View Full Version : Semi Noob Question involving wizard implementation for Arcane Bond

May 10th, 2014, 21:25
So I recently rolled up a Wizard and wished to try the Arcane bond Item option but find my self not knowing how to write the item into the interface in a way that it preforms its actions without to much extra input needed. Insofar I cant even figure out how to write in a mastercraft item nor can I find a suitable Item in the weapons or inventory selections in the Pathfinder library modules is this intentional or just a minor over sight in the programming. If anyone knows how to get a mastercraft Item enabled and useable for this please respond with the best/easiest solution (no not just use a familiar I think I know how to do that) If there is a item pack that solves this problem I will feel really dumb.

May 11th, 2014, 07:13
To make an item masterwork. Open the item's sheet and in the properties field Write Masterwork From memory.

You will see there is also a Bonus field, this is for a +1 Magic Sword or something. If you put a 1 in there you dont have to put Masterwork in Properties as any Magic Item must already be masterwork. The Program already takes this into account.

Also if you create a magic weapon (+1 Bonus or whatever) remeber in the Damage type put in a ,Magic. So a +1 magic Club would say Bludgeoning,Magic in its Damage type field. If the item was a Flaming Sword you may have Slashing,Magic,Fire as a Damage type.

As far as an Arcane Bond with the item. You cant Activate a spell from the item. You can only do that in Fantasy Grounds from a PC or NPC or Creature.

You Can place a link to the spell in the Description section at the bottom of the Item's Stat sheet but the Spell would have to be cast from your Character. I guess add the extra spell into your normal spells but make sure you describe it like "Ice Wall (Arcane Bonded Item) to Remind yourself.

Armour you will have to manually change to reflect Masterwork or Magic. You will get different fields on a item by changing the type. Type Weapon gives you different fields from Type Armour (oh english spelling you may have to use Armor)

May 11th, 2014, 08:38
Thank you very much

May 11th, 2014, 23:19
No problem ;)