View Full Version : More character pogs?

El Condoro
April 13th, 2014, 14:04
Ray Gaustadnes' Character Pog token module included in FG3 is excellent but I am wondering if there are more available somewhere. If anyone can provide a link, that would be great.


April 13th, 2014, 15:49
The artist has other art kits that include various character tokens. These are not "pogs" though, they are the transparent background style that is shown in the characters token module in FG.

See the options and purchase here:


You will need to manually put these in your FG tokens directory or make your own FG module.

April 13th, 2014, 20:02
While you answered the question that was meant, I'm curious about the question inferred in the title. I prefer pogs to the style of Mr. Gaustadnes' tokens. Any good pog sites?

April 13th, 2014, 20:28
There are quite a few "pog" type tokens here: https://www.rpgtableonline.com/ (the site is down for maintenance at the time of writing).

You can create pogs yourself by using tokentool to create pogs from images: https://www.rptools.net/index.php?page=tokentool

El Condoro
April 14th, 2014, 00:15
Thanks for your replies. The clear background tokens look great but I like to use pogs for PCs so that they stand out a bit more, especially on those dark grey dungeon floors! I'll give the tokentool link a go. Cheers