View Full Version : Connection problem

July 9th, 2014, 19:13
I have Fantasy Grounds Ultimate license, and have just reached the end of hosting over a year of campaigning for my group. Currently exchanging the reigns of power. My successor, and heir to the great reaches of the next campaign on Fantasy Grounds, has a GM license. Unfortunately, I am unable to connect to him. Are there any issues that have come up like this previously? Any suggestions? I remain (as ever) but a humble servant spreading the word to the uninitiated, and will (as ever) be extremely grateful for any help. Indeed, I will burn incense and even sacrifice a beer or two in your honour...

Moon Wizard
July 9th, 2014, 20:24
Has the other GM already tried the suggestions in the sticky threads in the House of Healing forum?

1. Run two instances on same machine. Host with one; join "localhost" with other. If fails, check firewall/security software settings.

2. Host on one machine, and join at local IP from another machine on same local network. If fails, check firewall/security software settings.

3. After launching FG in hosting mode, use canyouseeme.org to test port 1802 availability. If fails or everything else is fine, check port forwarding settings on modem and router

July 9th, 2014, 22:26
Indeed he has. Will hook up with him tomorrow and test the lay of the land, and if needs be do further troubleshooting. Will update with more specifics if we still have problems after having followed the steps outlined.

Many thanks (again, you frequently come to my rescue it seems!)

July 10th, 2014, 00:19
Alchemeister - is it only you who cannot connect or can others also not connect?

July 10th, 2014, 21:52
Problem resolved.

The issue was due to configuration issues the host's end. Now successfully resolved.

For anyone else using Hamachi, we have switched to Tunngle, and it really couldn't be easier. Works like a dream.

Thanks to everyone who posted guidance and suggestions.