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View Full Version : Running Pathfinder in other Campaign Settings.

May 31st, 2014, 12:18
This might have already been answered somewhere but I didn't find it in older posts. I know there are a lot of players who seem to stick with the Pathfinder Society stuff which if I understand correctly rules out non-Pathfinder settings and modules.

There seems to be a lot of interest using FG and Pathfinder but I always hear rumblings about a lack of DMs. I have never played or DM'ed Pathfinder, done it in several other systems but has been some time ago, and am considering jumping in but I really prefer running my own designed modules and another campaign setting to the ones I've seen for Pathfinder so far.

Do many Pathfinder players have interest in that or are they more sticklers for the "official stuff"?

May 31st, 2014, 13:38
the big advantage of PFS in the VTT world really is the ability to drop in for one self contained session and be off again...

May 31st, 2014, 13:51
I like the pathfinder rules and I've only ever played carrion crown I think and only till lvl 5 or so. Even in 3.5 I've only ever played in 1 official module thing. I've never gotten into PFS either, seemed like a neat idea but I'd rather play in a long term campaign then one offs, and the official META of their content is too much for me to follow. Never been a fan of META.

All the power to you running original content. Also yeah, there are lots of players and GM get their games full rather quickly normally. Not to mention some GM are players too, or just get tired of GMing and want to be a player for a while like myself at the moment.

May 31st, 2014, 14:42

If you are the DM do as you please. I see no issues with using Pathfinder rules in a custom setting. Some of the background/traits might have to be adjusted slightly if they reference a particular area in Golarion that you don't have, but not a big deal.

I am in the process of creating my own world to use with the 5th edition rules when they come out later this summer. New rules, new campaign, players will be totally like noobs since they won't have any background info at all, makes for better role playing and a lot less meta gaming....

May 31st, 2014, 16:20
I had a Greyhawk campaign going last year using Pathfinder. Had a hard time initially judging the increased power levels of the PCs until I just doubled all of the encounter rosters from 3.5e. Took my regular summer hiatus and in the fall everyone had moved on, which was a shame.

June 1st, 2014, 05:24
Most (all?) of my Pathfinder outings have been home-brew worlds but not all have stood the test of time. A recent group I was involved with was going to embark into Planescape material (with some hefty adaptation) where the PCs would have belonged to a sort of public works department "Exterminator's Guild" tasked with wiping out local vermin and clandestine "minor" menaces around the bowels of City of Sigil. Heroes would have been all manner of adventuring types and peculiar races to boot but working as blue-collar punch-clock slobs just doing their job (reporting to their Health and Safety rep, etc). Anticipated lots of fun to see what sort of hi-jinks we would have gotten up to (in well over our heads, to be sure) but it fell through.

I guess what I'm saying is, where Pathfinder is concerned, do whatever you're interested in and use the rules you want. Every aspect can be just as malleable as you need it to be. More customization means more work but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. Let it be a work in progress and many players would be willing to help flesh things out.

June 1st, 2014, 08:42
Thanks for the feedback everyone.

Not really planning to mess with the rules so much as trying to incorporate the system into the Harn world. I've used both Rolemaster and AD&D in Harn so it should be OK. My biggest concern was that PF players seem to lean towards PFS modules only and not so much custom campaigns. At least that's what my initial feelings were based on some PF related forums I have visited.

June 1st, 2014, 13:21
Maybe the forums had mostly PFS fans. I'm honestly not even familiar with the modules from PFS, maybe I've played in a few without even knowing it, some GMs dont say if its original content or modules they are running, some do and I dont pay attention I'm guessing. I dont mind either way, though I prefer original stuff, its harder to run something someone else came up with because you can never perfectly understanding it after all, always the risk of it feeling like you're not in control of your own game :P

June 1st, 2014, 14:24
Thanks for the feedback everyone.

Not really planning to mess with the rules so much as trying to incorporate the system into the Harn world. I've used both Rolemaster and AD&D in Harn so it should be OK. My biggest concern was that PF players seem to lean towards PFS modules only and not so much custom campaigns. At least that's what my initial feelings were based on some PF related forums I have visited.

If you put together a good game, you will find players. From what I have seen here most guys just want a game.

PFS play is nice because you they are all single stand alone scenarios so great for a one off without making a long term commitment.