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View Full Version : Couple of questions about 5E and running my first campaign

July 18th, 2014, 21:56
A little background real quick before my questions. I purchased a Fantasy Grounds License about 2 years ago and never used the software after that and just played locally off the PC. I setup an adventure but never actually used it to play any games. Now that 5E has come out I want to finally put this awesome program to use since it will be easier to game from home and have other folks connect to me.

1. What does the 5E parse do? I have downloaded it but have no idea what it is used for. I did use the 4E parse when I had a DDI subscription to import info. I see post about using the online D&D pdf that came out but could not find a good explanation of what goes where.

2. Where can I find the new Starter Box adventure in pdf form? I have the Starter Box but didn't know if I needed to get started scanning the pages so I can start setting up encounters.

3. Is it worth it to upgrade to the ultimate license or should I just stick with the Fantasy Ground License (which I currently have).

4. Character Sheets... I started entering all the info in for the pregen characters but not sure if I am putting everything in the correct place. Is there a tutorial on what goes where for a version of D&D?

July 18th, 2014, 22:44
well if you are yet to use the sw then you definitely dont need the ultimate upgrade.
ultimate has one and only one additional feature - it allows you to host games for as many unregistered/demo licenses as you like... other than that the full license is the same.
so you know the parser helps you take content that fantasy grounds doesnt have a distribution license for and turn it into a fantasy grounds module for your personal use.

Why dont you advertise for a couple, maybe 2-3, patient players who would like to try 5e with a newish DM and give it a go and learn how 5e on FG works together.
it really doesnt matter if you dont know all the features just learn what you need to get started.
the doco is still in progress for 5e as the product is still being developed and converted to FG https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/User_Guides but much of the 4e stuff will also be relevant.

July 18th, 2014, 23:59
I don't believe the Starter Set books are available in any digital form yet. I'm hoping this will change, but currently you'll have to do your conversions manually (Scan, type, etc).

July 19th, 2014, 08:19
FSHSchmo, there are a couple of people here looking for a game > "Creative Player Looking for GM or Other Like Players (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?21634-Creative-Player-Looking-for-GM-or-Other-Like-Players)". Neither mentioned a specific system but seems they might be looking more for story than combat stuff so a situation like that may give you more time to learn the tips and tricks of FG as you go along.

July 19th, 2014, 18:44
FSHSchmo, there are a couple of people here looking for a game > "Creative Player Looking for GM or Other Like Players (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?21634-Creative-Player-Looking-for-GM-or-Other-Like-Players)". Neither mentioned a specific system but seems they might be looking more for story than combat stuff so a situation like that may give you more time to learn the tips and tricks of FG as you go along.

Cool deal, Ill keep that in mind. Started scanning my adventure to pdf format but can't copy the text for some reason so been typing it all up.

July 19th, 2014, 20:57
Cool deal, Ill keep that in mind. Started scanning my adventure to pdf format but can't copy the text for some reason so been typing it all up.
I had the same thing with the full copy, seems it might be the way the .pdf was coded. Try the printer friendly version and use that one when you need to copy/cut paste.

July 19th, 2014, 21:04
I had the same thing with the full copy, seems it might be the way the .pdf was coded. Try the printer friendly version and use that one when you need to copy/cut paste.

I wasn't aware they had a printer friendly version of Lost Mine at Phandelver

July 19th, 2014, 21:22
I wasn't aware they had a printer friendly version of Lost Mine at Phandelver
Opps sorry, thought you mean the free basic rules.

July 19th, 2014, 21:51
A scanned copy will have to be OCR'd before you'll be able to copy text out of it, and more than likely you'll spend more time correcting scan errors than it would take you to retype the text for as few monsters as there are in the NPC section of Lost Mine of Phandelver. The rulebook that came with the Starter Set has nothing in it that the Basic PDF doesn't have, if you are wanting to parse that, use the Print Friendly version of the free Basic D&D PDF.