View Full Version : Editing 3.5e to put Spells into "prepare" mode permanently

May 31st, 2014, 20:23
Ok, well, With the rules I'm using, players do not need Spells in the actions tab.
But I do want to use the Spell class in a different way.

Is there a part of the code to be looking at to put the Spell class into a permanent "prepare" state?
Mainly because I want the check-box circles to be visible in full prepared array for each "spell"

My next job after this is to swap out the circle, to a circle with a checkmark in it.

June 1st, 2014, 00:36
Change the caster type to a spontaneous caster (click the spellbook in the upper left and change it to the star). That caster type provides casts-per-day type functionality which it seems like you're asking for?

June 1st, 2014, 00:52
ok cool, that works! Thanks!