focus
Crystal;10 gp;1 lb.;
Orb;20 gp;3 lb.;
Rod;10 gp;2 lb.;
Staff;5 gp;4 lb.;
Wand;10 gp;1 lb.;

December 25th, 2014, 01:55
I figured out what the problem was... I had put #bp; after the #abh; instead of #ab;. Also I am on the equipment part and Par5e stops at one spot and it wont finish can someone please help?

This is were it stops at in Par5e:

Parse : equipment (weapon) .................................................. ............. [Blowgun - OK]
Parse : equipment (weapon) .................................................. ...... [Crossbow, Hand - OK]
Parse : equipment (weapon) .................................................. ..... [Crossbow, Heavy - OK]
Parse : equipment (weapon) .................................................. ............. [Longbow - OK]
Parse : equipment (weapon) .................................................. ................. [Net - OK]
Parse : equipment (adventuring gear) .................................................. .... [Abacus - OK]
Parse : equipment (adventuring gear) .................................................. ...... [Acid - OK]
Parse : equipment (adventuring gear) ............................................ [Alchemist's Fire - OK]
Parse : equipment (adventuring gear) .................................................. .... [Arrows - OK]
Parse : equipment (adventuring gear) ............................................. [Blowgun Needles - OK]

This is the code for that section in the .txt file:

Abacus;2 gp;2 lb.;
Acid (vial);25 gp;1 lb.;
Alchemist’s fire (flask);50 gp;1 lb.;
Arrows (20);1 gp;1 lb.;
Blowgun needles (50);1 gp;1 lb.;
Crossbow bolts (20);1 gp;1˝ lb.;
Sling bullets (20);4 cp;1˝ lb.;
Antitoxin (vial);50 gp;-;
#st;Arcane focus
Crystal;10 gp;1 lb.;
Orb;20 gp;3 lb.;
Rod;10 gp;2 lb.;
Staff;5 gp;4 lb.;
Wand;10 gp;1 lb.;

If i remember it right, you have to change 1˝ lb. to 1.5 lb. for the crossbow bolts and sling bullets

December 25th, 2014, 02:09
If i remember it right, you have to change 1˝ lb. to 1.5 lb. for the crossbow bolts and sling bullets

Ok ill try it

December 25th, 2014, 02:55
Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! I finished had a few snags but thanks to the support of the community i was able to complete the whole thing. Thanks Guys.

December 25th, 2014, 12:56

December 28th, 2014, 08:52
I tend to agree, ive just started having a go with par5e, and seems it would almost be quicker for me at this point to use the inbuilt story editor.. Having issues with tags etc at mmnt. And the NPC format needed seems to need a lot of editing to get to parse. Easier just to take a std creature from pathfinder FG mod and modify it.
But Ill persevere.

December 28th, 2014, 14:01
Yeah, I'd say adventure modules are roughly a wash--depending on how fast you could kick one out with a campaign export. I feel that you stand to save the most time (using PAR5E) on the story entries--where you can just CRANK OUT the pages. ##; is a lot faster than creating a new entry, naming it, moving it out of the way, creating another entry, naming it, linking it, moving it out of the way, etc.

NPCs that are formatted well are very fast, but you're right, usually they need a bit of fixing up. What I do is put all my NPCs into npc.txt (the raw text) then as I fix stuff I do a Find/Replace (Ctrl-H in N++) and the fix cascades down (since it's usually the same format problems like " o f " or "ld6" or "W IS", etc.

The other advantage for me with PAR5E is that I can start with Story.txt and update the other files as I go. This has allowed me to put in all the D&D Expeditions modules without having actually read them. When I use a campaign export--I have to read through the adventure to make my Image/Map/Token, NPC/Encounter, Item/Parcel listing.

Lastly, it's handy to have all your PAR5E stuff separated from your campaign folder, instead of having a ton of campaigns for all your different adventures. That's probably a wash too though, since you could just move those folders out when done, and put them back for an update. Or just scroll once when you open your game... LOL

January 4th, 2015, 09:32
I'm getting a whole slew of errors when I go to parse this. I haven't encountered any problems with it in game (yet) though, but I haven't tested it rigorously. Can y'all take a look at this and tell me if you see any problems please?



January 8th, 2015, 19:51
I'm getting a whole slew of errors when I go to parse this. I haven't encountered any problems with it in game (yet) though, but I haven't tested it rigorously. Can y'all take a look at this and tell me if you see any problems please?



Well first you need to use appropriate codeing and it needs to be the correct .txt file type (i.e. class.txt)

Chenck out this link to help you get started.

January 17th, 2015, 22:27
This hasn't been said enough I'm sure but your video tutorials are awesomely superb. Again, kudos to you and others like you who take so much time out to make life for us lesser mortals so much fun.

January 20th, 2015, 16:40
Glad they were helpful!

January 26th, 2015, 16:52
I'm trying to Parse the players hand book and have created the txt files for the backgrounds and classes in my input folder, but when I parse i get the following invalid path-warning

Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.8-b28]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ................................ [5EPHB]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : backgrounds .................................................. .......... [Invalid Path - WARNING]
Parse : class .................................................. ................ [Invalid Path - WARNING]
Parse : tables .................................................. ............... [Invalid Path - WARNING]
Make : tables (campaign) .................................................. ................. [Completed]
Make : tables (reference) .................................................. ................ [Completed]
Make : backgrounds (reference) .................................................. ........... [Completed]
Make : class (reference) .................................................. ................. [Completed]
Make : module xml data .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Make : archive data .................................................. ...................... [Completed]
Make : module xml library entries .................................................. ........ [Completed]
Write : module xml data .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Write : module xml syntax .................................................. ............... [Well Formed]
Write : module xml definition .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module images .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module tokens .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module thumbnail .................................................. .......... [Completed]
Cook : module archive .................................................. .................... [Completed]
Build : module .................................................. ............................ [Completed]

any idea what I'm doing wrong?

cheers for any help

January 26th, 2015, 18:09
Make sure your 'Module Source Path' does not point to the input folder, but above it.

Par5e will automaticly append the input folder to the 'Module Source Path'

January 26th, 2015, 20:34
thanks for the reply I have checked and my module source path is C:\par5e\5ePHB and I have my temp and input folder in the 5ePHB folder. Could the fact I have pasted in my txt input file in be causing the problem?

again thanks for your help

January 26th, 2015, 22:44
Could the fact I have pasted in my txt input file in be causing the problem?

Sorry, i don't understand this sentence fully. (English is not my main language). Are the files physicaly in the folder or just links?

If the files are in the folder and correctly named (class.txt and backgrounds.txt) you should not get this error.
I just tested with a missing backgrounds.txt and got the invalid path error.

February 2nd, 2015, 13:47
maybe i am a dummy, but why won't the par5e let me enter a mudule ID ... i see the option, but it is grey and won't let me input anything?

February 2nd, 2015, 14:06
The title is used as the module ID now, so you don't put anything there anymore.

February 2nd, 2015, 14:52
The title is used as the module ID now, so you don't put anything there anymore.
Thank you, O wise one ... :)

February 2nd, 2015, 14:56
one last question ... my keyboard is a micrsoft arc, and i don't have a numberpad ... not sure what the commands for other keystrokes are, do you have a resource that has a map for all the keys so i could replace the number pad hotkeys from your autohotkey list with "ctrl+the normal numbers" ... any suggestions?

February 3rd, 2015, 12:11
nevermind ... figured it out ... however, how do you add a header entry after the flaw table?

February 4th, 2015, 21:45
You mean like for the next background? ##; if I'm remembering correctly.. Check the docs.

And the AHK website his a reference list of all the hotkeys. ^ is control, + is shift, ! is alt.

February 4th, 2015, 23:11
And the AHK website his a reference list of all the hotkeys. ^ is control, + is shift, ! is alt.

I have posted my full AHK scripts on these forums. Search on my posts to find them.

February 5th, 2015, 09:24
You mean like for the next background? ##; if I'm remembering correctly.. Check the docs.

And the AHK website his a reference list of all the hotkeys. ^ is control, + is shift, ! is alt.

I am parsing the PHB, and in the book thre are these variant options (for example: Variant Feature: Bad reputation; or Variant Criminal: Spy) that appear after the flaw table. whenever i create a header after the flaw table, it gives me an output that incorporates the variant option as part of the flaw table ... its ok though, i am being OCD about it. i just put them in a different prt of the entry, before the features part ... OCD is a pain, sometimes :)

February 6th, 2015, 14:40
I don't know why, I can't seem to be able to parse Bard. Have barbarian done, but Bard won't pass. Even after I have checked for syntax for hours. Can anybody help?
EDIT: Fix'd it! :D

February 9th, 2015, 13:05
I am parsing the sorcerer class right now and I am trying to make the Magical Surge d100 Table a functioning, rollable table (like the random tables in the background section ...) however, it doesn't show up as a dice table while in the class.txt file ... any special commands that i am not inputing inorder to make this?

February 11th, 2015, 22:16
Build the table in tables.txt and then use #zl; to link to it. (#zl;table;Table Name)

February 12th, 2015, 18:06
Build the table in tables.txt and then use #zl; to link to it. (#zl;table;Table Name)

Thank you once again, O' wise one ... fuh' real yo!

February 19th, 2015, 20:19
I have figured out how to make one table work and have linked it ... The Wild Surge table for sorcerers ... however, I have tried to create others and they don't seem to work. how do i add a second table, for instance, the confusion random behavior table or reincarnation table, so it will parse?

February 20th, 2015, 15:45
I need to say thanks to the community for all the help getting my PHB parsed ... you guys rock my socks!!! To the max, fuh' realzies YO!

February 26th, 2015, 11:31
I am trying to create a Monster Manual, but I can't get it parsed beyond the 1st monster ... the first one is parsed fine, but no matter what monster i put in after, it gives me a warning. I used the correct format and then a descriptive text for the first monster, which shows up fine ...

February 26th, 2015, 22:39
@sukEEt: post up the first and second npc in your npcs.txt file. Its most likely a typo from cutting and pasting from the PDF.

Also, I just pushed a new version (v0.0.9 b56), it can be downloaded from the usual place.

February 26th, 2015, 22:49
@sukEEt: post up the first and second npc in your npcs.txt file. Its most likely a typo from cutting and pasting from the PDF.

Also, I just pushed a new version (v0.0.9 b56), it can be downloaded from the usual place.

not sure what the type-o was, but when i manually typed it out it took care of it. now it is working fine for me. Thanks a bunch for all the hard work while still taking a bit of time for the little guys Zeus!

March 8th, 2015, 19:30
I can't get an npc (Larva) to link to my refference manual in my DMG. It lins but pops up as a new personality instead of "Larva" ...

I typed: #zl;npc;Larva

is there something wrong with this command? The Larva shows up correctly in the NPC list, however.

March 9th, 2015, 17:43
I can't get an npc (Larva) to link to my refference manual in my DMG. It lins but pops up as a new personality instead of "Larva" ...

I typed: #zl;npc;Larva
Lower case "l" for larva?

Links refer to the text within the main XML element for the creature and is case sensitive.

Taking an example creature from Valeros's excellent 5E basic rules parser:

<root version="3.0">
<locked type="number">1</locked>
<name type="string">Adult Red Dragon</name>
<type type="string">dragon</type>
<size type="string">Huge</size>

You need to use AdultRedDragon as the link reference, not the name of "Adult Red Dragon". So, to be 100% sure, you should look at your NPC XML for the Larva creature and see what the XML reference actually is.

March 9th, 2015, 18:29
Lower case "l" for larva?

Links refer to the text within the main XML element for the creature and is case sensitive.

Taking an example creature from Valeros's excellent 5E basic rules parser:

<root version="3.0">
<locked type="number">1</locked>
<name type="string">Adult Red Dragon</name>
<type type="string">dragon</type>
<size type="string">Huge</size>

You need to use AdultRedDragon as the link reference, not the name of "Adult Red Dragon". So, to be 100% sure, you should look at your NPC XML for the Larva creature and see what the XML reference actually is.

acctually i just figured it out. when I checked the Cmp box on Par5e, it sorted itself out ... not sure what that means as foar as what the parser does, but it works now ... hehe

March 19th, 2015, 08:21
Hi, Just wondering if hit die are supposed to "translate" into new characters made with parsed classes. for example a Barbarian character, where class is dragged from the module onto the character sheet, has a 1d6 hit die, is there a problem with my syntax for hit dice, or is this normal. Thanks in advance!

March 30th, 2015, 16:47
Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.9-b56]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ...................... [Playerhand book]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Acolyte - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ................... [Criminal - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................. [Folk Hero - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ...................... [Noble - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ....................... [Sage - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Soldier - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ............ [charalatan - WARNING]
Parse : backgrounds .................................................. ....................... [Completed]
Make : backgrounds windowlists .................................................. ........... [Completed]
Make : backgrounds (reference) .................................................. ........... [Completed]
Make : module xml data .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Make : archive data .................................................. ...................... [Completed]
Make : module xml library entries .................................................. ........ [Completed]
Write : module xml data .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Write : module xml syntax .................................................. ............... [Well Formed]
Write : module xml definition .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module images .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module tokens .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module thumbnail .................................................. .......... [Completed]
Cook : module archive .................................................. .................... [Completed]
Build : module .................................................. ............................ [Completed]

Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.9-b56]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ...................... [Playerhand book]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : class .................................................. ....................... [Barbarian - OK]
Parse : class .................................................. ............................. [Completed]
Make : class windowlists .................................................. ................. [Completed]
Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.9-b56]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ...................... [Playerhand book]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Acolyte - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ................... [Criminal - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................. [Folk Hero - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ...................... [Noble - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ....................... [Sage - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Soldier - OK]
Parse : background .................................................. ............ [charalatan - WARNING]
Parse : backgrounds .................................................. ....................... [Completed]
Make : backgrounds windowlists .................................................. ........... [Completed]
Parse : class .................................................. ....................... [Barbarian - OK]
Parse : class .................................................. ............................. [Completed]
Make : class windowlists .................................................. ................. [Completed]
Make : backgrounds (reference) .................................................. ........... [Completed]

i need help it not writing xml files need if class was added

March 30th, 2015, 18:09
Find out what's wrong with Charlatan?

March 30th, 2015, 19:24
This has probably already been asked but I'm not having any luck finding the answer. I'm parsing backgrounds and I was wondering if there was any way to make it treat Variant features the same way as normal features. I know it's a little OCD I'm just trying to make everything look right.

March 31st, 2015, 00:45
Find out what's wrong with Charlatan?

I cant find problem with rthe code
You have always had a way with people. You know what makes them tick, you can tease out their hearts' desires after a few minutes o f conversation, and with a few leading questions you can read them like they were children's books. It’s a useful talent, and one that you’re perfectly willing to use for your advantage.
You know what people want and you deliver, or rather, you promise to deliver. Common sense should steer people away from things that sound too good to be true, but common sense seems to be in short supply when you’re around. The bottle o f pink-colored liquid will surely cure that unseemly rash, this ointment—nothing more than a bit o f fat with a sprinkle o f silver dust—canrestore youth and vigor, and there’s a bridge in the city that just happens to be for sale. These marvels sound implausible, but you make them sound like the real deal.
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Sleight o f Hand
Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, forgery kit
Equipment: A set o f fine clothes, a disguise kit, tools of the con of your choice (ten stoppered bottles filled with colored liquid, a set of weighted dice, a deck of marked cards, or a signet ring of an imaginary duke), and a belt pouch containing 15 gp
#h;Favorite Schemes
Every charlatan has an angle he or she uses in preference to other schemes. Choose a favorite scam or roll on the table below.

d6 Scam
1 I cheat at games of chance.
2 I shave coins or forge documents.
3 I insinuate myself into people’s lives to prey on their weakness and secure their fortunes.
4 I put on new identities like clothes.
5 I run sleight-of-hand cons on street corners.
6 I convince people that worthless junk is worth their hard-earned money.

Suggested Characteristics
Charlatans are colorful characters who conceal their true selves behind the masks they construct. They reflect what people want to see, what they want to believe, and how they see the world. But their true selves are sometimes plagued by an uneasy conscience,an old enemy, or deep-seated trust issues.
Feature:False Identity
You have created a second identity that includes documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. Additionally, you can forge documents including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I fall in and out of love easily, and am always pursuing someone.
2 I have a joke for every occasion, especially occasions where humor is inappropriate.
3 Flattery is my preferred trick for getting what I want.
4 I’m a born gambler who can't resist taking a risk for a potential payoff.
5 I lie about almost everything, even when there’s no good reason to.
6 Sarcasm and insults are my weapons of choice.
7 I keep multiple holy symbols on me and invoke whatever deity might come in useful at any given moment.
8 I pocket anything I see that might have some value.

d6 Ideal
1 Independence. I am a free spirit— no one tells me what to do. (Chaotic)
2 Fairness. I never target people who can’t afford to lose a few coins. (Lawful)
3 Charity. I distribute the money I acquire to the people who really need it. (Good)
4 Creativity. I never run the same con twice. (Chaotic)
5 Friendship. Material goods come and go. Bonds of friendship last forever. (Good)
6 Aspiration. I’m determined to make something of myself. (Any)

d6 Bond
1 I fleeced the wrong person and must work to ensure that this individual never crosses paths with me or those I care about.
2 I owe everything to my mentor—a horrible person who’s probably rotting in jail somewhere.
3 Somewhere out there, I have a child who doesn’t know me. I’m making the world better for him or her.
4 I come from a noble family, and one day I’ll reclaim my lands and title from those who stole them from me.
5 A powerful person killed someone I love. Some day soon, I’ll have my revenge.
6 I swindled and ruined a person who didn’t deserve it. Iseek to atone for my misdeeds but might never be able to forgive myself.

d6 Flaw
1 I can’t resist a pretty face.
2 I'm always in debt. I spend my ill-gotten gains on decadent luxuries faster than I bring them in..
3 I’m convinced that no one could ever fool me the way I fool others.
4 I’m too greedy for my own good. I can’t resist taking a risk if there’s money involved.
5 I can’t resist swindling people who are more powerful than me.
6 I hate to admit it and will hate myself for it, but I'll run and preserve my own hide if the going gets tough.

March 31st, 2015, 01:45
You are missing:

Suggested Characteristics
Charlatans are...

March 31st, 2015, 01:55
You are missing:

Suggested Characteristics
Charlatans are...

it there look

March 31st, 2015, 01:56
Suggested Characteristics
Charlatans are colorful characters who conceal their true selves behind the masks they construct. They reflect what people want to see, what they want to believe, and how they see the world. But their true selves are sometimes plagued by an uneasy conscience,an old enemy, or deep-seated trust issues.
Feature:False Identity
You have created a second identity that includes documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. Additionally, you can forge documents including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy.

March 31st, 2015, 15:14
Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.8-b28]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ............................ [Classruns]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. .................... [Created]
Parse : class .................................................. ....................... [Barbarian - OK]
Parse : class .................................................. ............................ [Bard - OK]
Parse : class .................................................. .......................... [cleric - OK]
Parse : class .................................................. ............................. [Completed]
Make : class windowlists .................................................. ................. [Completed]
Parse : tables .................................................. ............................ [Completed]
Make : tables windowlists .................................................. ................ [Completed]
Make : tables (campaign) .................................................. ................. [Completed]
Make : tables (reference) .................................................. ................ [Completed]
its not writting xml files need for fantasygrounds

March 31st, 2015, 20:27
it there look

In reference to post 148, I'm not 100% sure if this is the problem or not without trying it myself, but it may be the order that you have it in. Normally it's "Feature: False Identity...etc" and then "Suggested Characteristics...etc". That might be why Thegroo said that you were missing it. He was probably wasn't expecting Suggested Characteristics to come before the feature. As I said it's just a guess without trying it out but you might find out that it solves your issue. Good luck!

March 31st, 2015, 22:35
In reference to post 148, I'm not 100% sure if this is the problem or not without trying it myself, but it may be the order that you have it in. Normally it's "Feature: False Identity...etc" and then "Suggested Characteristics...etc". That might be why Thegroo said that you were missing it. He was probably wasn't expecting Suggested Characteristics to come before the feature. As I said it's just a guess without trying it out but you might find out that it solves your issue. Good luck!

Yes! It was the Order and Spelling

Feature: False Identity
You have created a second identity that includes documentation, established acquaintances, and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. Additionally, you can forge documents including official papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or the handwriting you are trying to copy.
Suggested Characteristics
Charlatans are colorful characters who conceal their true selves behind the masks they construct. They reflect what people want to see, what they want to believe, and how they see the world. But their true selves are sometimes plagued by an uneasy conscience,an old enemy, or deep-seated trust issues.

Feature as to come first and NEEDS a blank after the ':'

April 20th, 2015, 04:59
This is great. Thanks for the help!

Xorne's 5E @ FG YouTube Playlist (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLePiBJtKmjLn5IzhpakEcVqAHoYfezZbe)

Current Videos in Playlist:

Player Quickstart - Getting started as a player new to Fantasy Grounds with joining a game, building your character sheet, using the player tools, and some effects examples.
Behind the DM Screen - Guide for new FG DMs on hosting a game, creating and manipulating campaign data, and in-depth review of the Combat Tracker, Map Tools, and Party Sheet.
Adventure Building - Guide for new DMs on how to create Adventure Modules by exporting an existing campaign, and best-practices.

PAR5E Tutorial - Video tutorial showing how to parse the various Library Module sections you can create using the PAR5E utility.
PAR5E: Adventure Modules - Video tutorial showing the few extra steps to making Adventure Modules with the PAR5E utility.

EDIT - Updated list to reflect my 5E @ FG YouTube Playlist

April 20th, 2015, 11:53
Thank you very much, Xorn. This helped a tremendous amount.

April 23rd, 2015, 02:21
Is there a place that shows a few more txt files for the various sections to be Parsed?

Got the Spells working, after fixing the changes WOTC made on lists.

Now trying Races which I seem to be missing something.

Working on the Elemental Evil Player hand out atm.

But have a few older things to convert as well.

Also has anyone made a Story set outline with the Par5e codes in it?

Something that allows the TXT areas to be filled in which will populate the major area of the story into FG.
Not Sure I am explaining it well.

An Outline that has the code marks in it then a "title Here"
Code, "Place Player txt here"

and so on ?

Working on ways to speed input of the data I have already typed.

Thanks for the Program Xorn, and thanks for any help all.

April 23rd, 2015, 14:15
Woah woah woah woah WOAH!

I did not write PAR5E! :) That was DrZeuss--who is a programmer--something I am not.

I just have free time, and enjoy making tutorial videos. :P

Making some "templates" actually seems like a great idea. I'll see about making a template set that anyone could run through parse and see the output.

April 25th, 2015, 00:34
Thanks for the work on helping us figure it out then Xorn.

Thank you Dr. for the program.

Also thanks for helping with the templates, figured that may speed up entry.

May 13th, 2015, 03:30
Can you add a list to a frame? I've been playing around with different combinations...no luck yet.

May 14th, 2015, 02:30
I am having an issue parsing magic items. I have created the module and it imports the thumbnail and the magicitems.txt and tables.txt into the module. I open the module, click on magic items and the one magic item I am testing doesnt show up.

This is the code im using.

[{Adamantine Armor} \n
{Armor}, {uncommon}
[{This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.}\n] \n]

This is what the parser returns
Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.9-b56]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ..................... [Unearthed Arcana]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : magic item .................................................. ..... [[{Adamantine Armor} \\n - OK]
Parse : magicitems .................................................. ........................ [Completed]
Make : magicitems windowlists .................................................. ............ [Completed]
and it stops there.

Any help would be appreciated.

May 14th, 2015, 02:40
You don't need all those brackets and everything... magicitems requires no markup at all.

Adamantine Armor
Armor, uncommon
This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.

Try that.

May 14th, 2015, 02:50

Thank you good sir! I was beating my head against the wall. To put a table, say like in the Alchemy Jug, what do I do exactly? Is it the same for putting in tables in any of the sections?

May 14th, 2015, 03:26
Last question,
I frequently get this error when parsing my magicitems file.

Info : module .................................................. ..................... [Unearthed Arcana]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : magic item .................................................. ............ [Adamantine Armor - OK]
Parse : magic item .................................................. ................. [ALCHEMY jUG - OK]
Parse : magic item .................................................. .. [AMMUNITION, +1 , +2, OR +3 - OK]
Parse : magic item .................................................. ............ [AMULET OF HEALTH - OK]
Parse : magic item ................................ [AMULET OF PROOF AGAINST DETECTION AND LOCATION - OK]
Parse : magic item .................................................. ........ [AMULET OF THE PLANES - OK]
Parse : magicitems .................................................. ........................ [Completed]
Make : magicitems windowlists .................................................. ............ [Completed]
Make : magicitems (campaign) .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Make : magicitems (reference) .................................................. ............ [Completed]
Make : magicitems (reference) .................................................. ............ [Completed]
Make : module xml data .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Make : archive data .................................................. ...................... [Completed]
Make : module xml library entries .................................................. ........ [Completed]
Write : module xml data .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Write : module xml syntax .................................................. ............... [Well Formed]
Write : module xml definition .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module images .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module tokens .................................................. ............. [Completed]
Write : copying module thumbnail .................................................. ... [Failed - WARNING]

May 14th, 2015, 13:27
Ah the thumbnail warning. I just click parse again and sometimes it goes through. If it hasn't worked through it after about 4 tries or so, then I close PAR5E, delete the temp folder, and open PAR5E again, always works then.

May 17th, 2015, 16:46

I am trying to add backgrounds. I have successfully added one background. But whenever I try to add a second background only the first shows up. I have had Amnesiac and Convict both as the beginning of the code...and when they are the first, they show up in the Backgrounds section. But whatever I put second doesnt show up. The parse stops half way through. I expect I am missing some small snippet of code, but I have looked over the Par5e documentation on backgrounds and cant find the issue. My code is below.

You were recently released from captivity after spending years surviving in prison. Whether or not you were justly accused or captured by an enemy, you learned to adapt to a life of confinement, and to handle your fellow inmates.
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Sleight of Hand.
Tool Proficiencies: Cards or dice.
Languages: Prison cant, a slang language hard to understand if you're not used to it.
Equipment: Common clothing, dagger, one random trinket from page 160-161 of the Player's Handbook, a self-made gaming set, and self-made thieves tools.
Feature: Time in the Hole
Prison creates strong friendships due to shared adverse circumstances. You usually know an ex-convict in any new town; or, failing that, you can easily find somebody who knows a convict or ex-convict who you know. This person will provide shelter and food, and will hide you from the law if necessary. Additionally, you always count as having thieves' tools on your person given 30-minutes notice, because you are able to salvage and scavenge improvised items to serve.
Suggested Characteristics
Ex-convicts are sometimes scarred by their experiences, for good or for ill. You might be tough and cold, or you may have become more willing to help those in need. You almost certainly value your freedom more than most, having been deprived of it.

d6 Customization
1 Crime. You were arrested and tried for a crime.
2 Crime-you-didn't-commit. You were unjustly arrested and found guilty of a crime you did not commit.
3 Prisoner-of-war. You were captured by an enemy in a time of war.
4 Political prisoner. You were imprisoned because you belonged to a particular group or held particular views.
5 Hostage. You were held prisoner as security for an agreement or negotiation.
6 Asylum. You were locked up "for your own safety".

d8 Personality Trait
1 Now that I am free, I enjoy and exult in my freedom to the maximum.
2 My time in prison broke something inside me; I am quiet, and hard to talk to.
3 I am proud of my time in prison, and talk about it constantly. I wear prison tattoos and symbols.
4 I am somewhat institutionalized, and often follow prison's procedures and customs in the real world.
5 I sometimes get too concerned about the tiny things; things which seemed so important when in prison.
6 Time is very important to me; schedules should be adhered to.
7 I learned how to get along with others, and am a talkative and friendly person, eager not to offend.
8 I am secretive, unwilling to talk about my background or my time in prison.

d6 Ideal
1 Law. I did wrong and served my time. I will no longer break the law. (Law)
2 Freedom. Captivity is unjust, and I will seek to free anybody I can. (Chaos)
3 Position. Prison taught me that position is everything. I seek to dominate any group I am involved with. (Law)
4 Revenge. I was imprisoned unjustly. I will have my vengeance. (Evil)
5 Wealth. Obtaining or trading items was essential in prison; I learned to value these things beyond all else. (Evil)
6 Justice. Nobody should ever be falsely accused and imprisoned. (Good)

d6 Bond
1 I can never be imprisoned again. Death is preferable.
2 I have a small pet - a mouse, or a bird, perhaps - who I cared for in prison. I brought it with me when I left, and it is my best friend.
3 My freedom came at a price, and I now owe a debt to my captors.
4 I became part of a gang or group in prison; there is no leaving that group.
5 I can only eat at certain times of the day.
6 My cellmate became a trusted ally and confidant. I promised to return to free him or her.

d6 Flaw
1 I wake in the night, frightened by nightmares and memories of my time in prison.
2 I am savage and possessive over small items and trinkets, afraid that somebody will take them from me.
3 I am suspicious of everybody's motives, and find it almost impossible to trust anybody.
4 I will not talk to people in authority, especially the law, under any circumstance.
5 Prison made me the type of person who needs to boast about - and often invent - deeds to portray my toughness.
6 I cannot eat anything except the blandest, poorest food. Rich food makes me ill.

You don't even know who you were before becoming and adventurer. You come up with so many different ideas of who you were, ideas that keep you up at night. You adventure, dig through history, investigate leads, hoping that they will bring you one step closer to finding out who you truly are. That is if you even want to know who you are.
Skill Proficiencies: History, Investigation
Tool Proficiencies: One of your choice
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A trinket from your past, a set of commoner's clothes, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp.
Feature: "Oh, I know that!"
Despite your amnesia, you clearly remember one specific field of knowledge, lore or something else. Choose the field you want your character to know and put it on your character sheet. If you fail your history roll regarding that field of knowledge, you can consult for the answer regardless unless it is otherwise impossible to know about it.
Suggested Characteristics
Amnesiacs are usually a wild card. Some want to continue living in blissful ignorance of who they are. Others are determined to find out who they are. How rude or nice they are is up to you to decide.

d6 Customization
1 You were simply a passenger on a ship that got shipwrecked. Why and how you got on the ship is up to you to decide. (Survival)
2 You're the child of a wealthy and powerful crime lord who rules a city with an iron fist. (Intimidation)
3 You were an assassin hired to kill anyone who would stand in the way of your employer. (Stealth)
4 You and a close family member were attacked by a monster. Whether the member lived or died is up to you to decide. (Nature)
5 You were a scholar of a magic school who walked in on a master sage doing something unethical. They wiped your memory so that you wouldn't remember their heinous act (up to you to decide what... or perhaps you were the one doing the heinous act). (Arcana)
6 You were a priest who was just walking down the village before you got beaned in the head by a rock (or perhaps a group of thugs). (Religion)

However, if you and the DM decide that your Loose End is important to the plot, but you and the DM can't figure it out, here's an idea:

DM-Fiat: You were the leader of a group that serves as the antagonist to the heroes. Keyword being were, as they consider you long dead and replaced you with the current leader. (Deception)

d8 Personality Trait
1 I like to do something to capture the current moment, be it writing down a poem or drawing a picture.
2 I keep a notebook of all the things I'm supposed to know so I won't forget it.
3 I have a ribbon tied to my finger at all times... And I don't know why.
4 I get constant headaches when I want to think about my past.
5 I come up with a new story of who I was every time I am asked.
6 I worry that I'll forget the life I'm living right now.
7 I sometimes think about who my family was and where I fitted in.
8 I don't want to pay close attention to my past.

d6 Ideal
1 Beginning - "This is a new, fresh start for me!" (Any)
2 Placement - "I will become a helpful member of my community, both from my past and my new future." (Lawful)
3 Improvement - "In order for me to be better in the future, I must know about my past." (Good)
4 Neglect - "Why bother searching for my past? It's in the past, after all." (Neutral)
5 Freedom - "Having no memories means having no obligations." (Chaotic)
6 Advantage - "Once I find out who I was, I'll use it to take what I want." (Evil)

d6 Bond
1 A kindly old man took me in when he found me. I owe him a favor ever since.
2 I had a lover in my past who wants me to come back to her.
3 I hold onto my trinket, the only thing that I remember in my past.
4 The home I live in right now is the only home that matters to me.
5 I have a good idea who's responsible for my amnesia, and they will pay for it.
6 I remember only one person from my past. He holds the key to finding out about who I was.

d6 Flaw
1 I will stop at nothing to find out who I was.
2 Every time I hit a dead end in learning of my past, I mentally shut down for a bit.
3 On top of forgetting my past, I also forgot basic stuff like eating.
4 I'm quick to forget things.
5 I will latch onto anything that will provide me at least an idea of who I was, even if it's an obvious trap.
6 I am almost certain that what I did in the past was bad, and I'm okay with it.

May 18th, 2015, 05:18
Try dropping the quotes from the Feature?

May 25th, 2015, 03:46
I don't know why, I can't seem to be able to parse Bard. Have barbarian done, but Bard won't pass. Even after I have checked for syntax for hours. Can anybody help?
EDIT: Fix'd it! :D

Care to post how you fixed it? I'm having the same problem. Mine looks like what you had.

May 27th, 2015, 10:14
I was trying to add in races from the Elemental Evil Player's Companion. Everything worked fine except that the Genasi, it doesn't create links for the subraces but when I drag the race to a character sheet it does ask me which subrace I want to use. Any idea where I went wrong?

May 27th, 2015, 18:20
I was trying to add in races from the Elemental Evil Player's Companion. Everything worked fine except that the Genasi, it doesn't create links for the subraces but when I drag the race to a character sheet it does ask me which subrace I want to use. Any idea where I went wrong?

Check if you have this line
#!;Subrace. Four major subraces of genasi are found among the worlds of D&D: air genasi, earth genasi, fire genasi, and water genasi. Choose one of these subraces.

May 27th, 2015, 18:21
I was trying to add in races from the Elemental Evil Player's Companion. Everything worked fine except that the Genasi, it doesn't create links for the subraces but when I drag the race to a character sheet it does ask me which subrace I want to use. Any idea where I went wrong?

Check if you have this line
#!;Subrace. Four major subraces of genasi are found among the worlds of D&D: air genasi, earth genasi, fire genasi, and water genasi. Choose one of these subraces.

May 27th, 2015, 19:24
Check if you have this line
#!;Subrace. Four major subraces of genasi are found among the worlds of D&D: air genasi, earth genasi, fire genasi, and water genasi. Choose one of these subraces.

Apparently didn't like subraces rather than subrace.

May 27th, 2015, 21:55
Apparently didn't like subraces rather than subrace.

Ah, now that you mention that, i remember that i had the exact same problem.
I just remebered the solution, but not the cause. (man, i'm getting too old:p )

May 28th, 2015, 14:01
It puzzled me for a few days, everything else in the races parsed fine, the feat did. The spells were problematic because of different capitalisation between the spell lists and spell descriptions. But it all works now :D

May 29th, 2015, 20:24
Has anyone notice in Par5e the story pages cannot have an & in the name?

##;The D&D Adventures League

Causes the program to parse seemingly correctly but no output is generated

Parse : story .................................................. ....... [The D&D Adventures League - OK]

It is weird because the link in Par5e works and will open a new story page in FG if the story is omitted.

#zl;story;The D&D Adventures League

Renaming everything to

#zl;story;The DnD Adventures League
##;The DnD Adventures League

Parses the file and generates the module. I have read through the users manuals on Par5e and did not see any warnings on this.

June 13th, 2015, 20:33
Hi there

I've been following Xorn's Par5e tutorial (which is excellent by the way) but I'm a little unsure as to exactly how the links work. In building my module I've tried to setup an (Adventure Index) page which will serve as the contents page as per Xorn's instructions when modbuilding. Now although all the story entries from my main story page work (on left of screenshot) none of the links from the (Adventure Index) on the right of the screenshot work.


Obviously I'm just being a bit thick. But what lines do I need to add to the document to make links from my Adventure index link to those main story sections? I know how to add those links from within FG I'm just not sure what lines to add so that it works in parse.


Can anyone help please?

June 14th, 2015, 06:59
Sigh! Ok so I decided to shelve the non linking links in the adventure index and continue apace with the parsing. I've now hit another problem. All of a sudden i'm finding that new story entries are refusing to parse. I add ##; tag to each new story heading in the story.txt file. And when I run par5e it says it par5ed ok but then it doesn't add the story entry to the module from within Fantasy Grounds.


Any ideas?

June 17th, 2015, 06:41
noelyuk: I think you might be using an old version of Par5e. Can you tell me the version # of the one you are using?

June 17th, 2015, 07:38
It's the latest version itsdvw:


June 17th, 2015, 15:55
Drop the #zls; it's not necessary. If you do use it, you need a #zle; to stop. But you can just use #zl;linktype;name now.

#@; Makes a new tab at the bottom of the Story window.
##; Is a new Story entry.
#zl;story;(name) Makes a clickable link to an existing story entry.
#h; Just makes large header text, good for breaking up a link index.

So a quick example:

#@;Bargles Lair

Bargle is the evil mage from the learn-to-play solo adventure in the Mentzer D&D Basic Set from 1983. This is the adventure:
#zl;story;Your Character
#h;The Adventure Begins
#zl;story;Exploring the Hills
#zl;story;Treasure and a Snake
#zl;story;Goblin Surprise
#zl;story;Unexpected Ally
#zl;story;Zombies Afoot
#zl;story;Confronting Bargle

D&D is a kickass game, and you should play it. Roleplaying is fun 'n stuff.

##;Your Character
You're a fighter. You have armor and a big honking sword, so you can kill dancing masters.

Adventuring is what you do in D&D, because it sounds better than "murder-hobo".

##;Exploring the Hills
You go up into the hills where you heard about monsters and stuff like that. You find a cave, light your lantern, and head in.

##;Treasure and a Snake
You find a big *** snake on a pile of treasure (probably from a previous victim)!
#zl;encounter;Treasure and a Snake;Encounter
Once you kill the snake, you take all it's phat lewts.
#zl;parcel;Treasure and a Snake;Treasure

##;Goblin Surprise
After traveling further in there's a goblin--when you hit it the thing runs off.
#zl;encounter;Goblin Surprise;Encounter

##;Unexpected Ally
Chasing the goblin you find a cleric chic. Lemme tell you about clerics. She's gonna join you now.

##;Zombies Afoot
You find some zombies and ****. Temos turns them and tells you that's like her thing.
#zl;encounter;Zombies Afoot;Encounter

##;Confronting Bargle
Bargle is a jerk, and magic missiles your ally while you fight the goblin. Then you go after him.
#zl;encounter;Confronting Bargle;Encounter

At the end of the adventure you may or may not have succeeded on your saving throw vs being charmed. There are two outcomes:
#zl;story;Made Your Save
#zl;story;Failed Your Save

##;Made Your Save
You kill Bargle and take Temos's corpse to her church. They thank you and give you a potion of strength.

##;Failed Your Save
Bargle charms you, and you guys leave the cave together. Then he knocks you out, because he sucks. You wake up and go back in to get Temos's body. You take her to the church and they thank you and give you a potion of healing.

That should work if you PAR5E'd it.

June 19th, 2015, 16:32
I'm just starting to learn PAR5E, and this tutorial has been a godsend. I'm working on a Mac, so Autohotkey isn't an option, unfortunately. I've heard that TextMate is a good equivalent for the Mac, but it looks like Greek to me. Has anyone translated Xorn's hotkeys into TextMate, and if so, could you walk me through the process? Any Mac equivalent would do, actually.

June 19th, 2015, 21:14
I can't help with TextMate since I'm not familiar with it or it's use though the $39 price tag means I'm unlikely to be getting familiar with it anytime soon. I did though try 'Brackets' text editor on Thete's recommendation and have been very happy with it. I don't think it functions in exactly the same way as Test Mate but it' got its own charms and features in adddition to being free so perhaps give that a try.

June 20th, 2015, 02:37
The version I have of Textmate is free (maybe it's a trial), but I also have Brackets. Regardless, I don't know how to input that code into either program. I'm more than computer-literate, but I'm no coder. Could I drop in Xorn's code straight into Brackets as-is, or does some of it have to be changed to reflect Apple's usual substitution of the command key for Windows' Control key? That's just an example of my cluelessness. I need help even figuring out what parameters I need set in Brackets to even begin entering code.

Frankly, I'd skip the whole process if Xorn's videos didn't make it readily obvious that not having the macros would make PAR5Eing unbearably tedious. Noelyuk, if you have the time to walk me through Brackets hotkey creation, I would love you forever.

June 21st, 2015, 03:35
If I can jump in here--the most tedious thing that AHK helps me with is removing linebreaks. You can do that in Notepad++ by just highlighting the first and last line of a paragraph and pushing Ctrl-J.

#bs; #h; and removing spaces from a line (or replacing spaces with ;) doesn't really occur often. Yes, it will take longer to make a table--but you don't need to make THAT many tables, even in the PHB. :)

When I'm making adventure modules, the most common thing you do is type #zl;story; I just type it once, then cut-n-paste however many links I need. Then I copy that block down and do a Replace (Ctrl-H) to chance #zl;story; to ##; and put linebreaks between them.

June 21st, 2015, 04:52
Eryndur. I doubt that those macros will work in brackets though I might be wrong. Brackets can do all of the above that Xorn mentioned but for mac, hence me using it, but it works in a different way. You need to load a few extensions that will do the stuff you like, so no need to enter your own macros. Installing the Brackets Tools extension, Emmet extension, Beautify and Quick Search should be enough to get you started. Most of the extensions work from a simple menu that pops up when you right click. Beautify does the equivalent of Ctrl-J removing line breaks. Quick search automatically highlights all occurrences of a word allowing for easy find and batch replace and so on.

I'm still new to the programme myself but can walk you through as much as I know. PM me your email and/or skype and maybe I can walk you through it live.


June 21st, 2015, 06:18
Thanks for the help, guys! I'm out of free time for the weekend, but I'll definitely give all that a whirl after I clear my head and able to focus on it again!

June 30th, 2015, 12:34
Xorn, I suspect I know the answer given your proficiency with par5e, but with the new official mm mod, do you find it easier to continue parsing npcs or adding them in the adventure later within fg? Does your answer change if it's a spellcaster? I'm looking to parse adventurer league modules now and trying to improve my speed....manually takes too long generally and based on your tutorial, looks like you've easily halved the time it takes me.

July 1st, 2015, 05:30
I like using PAR5E for making huge adventure modules, like ToEE. I can work on the TXT files anywhere, like at work when things are slow, etc. For AL adventures I prefer to just use FG-exporting. My preference is because making Image Grids, pre-placing encounter NPCs, and items are all easier and/or better with FG-exporting.

I think it's easier to work with the walls of story entries in PAR5E, but for a small adventure I like the control of FG-exporting.

As far as NPCs when FG-exporting, I just open the NPCs I need in the MM mod, then drag and drop each one's link into the adventure NPCs, like in my Adventure Building tutorial. Re-link the tokens if you want the module to work without the MM module present (or just close the module and /reload to make the tokens work with a closed MM).

September 28th, 2015, 09:40
Xorn, if you read this by any chance. Would it be possible to enable captions on your tutorial videos? I'd like to translate those videos into hungarian for my players and well basically anyone else in Hungary who might ever be interested in FG. :D However, the thing I hate most in making a subtitle file is timing it. I can do it, but it's a reaaally tedious work. However youtube has this awesome feature, that it can provide automatic captions by speech recognition, which could be used as a basis for an external srt file, that I can play with. Youtube however does this only if the owner of the video enables captions in the video settings. An actual caption for the video is not needed at all, just the option needs to be turned on.

September 29th, 2015, 03:55
I think I turned on CC--let me know if that does what you needed.

September 29th, 2015, 09:54
I think I turned on CC--let me know if that does what you needed.

Ummmm, almost... :D It seems the video of the player's tutorial has an English CC attached to it with only one line in it. That prevents Youtube to do its speech recognition magic, because it believes that's a full caption file and assumes it has nothing to do there. If you could remove that caption from the video, I think it could work, because then Youtube would see that the video doesn't have an English caption attached, so it would diligently start speech recognition. At least, that's my theory :D

Sorry for making this such a hassle and wasting your time with such crazy requests.

October 1st, 2015, 21:57
HELP! I'm trying to use PAR5E and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. It appears to build the module, but when I open it in FG it shows up as empty! Console output below, thanks!

Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.9-b62]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ........... [DMG Dungeon Master's Guide]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]
Parse : background .................................................. .................... [Acolyte - OK]
Parse : backgrounds .................................................. ....................... [Completed]
Make : backgrounds windowlists .................................................. ........... [Completed]
Parse : npc .................................................. ........................... [COMMONER - OK]
Parse : npcs .................................................. .............................. [Completed]
Make : npcs windowlists .................................................. .................. [Completed]
Parse : races .................................................. ............................. [Completed]
Make : races windowlists .................................................. ................. [Completed]
Parse - reference chapter .................................................. .............. [CREDITS - OK]
Parse - reference subchapter .................... [D&D Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, jeremy Crawford - OK]
Parse - reference page ...................... [Dungeon Master's Guide Leads: \u00B7Jeremy Crawford, - OK]
Parse - reference chapter .................................................. .............. [CREDITS - OK]
Parse - reference subchapter .................... [D&D Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, jeremy Crawford - OK]
Parse - reference page ...................... [Dungeon Master's Guide Leads: \u00B7Jeremy Crawford, - OK]
Parse - reference page .................. [Designers: Robert J. Schwalb, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee - OK]
Parse - reference page .................................................. .. [Jennifer Clarke Wilkes - OK]
Parse - reference page .................................................. . [Producer: Greg Bilsland - OK]
Parse - reference page ................... [Art Directors: Kate Irwin, Dan Gelon, jon Schindehette, - OK]
Parse - reference chapter .................................................. .............. [CREDITS - OK]
Parse - reference subchapter .................... [D&D Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, jeremy Crawford - OK]
Parse - reference page ...................... [Dungeon Master's Guide Leads: \u00B7Jeremy Crawford, - OK]
Parse - reference page .......................................... [Christopher Perkins, james Wyatt - OK]
Parse - reference page .................. [Designers: Robert J. Schwalb, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee - OK]
Parse - reference page ............... [Editors: Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Michele Carter, Chris Sims, - OK]
Parse - reference page .................................................. .. [Jennifer Clarke Wilkes - OK]
Parse - reference page .................................................. . [Producer: Greg Bilsland - OK]
Parse - reference page ................... [Art Directors: Kate Irwin, Dan Gelon, jon Schindehette, - OK]
Parse : referencemanual .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Make : referencemanual windowlists .................................................. ....... [Completed]
Make : npcs (campaign) .................................................. ................... [Completed]
Make : npcs (reference) .................................................. .................. [Completed]
Make : backgrounds (reference) .................................................. ........... [Completed]
Make : npcs (reference) .................................................. .................. [Completed]
Make : races (reference) .................................................. ................. [Completed]

October 1st, 2015, 23:00
You have some weird text before most of the Jeremy's which won't be helping. Although it appears to be parsing you have an error somewhere and from what you've given us it's not possible to track that down. It could be any number of things right down to a misplaced comma. Check everything over carefully. Your best plan is to open a fresh text file and copy most of the stuff into it and then try to parse the small bit. If that works then copy some more in and parse again until it doesn't work. That might help to narrow it down.

October 1st, 2015, 23:05
You have some weird text before most of the Jeremy's which won't be helping. Although it appears to be parsing you have an error somewhere and from what you've given us it's not possible to track that down. It could be any number of things right down to a misplaced comma. Check everything over carefully. Your best plan is to open a fresh text file and copy most of the stuff into it and then try to parse the small bit. If that works then copy some more in and parse again until it doesn't work. That might help to narrow it down.

You nailed it, there was an extraneous dot and once i got rid of that it parsed fine. Not sure what the dot was, but it wasn't a period, more like a bullet. Anyway, it works! Thank you so much!

October 21st, 2015, 01:21
I'm too dumb to use this XD, can't even set up the directories proper. I think the version of par5e the videos are using is older or something.

October 21st, 2015, 12:08
Artef; yes the videos are using an older version. Unzip par5e to your 'C' drive. Open up par5e and let's say you want to create a module called PHB. In the module path you should have C:\Par5e\PAR5E-windows\PHB. The FG Modules path still points to the same place as in the videos.

Within the folder for C:\Par5e\PAR5E-windows\ you need two folders called Input and output. The Input is where you save your text files to and the output is where par5e sends the db.xml and other files too.

October 21st, 2015, 12:15
Zach, thanks, I'm trying to parse a class specific. got 3 hours of sleep yesterday so maybe I just need to do it on a weekend.

October 21st, 2015, 12:40
Zach, thanks, I'm trying to parse a class specific. got 3 hours of sleep yesterday so maybe I just need to do it on a weekend.

I've been messing with Par5e for my Homebrew, probably got well over 100 hours into it, if not more and it still frustrates me to no end. I hate working with raw text files. Sometime I spend all day trying to find the incorrect formatting that triggers parse failure in one entry.

Is this a custom class? If you want help with it let me know. I would be willing to run it through my database tool and see if we can get it to parse that way. Its still a work in progress but it worked for a few of the ones I have built in it. They are not complete classes but are close.

October 21st, 2015, 13:19
Sometime I spend all day trying to find the incorrect formatting that triggers parse failure in one entry.

I'm sure you've worked this out already Gunnar but the secret is to not parse too much at once. this cuts down the amount of text you have to work with. Also once you get to know what kinds of things cause errors you can usually focus on those things first.

October 21st, 2015, 14:03

That's very kind of you, I want to give it a weekend, maybe Saturday. I'll probably take Monday off in order to sink my fangs into it. For now I spent about 3 hours on it while play testing the Runeseeker class, it's a homebrew yes, but we decided to do it because the level 17 play test showed it wasn't any more annoying to the DM than any other class.

We had to change a few things from the Raw though because we never got low level play testing done and we weren't sure how it would work out.


For example it gets a d8 hit die instead of a d10. It can't use shields or heavy armor, the rune weapon is a level 3 unlock instead of right away, so you can have a bond with it so that it can teleport to you and be indestructible at level 3.

The big change we did was the soul keeper path level 15 which is triggered once per round rather than attack, and the elemental burst has a similar change.

It's my first time messing with parse obviously so I expected at least this much of an issue but the video is kind of confusing me with the directory, Zach cleared it up a bit though.

October 21st, 2015, 14:31
Hmm, that link is not working for me. Is it a tweak of the class here? > https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Runeseeker_%285e_Class%29

October 21st, 2015, 18:25

That link leads to a download for the PDF and no the changes my DM made were within his game. We are kind of playing it by ear until we can see how it affects the game though the adjustments were essentially nerfs.

For example we also got rid of it's somatic for using 2 handed weapons. He wants me to get Warcaster basically in order to use somatics while using the the Rune weapon.

It's a bit odd if my Runeweapon is 2 handed I wont be able to use somatic spells however the Runeweapon functions as my spell book XD.

November 6th, 2015, 04:20
Thank you Xorn!
Watched your tutorials and so far so good!

I already own 2 hard cover Player handbooks and didn't want to have to pay another 50 bucks here.. Been working on and off now for 12 hours and already have Backgrounds and Classes finished!

November 6th, 2015, 04:37
Thank you Xorn!
Watched your tutorials and so far so good!

I already own 2 hard cover Player handbooks and didn't want to have to pay another 50 bucks here.. Been working on and off now for 12 hours and already have Backgrounds and Classes finished!

its strangely a little therapeutic... once you get your head around it!
until then its anything but!

November 16th, 2015, 19:42
I watched the Tutorial by Xorn, some great information there. Does anyone know if I can take 2E books that I scanned and create a module using the 5E ruleset? Will that work?

November 16th, 2015, 21:13
I watched the Tutorial by Xorn, some great information there. Does anyone know if I can take 2E books that I scanned and create a module using the 5E ruleset? Will that work?

I think the short answer is no. Par5e is designed to work with the 5e ruleset and 2nd edition is a good deal different from 5e.

November 16th, 2015, 21:40
Fair enough, that's what I was thinking as well. If I were to take some 2E material and by hand translate it into 5E friendly material (which is what I had planned on doing anyways), is Par5e still the best tool to build a module?

November 16th, 2015, 22:02
If you are going to be translating 2e into 5e you would be as well building your module directly into FG. Unless you duplicate, for example NPC's, into the exact format which par5e requires then par5e isn't going to be able to do it for you. You'd be as well creating everything within FG. That's how I translated some 4e modules into 5e. Also it might depend what your source material is. If you are going to type it in then use FG. If you are going to be using a pdf then you could copy/paste story entries into a text file and mark that up for use in par5e. It all really depends on what you would be doing.

In summary for story text use par5e if you can copy/paste for everything else (and story if you are typing) I'd suggest do it in FG.

November 16th, 2015, 22:12

I sent you a pm with my next question since it may or may not relate to par5e!

Thanks for the help.


November 17th, 2015, 00:06
Hey Kulis,

The way most Adventure modules are written - well that is before some were written with Par5e - is by using Story Entries and splitting the Story entries into different tabs and having one or more Index files to link to all the stories. This works well for most peoples needs and can be exported easily as a mod for re-use. Id explore that method if I was you.

November 17th, 2015, 04:46
I have successfully Parsed War-Lock by Goodman Games. Now time to make battle maps! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

December 7th, 2015, 21:51
Is there any way you could share the setup and shortcuts for Notepad++ ? This seems to make things a lot easier, ams I am fairle inept at things like that but am trying to change that

December 7th, 2015, 22:12
Is there any way you could share the setup and shortcuts for Notepad++ ? This seems to make things a lot easier, ams I am fairle inept at things like that but am trying to change that

See post #12 above. You need to download the program Autohotkey (https://www.autohotkey.com/)

December 7th, 2015, 22:50
Missed it, Thanks

December 13th, 2015, 18:51
I'm pretty new at this and have had issues. Probably not a surprise. I have gone through the tutorial video and I'm pretty sure I have the paths for the module (I set it up in the PAR5E folder) correct. I have the input folder in the right place and I made .txt files in the folder. I even downloaded Notepad++. I get path errors when parsing and the version I downloaded does not match the one I see in the screen in the demo video. I tried to see if there is another version to download, but get some sort of java/SQL error from the download page when I try to sign in. All I've been trying to do so far is add the Aasimar as a race. So I'm wondering if I have the wrong version of PAR5E (downloaded it months ago) and if there is a way to download the latest version since it seems signing in crashes.

Sorry, new to this. I have the Ultimate Licence and have spent about $400 on FG stuff so far. I want to use it but I would like to know why paths are invalid when I know for a fact they are not. On the plus side, I can find the Fantasy Grounds module folder with my eyes closed.

December 13th, 2015, 19:08
The latest version of Par4e is v 0.9.b62 and was released back in May 2015. You probably have that one since it has been a while since it was updated. As far as I can see you can log into Zeus's site by clicking on the Fantasy Grounds button after log in even though it does throw up an error.

Assuming you do have the correct version there are changes in parse which make the set up as shown in the video obsolete. With the latest version you should create your parse folder in the top level of your directory. You only need to enter a module path and the path for FG modules now; the rest of the stuff is no longer needed. Once you have the parse folder create your working folder inside that and then create an input folder for your text files. An images folder if required goes inside the input folder. Any thumbnail if required goes on the same level as your input folder and must be called Thumbnail.png (and must be a png file).

December 13th, 2015, 19:15
With the latest version you should create your parse folder in the top level of your directory. You only need to enter a module path and the path for FG modules now; the rest of the stuff is no longer needed. once you have the parse foldder create your working folder inside that and then create an input folder for your text files. An images folder if required goes inside the input folder. Any thumbnail if required goes on the same level as your input folder and must be called Thumbnail.png (and must be a png file).

Okay, that first sentence looks important. Let's pretend I'm really dumb. Is it okay for the PAR5E folder to be on my desktop or should I have it located elsewhere. My module folder which I called Planescape House Rules is on the top level inside the PAR5E folder. And already, because not so bright, I can't remember if I had to make a module file in Fantasy Grounds/modules or if it generates on its own. I had it for a little. Bit.

Sorry, this is frustrating and I know I sound like a noob. I will figure this out and the coding doesn't look too bad. I have Notepad++ set to ANSI. Maybe I'll just delete everything and try again from the beginning. Would screenshots of parsing errors help? And thanks for your quick reply. I'm in a new Fantasy Grounds facebook group and we two admins are noobs trying to make it easy for others to join. :)

December 13th, 2015, 19:26
Put parse in c/Par5se-windows

Your folder then is c/par5e-windows/whatever name you want/input
c/par5e-windows/whatever name you want/input/images
c/par5e-windows/whatever name you want/Thumbnail.png

In the set up for parse you have two paths to fill in: the first points to your folder within parse; so c/par5e-windows/whatever name you want
And the second points to where you want to create your module which is with the FG Appdata folder so c/users/AppData/Roaming/Fantasy Grounds/modules

Parse creates the module assuming it can successfully parse the data.

December 13th, 2015, 19:33
Alright, that is some useful information right there. I am going to try these things and then try again from scratch. The content I want to add isn't much to begin with so I'm just going to do it over and over until something sticks. Oh the thumbnail thing is handy too. Thanks. I know I'm going to love this once it works for me and yes I probably have the right version of PAR5E now that you mention the time frame.

December 13th, 2015, 19:48
One other thing I thought of is to make sure that you name your text files correctly eg. class.txt, npcs.txt etc

December 13th, 2015, 20:02
One other thing I thought of is to make sure that you name your text files correctly eg. class.txt, npcs.txt etc

I check naming conventions as if paranoid. :D I'm trying this again and am determined to get my Aasimar.

December 13th, 2015, 20:17
Right so I followed all the steps. When I get to parse races (I have the boxed checked) I get a "Parse: race............ [Aasimar - WARNING]" and "Write: module xml syntax... [Mal Formed - WARNING]" errors. The module shows up in FG, thumbnail works. But when I click on it, I get no races showing up though I am 1000% sure it says races.txt.

December 13th, 2015, 21:43
Yep until I figure out what this error is, PAR5E has come to a screeching halt.

December 13th, 2015, 21:57
Par5e is the ultimate proof of the saying "Garbage in, garbage out!". The tiniest error can stop Par5e from completing. Find one of the successful races listed in this thread and make sure your format is correct. And then go thru and look for non standard characters, spaces in wrong places, letters in place of numbers etc....

December 13th, 2015, 22:37
Okay I'll look for a listed race to try. Maybe I'm doing something wrong with Notepad++?

December 13th, 2015, 22:53
Find one of the successful races listed in this thread and make sure your format is correct.

I just checked all the pages and can't seem to find an example.

December 13th, 2015, 22:57
#h;Gnome Traits
Your gnome character has certain characteristics in common with all other gnomes.
#!;Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2.
#!;Age. Gnomes mature at the same rate humans do, and most are expected to settle down into an adult life by around age 40. They can live 350 to almost 500 years.
#!;Alignment. Gnomes are most often good. Those who tend toward law are sages, engineers, researchers, scholars, investigators, or inventors. Those who tend toward chaos are minstrels, tricksters, wanderers, or fanciful jewelers. Gnomes are good-hearted, and even the tricksters among them are more playful than vicious.
#!;Size. Gnomes are between 3 and 4 feet tall and average about 40 pounds. Your size is Small.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
#!;Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
#!;Gnome Cunning. You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
#!;Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Gnomish. The Gnomish language, which uses the Dwarvish script, is renowned for its technical treatises and its catalogs of knowledge about the natural world.
#!;Subrace. Two subraces of gnomes are found among the worlds of D&D: forest gnomes and rock gnomes. Choose one of these subraces.
#s;Forest Gnome
As a forest gnome, you have a natural knack for illusion and inherent quickness and stealth. In the worlds of D&D, forest gnomes are rare and secretive. They gather in hidden communities in sylvan forests, using illusions and trickery to conceal themselves from threats or to mask their escape should they be detected. Forest gnomes tend to be friendly with other good-spirited woodland folk, and they regard elves and good fey as their most important allies. These gnomes also befriend small forest animals and rely on them for information about threats that might prowl their lands.
#!;Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
#!;Natural Illusionist. You know the minor illusion cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for it.
#!;Speak with Small Beasts. Through sounds and gestures, you can communicate simple ideas with Small or smaller beasts. Forest gnomes love animals and often keep squirrels, badgers, rabbits, moles, woodpeckers, and other creatures as beloved pets.

#s;Rock Gnome
As a rock gnome, you have a natural inventiveness and hardiness beyond that of other gnomes. Most gnomes in the worlds of D&D are rock gnomes, including the tinker gnomes of the Dragonlance setting.

#!;Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
#!;Artificer's Lore. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.
#!;Tinker. You have proficiency with artisan's tools (tinker's tools). Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 hp). The device ceases to function after 24 hours (unless you spend 1 hour repairing it to keep the device functioning), or when you use your action to dismantle it; at that time, you can reclaim the materials used to create it. You can have up to three such devices active at a time.
When you create a device, choose one of the following options:
#li;Clockwork Toy. This toy is a clockwork animal, monster, or person, such as a frog, mouse, bird, dragon, or soldier. When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across the ground on each of your turns in a random direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents.
#li;Fire Starter. The device produces a miniature flame, which you can use to light a candle, torch, or campfire. Using the device requires your action.
#li;Music Box. When opened, this music box plays a single song at a moderate volume. The box stops playing when it reaches the song's end or when it is closed.

December 13th, 2015, 22:59
Awesome. I just got the Dwarf from the PDF to work and then added the gnome and they are both working now. Thanks for the help!

December 16th, 2015, 16:03
I'm having an issue with getting some races to parse. I have a total of 15 races in the file. I made them all the same way, but 11 of them are having issues. Is it because they don't have a subrace? That is the only thing I can see that separates them. Do I need some extra markup for those to get them to parse correctly?

December 16th, 2015, 18:02
I'm having an issue with getting some races to parse. I have a total of 15 races in the file. I made them all the same way, but 11 of them are having issues. Is it because they don't have a subrace? That is the only thing I can see that separates them. Do I need some extra markup for those to get them to parse correctly?

Kanabot, welcome to Fantasy Grounds and the forums.

No, you don't need a subrace.

There will be errors in your text file. The best advice when using par5e is to do small amounts at a time. So do one race and par5e it; check that it's all good, do another par5e it etc.

What you could try is to break your file up; cut everything out apart from the first race than par5e that, add in the next one etc.

You don't say what kind of issues you have but it's likely that there's a missing ';' an extra space somewhere, a colon where there shouldn't be one, a letter 'l' where there should be a number 1.

December 16th, 2015, 18:33
Usually when I have a mal-formed error, I'm missing a ; in a list or table.

December 16th, 2015, 19:09
I'm at a loss at the moment. I have tried making the class in it's own file, and I am still having issues. A class that is parsing in my regular file is failing when I copy past it into its own file, if I only have the class as soon as I add a subrace it works. I guess I'll give just putting a #s; at the end of my parses and see if it fixes the issue.

edit. as soon as I add the subrace tag the race works, but now the subrace has an issue.

edit2. when I change everything to subrace instead of the main race all the parts parse and say okay, but I still get an malform error at the end.

May 8th, 2016, 15:49
I have just discovered something with a tag. I know nothing can be done about it, but I'm posting this as a warning.

I'm using the #is; tag. Normally, it works in most cases, but I found a case where it doesn't work.

#is;Magic Holy Symbol +1: blah, blah, blah.

This produces the exact text as above (i.e., no italics).

When I leave off the "+1", it italicizes just fine.

<i>Magic Holy Symbol +1:</i> blah, blah, blah

Work around: use the <i> & </i> tags.

May 18th, 2016, 02:52
Hi, I seem to be having some difficulty with Par5e and any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to create an Anti-Paladin class for a friend of mine who is playing with us in Fantasy Grounds, but I can't get anything to parse, it stops parsing and stays on ready after this point.

Info : engine build .................................................. ..................... [v0.0.9-b62]
Info : ruleset library .................................................. .......................... [5E]
Info : module .................................................. ......................... [Anti-Paladin]
Info : ruleset .................................................. .................................. [5E]
Info : folder structure .................................................. ............. [Already Exists]

It does not matter how much is in my class.txt file, I've gotten rid of most of what I originally started with and am now just trying a few lines of text, here is my formatted text that I last tried.

A human in dull black armor pounces forward, bringing his greatsword down on a troll. The wound festers and the blood runs like water.
A tiefling whips a halberd around, slicing into a man’s leg. She quickly mutters an in incantation, and the man gasps and falls.
A half-elf raises his shield and shouts to the skies. Unholy light falls around his enemies, making them easy prey.
An anti-paladin steals divine magic to fulfill their goals, and makes vows against the gods to enhance their power further. Through dark rituals and incantations, anti-paladins gain the ability to fight the gods and undo their work. Anti-paladins come in many forms, yet their driving force remains the same: bringing justice to the divine.

Any ideas why parse is getting stuck? Someone and sometime ago posted their homebrew class, the Mystic on these forums, I copied and pasted their example text file into my class.txt and it parsed fine, created the module which I viewed in Fantasy Grounds no problem so I know the software is working, just can't figure out why "my" class.txt files are not. I am using Notepad++ for editing and have used Xorn's own autohotkey script to edit the file to get rid of line breaks and such.

Thanks for any help.

May 18th, 2016, 03:00
It is entirely possible that it does not like the dash in Anti-Paladin. Try getting rid of the dash.

May 18th, 2016, 03:05
I thought of that already, tried removing it with no difference.

update: so I've confirmed my class.txt file will parse fine as a blank file and with just the head #h;Anti-Paladin, but as soon as the class ##;Anti-Paladin is put at the top of the file, it stops parsing for some reason.

May 18th, 2016, 04:40
Classes cant par5e by themselves. they need some other stuff too. read back a few pages and you will find the minimum info required. you are right to reduce the amount of content in your testing but you do have to have all the required inputs.

May 18th, 2016, 05:52
Thanks so much for the tip damned, I indeed had not added enough to my class.txt file to begin with, my table still needs some work to make it look better but at least I have a properly parsing class, thanks so much again.

May 24th, 2016, 03:21
so ive copied this exactly and trying to do the acolyte and ..
the numpad 0. doesn't wanna work although it ,aybbe that my numpad doesn't work..
that said to use the normal 0 above the o/p keys, what would I type?

May 24th, 2016, 03:27
and wen nmpad0 does work, it takes all selected and makes it one sentence running off screne?

or is there a way to remove the line breaks manually?

im usin notepad++

May 24th, 2016, 04:43
It sounds like you are having keyboard issues?

May 24th, 2016, 04:54
To remove line breaks in Notepad++:
1. Click the option to display control characters. You should see CRLF highlighted in black at the end of each line of text.
2. Ctrl-F to open the search box. Click on the find and replace tab.
3. Choose the search using regular expressions option.
3. Enter ^\r\n into the search field. Make sure the replace field is empty.
4. Find and replace all. This will replace all line breaks with nothing.

May 24th, 2016, 06:43
so that did work. watchin xorns vid in his when it removes the lines breaks it makes it a paragraph but all for line 1...
mine makes that paragraph one long line that extends to the riht off screen...
is there a function or button to make it not aline?
its one reason I use word over notepad

I figured out the word wrap under view..
now I got the hot key to work just have to have the word rap bit on
is there a way to make words n sentences like" tha n ks fo r all the hel p?

thanks for all the assistance

May 24th, 2016, 08:56
Xorn's method uses a background program called AutoHotKey. I posted scripts that do all of that functionality elsewhere in these forums. An easier way is to just do as above, but replace each line break individually. Skip over the ones that you want to keep.

May 24th, 2016, 09:00
Is there a way to make words n sentences like" tha n ks fo r all the hel p?
thanks for all the assistance

I used that AutoHotKey program and made a list of errors and their fixes. For example, I fixed every occurrence of "o f" with "of". But this only fixes the words that you tell it to fix. This problem is very difficult to deal with perfectly.

May 24th, 2016, 09:37
you do not want to use Word. Word will introduce new formatting characters.
Use Notepad++ and turn on Word Wrap.

May 24th, 2016, 12:47
As has been noted above use Autohotkey and you'll find things so much easier. See post #12 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?21964-PAR5E-Tutorial&p=185550&viewfull=1#post185550) above where Xorn lists all the macros; just copy paste those into the Autohotkey script and you're good to go.

May 24th, 2016, 14:11
im using ahk and notepad++.
it just wasn't wanting to work for some reason
but now ..like my fav chr Oberon would say..." its gravy"
thanks everyone for the help

May 24th, 2016, 18:28
I'll also recomend jEdit also, mainly because its portable on a flash drive (along with PCGen).

May 24th, 2016, 20:19
I'll also recomend jEdit also, mainly because its portable on a flash drive (along with PCGen).
So is Notepad++. It's either a different version or when you install it asks you if you want it portable or not. (Don't remember which last time I installed it.)