View Full Version : [4e] war of burning sky recruiting 1 or 2 player

June 15th, 2014, 20:30
Our Saturday 14:00 GMT 4e D&D group is looking for one more player. We are 3 books (57 sessions) into the 12-book adventure path "War of the Burning Sky", and are around level 10. This is a text-only (no voice communications necessary) game. The party could use a rogue, but you can pretty much whatever you want from the player's handbooks 1 and 2, and addon guides martial, divine, arcane and primal power but no psionics. The DM does have to review your character before play. You can download the quickstart rules for free at https://www.dndclassics.com/product/110213/DD-RPG-Starter-Set-Quickstart-4e .

Please check your availability before committing. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask.
If you're in, we hang out in a little private forum where we have some more room for organizing session recaps and the like. You don't need to register, you'll simply get a login and password.
The original thread can be found at https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?17518-4e-war-of-burning-sky but I will save you from having to read 16 pages of posts.

Time: Saturday, 14:00 (2 PM) GMT

System: D&D 4e

Adventure: War of the Burning Sky (adventure path by ENworld)

Length: This is a full-fledged long-term campaign. The current group has just finished book 3 out of 12, and is about 60 sessions in.

Setting: The lands of the Burning Sky, a fantasy setting created for Enworld's campaign. What you know is detailed in this Players' Guide, which can be downloaded for free from https://www.rpgnow.com/product/61375/WotBS-4E-Players-Guide

What doesn't work as expected in this campaign: Teleporting does damage.

Central campaign story: War is brewing.

The party's role: Trying to keep then tyrannic Ragesia from usurping the free peoples. The party itself is a rag-tag band of adventurers who either fled a city under siege from Ragesia, or were picked up later while traveling to a rally point for the resistance.

Current level: 10

Current party: fighter, wizard, cleric, hexblade

Character creation rules: 3 free magic items; one magic item your level, one magic item of one level below yours, and one magic item a level above yours. You get level appropriate starting gold.

DM: Blade28 on the Fantasy Grounds website

License needed: None, DM has ultimate

Language: English

Voice/ text: In-game text only

Allowed rulebooks: Player's Handbook 1 and 2. Martial, Divine, Arcana and Primal power. No psionics. DM needs to review character before play.

RP/Combat: About 40/60

Seriousness: Not very serious, we make fart jokes, and inflict weird diseases on characters who can't make a session.

Requirements: A little goofiness, and a lot of reliability. This is a long-term campaign.

June 21st, 2014, 17:36
Still a spot left for a fresh, juicy player. We have a level 10 pre-gen rogue handy for you.

June 24th, 2014, 18:26
Do you still have a spot available? I am reacquainting myself with the 4E rules and building a little rogue at the moment. If you are available some time and dont mind letting me import what I have for you to look at and give me pointers on the build (also to ensure it complies with your campaign) I would be much obliged.

June 28th, 2014, 08:37
We currently have a few people making characters, so its on a first comes first serve basis guys :D

June 28th, 2014, 20:20
Just to clarify, we had 2 players sign up through Steam, and then aka_lump6 here. With the two Steam players, positions are filled, but if you want, we can contact you first if a place becomes available in the future. We would still very much like to thank you for your interest, and hope you find a game soon.

Gsoto83, I sent you a PM as well.

June 28th, 2014, 22:23
It's all good Mellok, thank you.

July 12th, 2014, 18:28
Looks like those two players fell through. aka_lump6, I kept you next on the list, and if you're still looking for a game, we would love to have you. I've sent you a PM. You can contact Blade28, our DM on here via PM, but he'll be a little busy during the week, so don't fret if it takes until a day in the weekend before he can get back to you. I'll try to help you out as much as I can though.

July 12th, 2014, 22:47
I would like to apply for a spot. If you still need a rogue i can surely provide some shady charakter. I'm a 3.5 "veteran" and never really got into 4 because my local group disbanded. i should be mostly available on saturdays. i'm still fairly new at fantasygrounds but i'm a fast learner.

July 13th, 2014, 10:56
Hi Lutdhais, a spot should still be available. Send a PM to blade28 on this forum, but don't fret if you don't get a reply on workdays. He's a bit busy right now. I'll help you out as much as I can. I've also sent you a PM.

July 15th, 2014, 00:16

I guess that you are full. If you had any free room for one more player, i could be interested.

Thank you

July 15th, 2014, 17:01
Hi M_A_G_O, actually, if the DM (Blade28) approves it, there may still be a spot open. The original two players fell through, and one new player talked to the DM. So do send Blade28 a PM, and post a little about yourself! What character would you like to play? Do you have plenty of FG experience, or would you like a demo? I'll help out as much as I can, since the DM is terribly busy during the week. (So don't worry if it takes a bit to get a reply).

July 17th, 2014, 15:33
Hi back Mellock,

I have experience both with FG (i am currently DMing an AP in it) and with D&D 4E (I DMed it some years ago), although with this last one, i could have more problems at the beggining, since i haven't played it for some years.

I don't have any preference or problem with any kind of character. And i'd prefer to make something that could help the most to the rest of the group, the class or kind of that the group could lack of.

I only have one problem, i wrote you the post before starting another AP. I have saturday mournings free, theorically, but i still need to talk it with my wife, due to this would be the third weekly game i had. Let me talk to her, an i'll say something to the DM.

Thank you anyways for your offering, and i hope ti see you in the game "table"

July 17th, 2014, 23:32
Mellock, i have news. Finally i'll join you in the campaign.

This week it's imposible for me, as i am out of home for holidays. But next week and almost all the weeks to come i'll be available.

How can we talk about the group, characters, character creation, etc. Mail?, Skype? Should i better Mail the DM?


July 18th, 2014, 17:49
M_A_G_O, it all has to go through the DM, who is Blade28 here on the forum. You can PM him to see if you're in. During the week, I can help you make characters and stuff if you need to. Pm Blade28, see what he says, and I hope to game with you soon :)

July 18th, 2014, 23:09
Ok. I'll do it. Thank you

July 19th, 2014, 14:48
Answered both M_A_G_O and Lutdhais, please check your PM, just a heads up during the week I cannot answer only on fridays/saturdays I have the free time so I'm sorry it takes so long to answer messeges

July 24th, 2014, 15:00
Hey M_A_G_O, just wanted to check up on you and see if everything is working out. I've PMed you my email address as well if you ever want to contact me. Will we be enjoying your company next session? :)