View Full Version : PFS Games at FG Con and Chronicle Sheets

April 15th, 2014, 00:30
I have read the various contentious threads about online chronicle sheets several times, and right now I can't tell if there was a resolution. But specifically, since I'll be playing in a couple different PFS sessions at FG Con, I was wondering if there was an agreed-upon way to deal with chronicle sheets there? I'm sorry to start up a whole new thread on this, but I was hoping to get a definitive answer for just the FG Con sessions, if there is one. If I missed where this was finally resolved in one of the other threads, I apologize and please redirect me back there.


April 15th, 2014, 05:58
There will be PFS legal fillable forms (with digital signatures) produced for all of the PFS events at FG Con - each fillable form will be produced on the actual chronicle sheet from the PDF for each scenario. These will be fully PFS legal and will be in the same electronic format for all games.

As far as normal PFS games go it is entirely up to the individual GM how they complete the chronicle sheets after the scenario - as long as the sheet is produced based off an image of the actual chronicle from the scenario PDF and is completed and signed in the relevant "GM only" sections then there is not an issue. So far this year I have not seen any problems with the chronicle sheets produced on this site.