View Full Version : SPOILERS Rise Of The Runelords Burnt Offerings DM Clarification Requested

June 22nd, 2014, 03:36
This thread contains a minor spoiler so if you are not a DM doing this or otherwise don't want to know any details, please stop reading.

In the Thistletop outside area, the module says that if they make a survival role of 14, they find their way through, if they get 24 they end up at the secret entrance C1. The question is, where do they arrive from if they only meet the 14 check?

June 22nd, 2014, 03:56
Perhaps getting 24+ allows the PCs to follow the goblin track and avoid the poisonous plants. That's how I read it when I ran it.

Or, it has been suggested here (https://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q9dy?Question-about-PCs-finding-entrance-to) that it negates the need for the perception check to see the secret entrance.

Either way (14+ or 24+) the PCs will arrive in the same place eventually.

Gwaihir Scout
June 22nd, 2014, 05:49
I took it to mean that they would arrive at the coast on or just off the edge of the map. They could see Thistletop and its interesting shape but would have not yet discovered the entrance to the thistle maze in the woods, with the bridge being the only clue. This would allow for a water approach.

June 22nd, 2014, 17:07
Ok well ill pick something then. I feel like some skills are gimped skills that could use rewarding more often then others for the precious skill points invested. Perception for example pays off every single battle, every trap, every secret door. Survival is one that is used somewhat but not much, and in this scenario, not having it only costs you time which has no real cost in this case. Other skills sometimes feel like the red headed step child(appraise for example. Nobody wants to deal with the bookkeeping involved in using that correctly, and when you even should be using it.)