View Full Version : Minimum size for Thumb on Scrollbars

May 30th, 2014, 20:06
I've noticed that in long lists it becomes almost impossible to grab the thumb of the scroll bar to scroll it as it basically scales down to presumably a pixel. I'd suggest the thumbs minimum height (grab area) be equal to the minimum size of the thumb graphic.

IE it still possible to grab the thumb here if you click and drag on the dot in this list of 119 items:


But the area is noticeably smaller than the thumb graphic.

In this list of 5,000 plus its just about impossible:


June 2nd, 2014, 16:08
Thx for posting this. I have had the same issue - the scrollbars need to be fixed. At first, I didn't think they supported the thumb area, then I realized it was just microscopic.

June 2nd, 2014, 19:14
Actually, I was looking at a smaller list and I think the scroller top and bottom graphic parts get inverted in large lists like the screen shots above. The top part of the "thumb is really the bottom half of the thumb graphic overlapping the center and appearing above the center, and the top part of the thumb graphic overlapping the center of the thumb and becoming the bottom part of the thumb.

@HoloGnome: You're welcome :) Many of those lists do have filter/search controls but not all like the campaign listings.

June 2nd, 2014, 21:11
Well...my problem was that I entered a very long note in one of the notes windows, and then I could barely scroll it unless I clicked surgically in the exact center. At first, I just thought it didn't work, as above. It does, but because of the scaling, there are problems.