View Full Version : Small module of Combat Encounter maps now included

June 21st, 2014, 02:15
Using the basic approach and Photoshop styles provided by Zeus, I decided that it would fun to put together a few generic, indoor combat encounter maps to include with all Full and Ultimate licenses. I purposefully left the details vague and the maps much less like a fully laid out dungeon and more like the old SSI goldbox series of maps they used for indoor encounters. I tried to capture the same basic feel of those, where a party of 6 could effectively utilize strategy to overcome their foes. There are plenty of 10x5 and 15x5 openings between rooms, which would allow a front line of fighters and tanks to effectively "hold the enemy back" while ranged fighters and spellcaster can comfortably sit back and control the battlefield from afar. By the same token, GMs can reach these choke points first and use the same tactics against the players.

Finally, there is an outdoor map that has one variant showing the full trees with foilage and another that only shows the tree trunks. For these, I used the tiles and placeable objects from Shockbolt's GM art kit. There is plenty more that can be done with that, but I hope you enjoy it. If nothing else, it gives people who just pick up FG a few maps they can reuse for sandbox games.

Run an update and look for the Combat Maps module in your module activation window to check them out. If you have any others you'd like to have included as well, feel free to send them over to [email protected] and I'll look at getting the module updated.


June 21st, 2014, 02:52
nice one.

June 21st, 2014, 17:10
Where can I get the GM's Art Kit? I've been trying to find it but just keep finding the kickstarter page

June 21st, 2014, 17:18
Where can I get the GM's Art Kit? I've been trying to find it but just keep finding the kickstarter page

June 21st, 2014, 21:20
I ran the update and don't see it. Is this ruleset specific? I'm pretty much focused in the 5E set all the time these days.

June 21st, 2014, 21:35
It is marked as 3.5E at the moment -- by accident. There are a few errors in non-CoreRPG rulesets which prevent it from being set as "Any" in the definition.xml file. I'll work with Moon Wizard to see if we can enable it for all rulesets which support it. 5E will support it without problem once we change the compatibility indicator in the definitions file.

June 21st, 2014, 23:47
Nice Maps Doug, they look really good.

Couple of small/minor suggestions to help the aesthetic a little.

You might want to try lowering the grid layer so that its beneath the layer your using for the walls but still above your ground texture layer. This should help add to the feel that the walls are raised and can't be moved on.
For the outdoor maps, try adding a second layer (Blend mode: Overlay, Opacity: 50%). Set your foreground to White and background color to Black. Next goto Filter->Render->Render Clouds - this should help break up the repeatable grass texture a little.
Also, don't forget to add your signature/Smitework logo to the maps! I usually do this over a wall area so as not to interfere with play. Add a new layer and apply a small amount of Outer glow (white) to help make it pop over the wall textures.

June 22nd, 2014, 02:23
Fixed. Much better now.

I set them back to Any. They may throw an error if you access them from the Library in non-CoreRPG based rulesets, but they will still show up in the Images & Maps screen under a new tab.

June 23rd, 2014, 11:06
That's a great idea, Doug. If you ever have the time, you might consider adding a few "in town" maps - perhaps a major street (with a crossroads), a marketplace, and a narrow alleyway?

June 23rd, 2014, 14:23
Gread idea Callum. I'll see what I can do. I have a few other things I have ahead of it in the queue, but I'll add those to my list for a future release.

Hector Trelane
June 24th, 2014, 05:39
For the outdoor maps, try adding a second layer (Blend mode: Overlay, Opacity: 50%). Set your foreground to White and background color to Black. Next goto Filter->Render->Render Clouds - this should help break up the repeatable grass texture a little.
Also, don't forget to add your signature/Smitework logo to the maps! I usually do this over a wall area so as not to interfere with play. Add a new layer and apply a small amount of Outer glow (white) to help make it pop over the wall textures.

Zeus, noob map-maker question here: for these nifty tricks, what graphics program are you using? I may be able to figure out some of what you suggest, but "Render Clouds" and "Outer glow" are new ones to me...


June 24th, 2014, 15:44

These are options within Photoshop. There are likely equivalents in a lot of other available graphics packages.
