View Full Version : Sharing Built-In Tokens with Players...

May 11th, 2014, 19:24
Hi -

I love the fact that FG2 has built-in tokens. I click on "Tokens:Modules", activate the tokens, and set them up as "Allow Player Load" and "Force Player Load". However, when a player logs in with a client and clicks on the Tokens button, the tokens are not available/visible.

I have also read the help file here:

...which seems to confirm that players should be able to load/see the tokens after my GM setup.

What do I need to do to make it work? :confused:



Moon Wizard
May 11th, 2014, 21:31
Tokens loaded through modules are only available in the GM token bag. Currently, there is not a way to share module tokens to the player token bag. The tokens will still be displayed on the player screen when added by GM.

If you open the shared folder via button in the Token Box, you can add any image file you want for tokens and these will all be synchronized with players at the beginning of each session.


May 13th, 2014, 01:29
OK. Thx. My feedback would be that it's a little confusing that the User Interface in the Token Module Activation window shows the capability to make Token Modules visible or force them to load for players if the modules are not capable of showing up on the client side. Also, as in my other post, it would be great if the token folders recognized module files in addition to image files (png, etc.).

See the attached image for the source of confusion. Everything about the window implies that it should be possible to activate token modules on the GM side that will be displayed on the player side.

Moon Wizard
May 13th, 2014, 07:07
Fair feedback.

We just broke out the Token Modules into their own activation screen. It used to be all listed together under library with no access from token bag. Along with the token search box and folder buttons.

I think your suggestion is good to allow player token loading into their own token bag. Not sure where it will end up priority wise, since we're heads down on keeping Steam launch smooth.

Also, there is a wish list in my sig if you want to make more suggestions, or vote for existing ones.


May 13th, 2014, 13:34
Thanks for the reply and explanation. Sounds good. It seemed like it should work based on the UI. The wish list is a good idea! I added a few more things and will try to contribute as things arise.