View Full Version : Feast Of Ravenmoor One-Shot

June 10th, 2014, 13:56
ok im new to FG but not to GMing. Im planning on running a one-shot tomorrow at 11 in the morning EST. Im looking at between 3 to 6 players.
Heres the details.
WHAT-Feast of Ravenmoor is a slight solve a mystery module. Its more focused on roleplay while sprinkled with a few dangerous battles. If looking for a battlefest, unfortuantly this is not what your looking for.
WHEN-Wednesday tomorrow at 11 est in the morning.
Duration-looking at between 3 to 4 hours. im figuring we will not finish the module in one sittign in which we would finish it next week at same time and day.
License-I have the full Liscense so u will need Full or Ultimate to play. (or a registered lite)
Computer resourses required-Teamspeak
Player resourses-Paizo pathfinder material only, no 3pp or other 3rd party allowed.
Character Creation-20 point buy
Character Race-core and featured allowed
Character Classes-Summoner, Gunslinger, and Characters focused on using mounted combat not allowed.
Character alignment-any non-evil

I am looking for players and GMs who have not PLAYED the Feast Of Ravenmoor to join. If u have GM'd the module, u are more than welcome to join i just ask not to spoil said module for the others :)
I do not allow PvP whatsoever, i do not allow players to be jerks to each other and dont even try to pickpocket or cdg ur fellow players in their sleep or your character will automatically roll a natural one and slip on their blade and die and be kicked from the game. this is supposed to be fun game and i have a very strong stance against pvp or "being a jerk to ruin peoples fun". now in character conflict i will allow as long as its subtle and no hampering or denying someones right to have fun.

Again will be my first game running FG so i know i will not be up to my usual standard, but i will try to make it as fun and immersive as possible while yal bear with me as i get my feet wet and hands dirty using this program.

so i welcome the community to join in a roleplay heavy action lite module. accepting 3 to 6 players and i will be running more than once so i can get as many people a chance to play said module.

June 10th, 2014, 15:14
License-I have the full Liscense so u will need Full or Ultimate to play.

Just wanted to point out that a lite license will work too, just not an unregistered one. Good luck with the game, you'll be awesome! :)

June 10th, 2014, 16:21
You 'could' run this as a PFS scenario if you wanted to, it is a Sanctioned Module.

June 10th, 2014, 16:25
that is very true, but i haven't ever played a society game before and if i'm not mistaken u have to run as is if u do which i like to be a lil bit flexible :)

i will be honest though i have entertained the idea of joining the pathfinder society and GMing some games, i have alot of material (modules) but sadly no actual society missions. mmmm i may look around on the site and see if my search fu can find me some details on running such games online.

June 10th, 2014, 16:29
that is very true, but i haven't ever played a society game before and if i'm not mistaken u have to run as is if u do which i like to be a lil bit flexible :)That is true, and there are rules for how characters can be created... lots of rules and structure... but it allows characters to play this module as part of their overall character development and .. well .. obviously there are advantages and disadvantages. :)

You should try jumping into a PFS game sometime... they are great for meeting different players in the community and playing 'one shot' type scenarios without a fixed schedule.

June 10th, 2014, 16:33
ow yes, i realy gotta look into how different home games vs society games really are. ill admit im a bit strict in my homegames compared to most but off top of my head the only thing i can think of that be different than my homegames besides tweeking and changing would be the experience system. ill look into that with ur link:)

June 12th, 2014, 15:35
ok game is moved to next tuesday at 11 est.
if anyone wants to play, let me know

June 12th, 2014, 18:14
I didn't see it on the calendar but I'm interested in playing. The time and day are good, just need to make up a character.

June 12th, 2014, 19:13
Awesome, i put it up on the calender for the 17th. Just post name and character in the sign up for events.

June 13th, 2014, 01:42
Silly question, which calendar?

June 13th, 2014, 02:24
On steam in our group. Is there another calender on this site?

June 13th, 2014, 02:27
Yes actually. At the top of the page there's a 'Game Calendar'.

June 13th, 2014, 03:20
Well shot lol. I guess thats where i need to start posting my future games at lol. Coulda swore i tried to look at it or a calender before and didnt have access, ow wella this one i do. When i get off work ill create one.