View Full Version : New purchases not downloading with the updater

July 20th, 2014, 04:45
I just saw the discounts in the store and decided to buy some more stuff, and ended up adding in more expensive item, not discounted (so your plan worked :0). The thing is, I must have done something wrong, because although they appear in my purchase history, they are not downloading as the other things I bought did.

Looking at my email purchase confirmation, I was sent download links instead. Can you associate the new stuff with my existing stuff so that they all download automatically?

If you need details, let me know.



July 20th, 2014, 05:06
Not all items available in the store are currently part of the updater. Items are slowly being added, but for a number you will have to manually install.

The best practice is to manually install with the links in your email or in your order history and if the product is part of the update process and there is an update available you will see the red "Update" button activate.

The update process is primarily for that - updating. It has a secondary feature of installing some items that you have purchased that are linked to your account and are products that have been added to the update process. But, as you are experiencing, don't expect all items to be auto-installed this way.

July 20th, 2014, 05:38
Ok, didn't realise that...

I now downloaded with the links in the email and even when I ran the installers, only one of them appeared.

I have unzipped them and manually installed the ext and mod files, but it's a bit disappointing...

And now I have tested them and the SW Supers Companion Headquarters extension doesn't seem to work properly... lots of errors... Off to the Savage Worlds forum I go.



July 20th, 2014, 06:04
send an email to [email protected] and remind them that product xyz isnt in the updater list and Im sure they will flag it for inclusion in the near future...
ooops - did i just create more work for someone?
its a much better system for them to be delivered that way.