View Full Version : Damage modifier broken?

July 25th, 2014, 17:52
It seems to me, that if I use a modifier on damage, the modifier stays there even if it is only intented for a single roll.

Example: Using Accurate Attack and apply a -2 modifier to the attack roll. The roll works as intended for a single roll. Now, if I then add 2 to the damage effect it also works as intended. However the modifier on the damage effect does not go away, as it should.

Anyone know a way around this?

Vires Animi

July 26th, 2014, 06:20
Where are you adding the modifier to the damage? In the modifier box in the lower left of the screen, on the character sheet, in the combat tracker?

July 26th, 2014, 09:21
The modifier box usually. I've tried making modifiers (using the little +/- button). Same thing. I don't see where I can put in a temporary modifier in the combat tracker.

Vires Animi

July 28th, 2014, 02:07
When I asked about "in the combat tracker" I was referring to creating modifiers with the + / - button. You can add the modifiers to characters listed in the combat tracker. But unless they are set to expire they stick around until removed.

When I manually enter a number in the modifier box it is applied to only one roll, either attack or damage, and then zeroed out. Not sure what were doing different here the difference is here.