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View Full Version : New player (EST) looking for group

May 22nd, 2014, 21:04
Hi everyone.

I'm new to Fantasy Grounds, I discovered it when it was made available on Steam. I am have wondered for years why there was no program like this and was so happy to discover it because I have found it pretty impossible to find a group to play tabletop RPG's with. My last attempt was when I picked up D&D 3rd edition and after spending tons of money buying the guide books and other supplemental materials our group imploded after about four play sessions.

So onwards and upwards, as they say. Let me tell you a little bit about myself so you'll know if I'm the type of player you'd be interested in including into your group.

I'm in my forties and I've pretty much always played or been interested in both video games and other table top games.
I am not a munchkin or a meta-gamer. I like to play my characters as if they were those people.
I don't do evil well. When I play games that involve moral dilemmas I seem to always go for the solution that results in my character getting positive Karma.
I have Team Speak, I will set up my Skype if that's what your group uses. I have headphones and a working mic so speech is no problem for me.
I am open to all different types of games or systems, because I missed out on most of the advancements in tabletop gaming, I don't have many preferences nor any prejudices.
I am not a rules lawyer. I understand that sometime there will be different ways to interpret a given rule or that sometimes rules in games like this may contradict each other or sometimes the GM doesn't want a certain rule enforced for whatever reason. I'm fine with that. I like to think of it as the GM is the god of the game world and the GM's word is the rule.
I am willing to read whatever rule books are necessary if I am not familiar with the game or the rules.

What I'm looking for:

I'm looking for a group that meets on a regular basis.
I'm from EST and I'd love to find a group that meets up regularly on Saturday mornings 8:30 AM - 1 PM EST (11:30 AM-5 PM GMT). That's a window, I don't mean a group that meets up for exactly that time.
During the week I'm free most days and would prefer mornings. I work at home so my schedule is pretty open but I try to avoid playing games online while my partner is home. I secretly hope to one day have her also get involved with Fantasy Grounds, but unfortunately because of the rotten experience she had playing in that group that imploded, she's now very reluctant to get involved with RPGs.
I am willing to play at night and as long as it doesn't conflict with the Trail of Cthulhu game that meets every other Friday night.

If you run a group and you think that you could use a player like me, please feel free to PM me or post some info below so I can see how that lines up with me schedule.

Happy gaming all. :cool:

May 22nd, 2014, 21:30
I'm putting together a Rolemaster Classic group right now. We're doing a character creation session tonight if you're interested. Would be 8:00pm to 11:00pm US/Eastern. Connection info at https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=1178

May 23rd, 2014, 00:27

May 23rd, 2014, 00:40
There's a spot available in my Tuesday 8am weeklky game of 50 Fathoms (think pirates of the caribbean meets d&d). I'm in the same time zone as you. We play for two hours. If that's not too early for you contact me for more details.

Also, I see you are a society of extraodinary gamers member. Check out our calendar. Iknow Saturday and Sunday mornings are filled with open table games. Contact the GM, tell them I sent you and they'll make room for ya!

May 23rd, 2014, 15:45
Latewood this is the kind of post that will make GM's fall in love with you :) ... You've basically indicated in your post you actually take the time to role play out your character's personalities, you are not a rules lawyer and you are actually willing to play the D&D version of a "good" aligned character as opposed to the " Hey let's kill anyone who ticks me off because it's fun ! " sort of approach... all GM catnip :) .... Definitely include a link back to this thread for any games you express an interest in so GM's can see what you typed here as well :) ..

And yep going to do the copy and paste here of the post I've been giving other persons new to FG here too at the risk of annoying anyone who is wondering if I'm trying to "spam" the newcomers :P ... but seriously it's stuff I wish someone had told me when I was new to FG :) .. if you're willing to go through the long sleep-inducing post here ;)


and hopefully you do get your partner involved with RPG's again ! :) It's true, a bad group of players can ruin it to the point where a potential gamer says " No way ! " in the future but ... very sound strategy, find a group with mature, reasonable, pleasant players (not always as easy as it sounds but they are out there ;) ) , game with them for a while, invite your partner if they have an open spot available after gaming with them for a while and away you go :) .. I certainly hope the group she gamed with didn't make any inappropriate jokes... there are some male gamers that have a habit of morphing into highly immature adolescent versions of themselves who make..um, " inappropriate advances" the moment they spot a female gamer - you can guess what my opinion of them is I imagine....

May 24th, 2014, 17:36
Thanks for the invite, Puckstoper. I joined the group on Steam. I'd be interested but unfortunately Monday mornings are a no-go for me because of work, but if the group gets games going at other times or even other days I'd be very interested.

Mask of Winter, 50 Fathoms sounds awesome. I'll be in touch with you about some of the various campaigns you run.

Thanks for the link Andrepartthree, I had come across that post when I was reading through the forums and I agree that it's some great advice for anyone coming into Fantasy Grounds for the first time. I'm sure that a lot of people are discovering this program because of Steam and it's all good advice, as you say it's all stuff that you wish someone had told you when you started.

And the problem with my group wasn't that he made advances, if that were the case I'm certain that she would have made it clear that that wasn't going to happen. Our problem was that he was a misogynist of the Dave Sim Variety. And whenever he would say something wildly offensive towards women, he would turn to my wife and say, "But not you, of course. You're nothing like those other women."

He also didn't know how to adapt his GM style to suit our play style, or more accurately, her play style. She was a thinker/planner and he wanted us to be hacker/slashers. So when she talked our party through a module in one evening he asked me later if I had ever read the module before. When I told him I didn't he just looked at me in disbelief. I don't know if he ever did believe me or he thought we cheated because he pointed out that in the beginning of the manual there was a paragraph about how there is a way that the players could do exactly what my wife had us do. So he assumed that she must have cheated, because how else could she have done it?

So it was that poisonous attitude that really worked against us. I don't think he ever realized how abrasive he could be, but when you tried to explain these things to him...well, it's like trying to explain to a racist why you're ethnic friends don't feel comfortable hanging out with you when they're around, even when they say 'Just kidding' after all of their mean racist jokes.

May 25th, 2014, 02:55
Well I'm glad he wasn't making untoward advances but this is almost as bad ! :P Sorry to hear about that ! Cripes the worst thing is how you mentioned he's turned her off the RPG thing :( ... hopefully if you can find a decent group of players who aren't like that ....and I'm sure you will ;) .. there have been some real.. um, INTERESTING players I've met on FG who would put Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory to shame as far as their, um, INTERESTING personalities.. but that's a minority I've found the majority to be sane, reasonable people.. the biggest problem I find is getting together a group of players and GM who all match up as far as their expectations/what they want from the game (the amount of role-play/get into character that I demand from my fellow players is soap opera level what many would consider ridiculous for example and can't say I blame them :P ) .... well that and groups that don't fall apart when a bunch of players drop out suddenly :P (again I'm guessing due to everyone not being on the same page as far as what they want ;) ) .. having said that I've found if you stick with it and try and try again you can come across some really FUN FG campaigns on here :) ..

Good grief... making openly offensive male chauvinist comments to her face then saying " But not you " .. forgive me if this offends anyone I'm NOT a racist.. but to me that's almost as bad as someone openly making all the racial-stereotype jokes about say black people then turning to look at the black player in the group and saying "but not you".. or making a bunch of Jew jokes then turning to the one player you know is Jewish and saying " Except you of course " ... the amount of passive-aggressive double standard there while this guy tried to pump up his no doubt tiny ego at the expense of another is just mind boggling... and a GM who ENCOURAGES hack and slash? Mind-blowing as well, normally it's more a case of the GM groaning over his players being hack-and-slash and killing everything in their path instead of trying for even the tiniest bit of diplomacy (or attention to anything going on in the campaign world for that matter :P ) ..... He assumed your wife cheated just because she was smart enough to do what the writers of the module had envisioned anyways? Dear god...

I do hope you find a sane, fun, reliable group (I'm sure you will :) ) and that it leads to your wife giving RPG's a second chance and finding out how much fun it can be when you're gaming with people who don't have the mentality of a 12 year old (rolls eyes)..no , wait , I'm wrong, I have a 12 year old daughter actually and she would NEVER behave like that ....

May 25th, 2014, 11:59
@Latewood. Some things I have learned along the way is that there are mature players based on mental level and there are mature players who think being old enough to smoke, drink and drop the F-bomb every 5 minutes qualifies a mature.

I'm pretty sure I remember seeing some groups around here with wives and children playing in them. You might want to look around here and see if there are any looking for new players. That might be way to ease her back into things.

May 25th, 2014, 14:07
there are mature players who think being old enough to smoke, drink and drop the F-bomb every 5 minutes qualifies a mature.

Or, as the Chez Geek box says, "Warning: This game is intended for adult audiences. No actual maturity required."

May 25th, 2014, 17:36
The nice thing about FG is that she can watch over your shoulder with out the intimidation of actually being in front of people; might help take a bit of the edge off.

May 27th, 2014, 00:32
The nice thing about FG is that she can watch over your shoulder with out the intimidation of actually being in front of people; might help take a bit of the edge off.

Whenever I play I make sure that I situate my laptop so she can see what it looks like when I play. I also make sure that when I'm talking to her about the experiences I've had so far with the people that I've played with I highlight how absolutely amazing everyone has been. I'm really impressed with how awesome the games I've been involved with have been, and I'm sure as I get more comfortable with the software and using teamspeak, the better these experiences will be.

And it's not like immaturity or swear words bother her, it's really just the misogyny.

I hope that she'll see me playing enough and realize that it's nothing like what we experienced when we last played. I remember when we used to mud, it was because she saw me doing it enough that she wanted to try it out and she was soon hooked.

June 1st, 2014, 09:07
Im going to (numbers permiiting) run a one shot in 4 hours time...

One Shot Game Session: 10pm SYD/1pm LON/8am NYC Sun 1st June.
Check Time in your location (https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=One+Shot+Session&iso=20140601T22&p1=240&ah=4)
I need 5 players for this to go ahead. If we get enough players 45mins prior to game start I will run a one shot old school D&D session. Pre-gen characters. Can play with Ultimate/Full/Lite/Demo license. You must have a Headset and Mic. You must install Fantasy Grounds before hand. You must install TeamSpeak before hand. If you want in - let me know. There is room for 6 but I need a minimum of 5 to really play this scenario.
If we dont get enough players but one or more of you would like a demo session on how to play with FG or how to GM with FG Im happy to run a 90min sesion on this instead.

June 2nd, 2014, 06:01
I've got a GURPS Fantasy game I'm running. It's scheduled for 'something like Monday around 1600 EST', but Tuesday and Sunday are also feasible. More players are always nice and you sound like you might be a decent fit.

Link is right here: