View Full Version : Numenera question

May 4th, 2014, 14:56
So far I love the implementation...very clean, just like the ruleset.
I do have one question though:

How does one set damage type? I can see on the character sheet there is an option for damage type...but regardless of what I enter, the type is always might/physical. In other words, if the character hits a monster with armor, the armor blocks damage regardless of whether it should (for a physical attack) or should not (for a mental attack).

The same is true in reverse: creatures can only apply physical damage, although there is an entry area for "damage" which looks like it could be modifiable.

In the short term we can apply damage manually, but it seems like there is a way to have it auto-calculate.

Thanks in advance!

May 4th, 2014, 15:39
The damage types can be: "might", "speed" or "intellect". As you've noticed, if there is no damage type entered, or if what is entered doesn't match "speed" or "intellect" then it defaults to "might".

May 4th, 2014, 20:44
Does the case matter in type spelling?

SPEED, speed, Speed?

May 4th, 2014, 20:54
Does the case matter in type spelling?

SPEED, speed, Speed?
Yes, case does matter. It needs to be all lower case.

May 5th, 2014, 15:09
I bet the all lower case was my problem, many thanks! Is there a list of other customization commands somewhere?

Moon Wizard
May 5th, 2014, 20:11
There's not a lot of automation, due to the simplicity of the rules system. Mainly just differentiating attack vs damage vs general rolls; and some handling of damage vs armor.


May 6th, 2014, 00:31
Which NPC/monster field can accept the damage type? And how is it used? If I try "4 speed", or just "speed", the damage is still applied as might when I use the automated assignment of damage.

Moon Wizard
May 6th, 2014, 23:25
There currently isn't a way to do that. When I looked at adding that ability, a search through the Numenera rulebook yielded a single creature entry that did Intellect damage and only as a special grouping ability. (Sathosh) I figured it could be handled manually, since it happened so rarely; and I was trying to get the ruleset out the door.


May 8th, 2014, 00:17
Moon Wizard,

Not a problem at all. The monster compendium that was released does have a number of creatures with other attack types, but given how simple the system is it's a trivial matter to have the players assign the damage.

My entire group definitely appreciates you getting the rule set out of the door, but even more so we appreciate all your 4e development work. We've been playing near weekly for the better part of five years, stretching multiple time-zones and, occasionally, continents. We're continually impressed with the functionality of the software, so a big thank you from all of us!