View Full Version : Transparency help

April 14th, 2014, 16:36
is there a chance i could get someone to clean this is up in its transparency? ive tried half dozen times but it gets all garbage all around it :(


April 14th, 2014, 17:15
Here you go. Be sure to click on the thumbnail to get the actual image (w/ trans) before saving.

April 14th, 2014, 17:16
Ah Raistlin, one of my all time favourite Evil wizard. Here you go.

EDIT: Nickademus beat me to it.

April 14th, 2014, 17:30
What were you using to try and clean it up? I am guessing 'Magic Wand' Selection tool, if so had you altered the tolerance I usually work somewhere between 15 and 25.

April 14th, 2014, 17:37
thanks guys...and..er...whats this tolerance thing?

April 14th, 2014, 17:51
If you use GIMP (like I do) you can use the "fuzzy select tool" (press U) and then left-click on an area (colour) you want to remove and hold the button, then drag slowly to start including more colours in the fuzzy select. In the Raistlin example above: open the image in GIMP, zoom in a bit (press the + key), press U to go into "fuzzy select" mode, left-click and hold somewhere near the top right of the image, while holding the left mouse button down slowly drag the cursor down the image - you will see more of the background being selected as you drag down. This left-click-and-hold+drag is adding more colours to the selection as you drag over those colours. You can see in real-time the selection change as you drag the cursor in "fuzzy select" mode.

April 14th, 2014, 18:31
Ah yes, in GIMP it is called Fuzzy Select, it selects pixels based on the original selection you click on as well as any others in that close range, the tolerance is the deviation from the original selection, so the higher the tolerance the greater the difference between the original and additional selections can be. With that image you can hit most of the white space around what you want to keep and simply delete it. If you were having trouble with the edges of the remaints still being white, you want to select feather edges options, which puts a gradient scale on pixels along the edges so instead of a sharp edge it slow fades away, on token images you only want a radius of 2 or 3 pixels.

If you've been using erasure tools before now, you want to use the Magic Wand/Fuzzy Select tool to get rid of the largest amounts then use a fine erasure tool to clean up the edges.