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May 20th, 2014, 20:55
Does the Savage Worlds ruleset allow players to target NPCs? As a GM who isn't terribly familiar with Savage Worlds I can use all the help I can get to keep track of what my players are doing. I've watched several videos and I understand that although the Pathfinder ruleset mod allows players to set targets and even calculates damage etc. there is less automation in the Savage Rules ruleset.

I watched one video that I think was made by Mask of winter, where he showed part of a real game but combat was going by so fast that I couldn't really keep track. Could he tell from the combat tracker who was hitting whom?

May 20th, 2014, 21:14

May 20th, 2014, 22:15
Short answer: any token can target any type combarant. PC targeting NPC or NPC targeting PC, but core ruleset only displays PC to NPC targeting in combat tracker. Enhanced Combat Tracker extension can do both.

August 5th, 2014, 12:37
sorry for digging up this old thread but... everybody assumes "targeting" is so easy and natural. Well.. it does not work for me. Please explain as plainly as possible how can I target (as a player or GM) another token on the map so it shows in combat tracker. I have installed SW Enhanced Combat Tracker version 1.4 (build 1) and I'm using Savage Wolrds Deluxe version 3.5.1 Build 1 and Sundered Skies extension version 2.0 (build 1) over it. I'm clueless. Obviously I'm missing something totally obvious. I'm already frustrated trying to make it work for last hour or two.

All the best,

August 5th, 2014, 14:35
I dont *think* that Savage Worlds uses the CoreRPG targetting as its not a CoreRPG ruleset (yet)...
Just in case it works the same when using the extensions in the thread linked to by Trenloe please see this video:

Targetting starts around the 2min 30sec mark. The whole thing is only about 5mins.

August 5th, 2014, 17:02
I must say that it is not that intuitive as it could, but this is how it works in SW3 with enhanced combat tracker:
- Tokens must be dragged into map from combat tracker
- activate combatant in tracker (click new turn or next actor button or just click left side of the combatant)
- you have to activate targeting token on map by clicking the token on map :) When you do it, black circle is rendered around it. This means that token is ready to target someone
- hold CTRL down and click token whom you want to target. When you have done everything correctly white arrow is rendered from active token into target and in combat tracker the target entry is highlighted with bluish color
- Note that in CT only active combatant's targets are highlighted in bluish color, when active combatant changes it will highlight that combatants targets

Little bit more information:

in SW4 targeting is a bit more easier thanks to CoreRPG way. There you can skip the "click token on map to activate it" phase in most cases, because active combatant automatically becomes targeting token on map. Hopefully this helps

August 5th, 2014, 20:25
Thank you both.

I read somewhere Ctrl+Click does a job but key point was "click token on map to activate it" . I thought this black circle under token means I targeted myself and I insisted on it dissapearing before I tried something else ;) LOL. I must say getting this to work was pretty frustrating.

Thank you damned for great playlist. I will watch all of those videos. :)