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September 24th, 2017, 06:48
For the record this Extension is compatible with FGv3.3.2


October 6th, 2017, 14:08
Great extension! Using in every game. But can you add "default" money type for shops? A lot of time I spending for "gp" to "credits" changes in my Sci-Fi game.

October 6th, 2017, 14:33
"gp" is the default money type.

I am working on something to help out with these issues, but it'll take a while (I'm a busy boy - got to earn a living somehow :) )

October 11th, 2017, 05:49
Hi All,

Well, things are progressing well enough with the new 13th Age Ruleset and Modules that I'm actually starting to consider how the Ruleset is going to interact with some of the Extensions available, such as the DOEs. With that in mind I desperately need someone(s) with some graphical experience (probably Photoshop) to do us up some 13th Age-style Menubar/Sidebar Buttons for the DOEs - as I've exclaimed on numerous occasions in the past, my graphic works SUX!

So if you'd like to lend a hand please drop me a PM - I can provide template images for most of the required buttons, but you will have to manipulate then to produce what we require - thanks.

October 12th, 2017, 11:05
Hey there Dulux-Oz ... was running a session today and noted something that I am curious about.
First off am running everything at the latest LIVE release, so that means FG 3.3.3, DOE-Base 3.0 and Locations 4.6.1 and Sound 4.0.
So I like sharing location pins that i've placed on a map, and thereby the players can then see the now PUBLIC locations.
When they click on a shared/green pin it opens the correct Building object (usually a building as I've NOT noticed with the Town or Location object types), and on the SOUND tab they can see the sound files that I've checked as "GM", to which they can also click and this then spools the sound file to play.

I am wondering if I am doing something wrong with my config or have I found a bug? I assumed that ticking GM meant they couldn't see that item unless i un-ticked it?

In terms of the sound link ... well I first created a module of SFX and I export the 3 sound data items (i.e. AutoSound, ChatSound, MiniBoard). The sound links in question are from any of the various miniboards. Hope that gives you a clear picture of what's happening?

October 12th, 2017, 12:00
Hi skj,

That may be a bug - let me look into it and see if I can see what's going on - thanks

November 9th, 2017, 11:09
In SW ruleset dragging from charsheet not works anymore. Looks like oDragData.getShortcutData() returns a nil when you dragging from charsheets.

November 9th, 2017, 11:12
Thanks Atrill, I'll look into it

November 9th, 2017, 12:05
Here the fix (thank Ikael for suggestions):
Filename: lsInventoryList.lua

-- fix for SW
if sRuleset == "SavageWorlds" and oDragData.isType("giveitem") then
local aShortcuts = oDragData.getShortcutList()
local rItem = aShortcuts and aShortcuts[2]
sThisDraggedWindowClass = rItem and rItem.class

November 9th, 2017, 12:25
Cool - I'll look into it - thanks

November 19th, 2017, 02:22
Hi, I've create a "Test town" under Towns, and assigned a Location to it from it's own record (the Test Town record). I then deleted "Test Town" from Towns, and still remained under Locations; when I try to delete that, I get this message:

"Script Error: [string "DOEBase/Scripts/lsMiscFunctions.lua"]:459: attempt to index local 'oChildNode' (a nil value)". I tried searching for a "database" of sorts where I could delete the entry under Locations manually but couldn't. Is there a way to fix it?

Also, I created two additional entries under Locations (a Kingdom and a Barony). If I assign "Kingdom" to "Barony" under the Barony's record (as I did above with "Test Town" example), I noticed that "Barony" does not show up under "Locations" in the Kingdom own record. (Phew, this is somewhat confusing to read!)

November 19th, 2017, 03:23
It depends upon how the assignments were done (what was dragged where) and whether the individual records were already in existence BEFORE you tried to link them - and no, there s now way to fix it without going into the raw database and "hacking" it :(

I thonk a more details, step-by-step explanation of what occurred may be helpful in determining what has happened.

November 24th, 2017, 22:14
When I drag an item to the inventory list of a location it selects the lowest price of the range. ie. Greatsword Flame Tongue 501-5000gp. Is there a way to have it select the highest price instead? I want to use that as the starting point from which the merchant could be "haggled" down.

November 25th, 2017, 01:36
When I drag an item to the inventory list of a location it selects the lowest price of the range. ie. Greatsword Flame Tongue 501-5000gp. Is there a way to have it select the highest price instead? I want to use that as the starting point from which the merchant could be "haggled" down.

The system's not set up to read multiple prices (or price ranges) - in all honesty, I'm surprised it picked up any price at all!

When I wrote the "shop" function all the reference material at the time (to the best of my knowledge) didn't have price rages only single prices, so that's what it works off.

At the moment you'll have to adjust manually - I'll look into how price ranges are handled, but even just thinking about it now do we take the lowest price in the range, the highest, the average, or something else - and no matter which I decide on someones going to want the other - so what do we? :)


November 25th, 2017, 01:43
Put a selector on the location window somewhere - allow the GM to choose "low price", "high price", or "average price"...

Erin Righ
November 25th, 2017, 02:38
Put a selector on the location window somewhere - allow the GM to choose "low price", "high price", or "average price"...

What he said!

November 25th, 2017, 02:55
What ever you choose, I'm going to complain you didn't do it the way I wanted!

December 6th, 2017, 16:16
Hi! First of all I wanted to thank you for the amazing work. You extensions are incredibly useful when it comes to organize your data for a campaign. However, I kinda have a little problem when it comes to enter more than one line in some fields. For I don't know whether that's a FG issue, that those types of field can't resize according to what's written on them. I've added a couple images so you can see better what I mean.

The same thing more or less happens when you click on the lock to stop the editing.

Would there be any way to allow it to show all the information by showing multiple lines?

Thanks for your time!!

December 7th, 2017, 01:47
Hi Einheri,

I don't think those fields are multi-line (from memory), which means they won't expand vertically.

I might look into making them multi-line, but it probably won't be for a while as I'm neck deep in other things at the moment.

Anyway, I'm glad you find the DOEs useful.


December 30th, 2017, 23:26
Dulux, thanks for the great work!

Have you had a chance to look at the text overlay in 5e? The pop ups are formatted in such a way that the text is unreadable. Thanks!

December 30th, 2017, 23:28
Hi defrost1836 you might add some screen shots showing exactly how/where you get this issue.

December 31st, 2017, 04:29
Sure, here is the screen shot. 21842

December 31st, 2017, 06:43
OK, I'll look into it :)


December 31st, 2017, 12:02
It might be something as simple as taller windows. defrost1836 can you try resizing the frame?

December 31st, 2017, 12:46
It might be something as simple as taller windows. defrost1836 can you try resizing the frame?

No, its not - it requires several elements to be re-positioned.

February 4th, 2018, 21:53
Hi, first of all thanks for these extensions, a tremendous effort in improving the gaming experience for players.

I am however having a problem when buying goods, it brings up an error saying not enough money when there is more than adequate player funds, as shown in picture


I'm sure its something simple I'm doing wrong but can't find it

February 4th, 2018, 21:58
I believe that the problem is that the prices are in "gp" and the player doesn't have any "gp" only "GP."

February 4th, 2018, 21:59
Hi, first of all thanks for these extensions, a tremendous effort in improving the gaming experience for players.

I am however having a problem when buying goods, it brings up an error saying not enough money when there is more than adequate player funds, as shown in picture


I'm sure its something simple I'm doing wrong but can't find it


I experienced the same error. I believe it is because of the caps. If you put the PC's sheets coins in lowercase, it should solve the problem. The only thing to remember is that everytime you give them money, you have to do it again.

February 4th, 2018, 23:55
Yes, FG is case sensitive. "Gp" is not equal to "GP" is not equal to "gp".

February 5th, 2018, 00:35
That's correct; it's a Caps-issue. I am working on a solution but in the meantime we'll just have to make sure the "gp" is in the same case.

Incidentally, these are the types of issues that make getting a shopping/money/change program so hard to write, which is why no-one else has been stupid enough to do it :p

February 5th, 2018, 14:12
:) Thanks, just getting the info from Volo's guides plus floorplans into Bryn Shander.
Stupid no,ambitious definitely.

February 6th, 2018, 00:31
Incidentally, these are the types of issues that make getting a shopping/money/change program so hard to write, which is why no-one else has been stupid enough to do it :p
We know you are stupid, and we really appreciate it!

Erin Righ
February 6th, 2018, 01:43
The problem with making something completely foolproof is that anyone of intelligence can't fathom the depth of ingenuity of complete fools!

February 6th, 2018, 02:03
The problem with making something completely foolproof is that anyone of intelligence can't fathom the depth of ingenuity of complete fools!

Hear Hear! :)

February 7th, 2018, 06:22
Hi Everybody,

I've just placed a new version of the Extension on the first post (v4.7.0).

This version is a compatibility update for FGv3.3.4 and also included all the appropriate graphics for all of the supported Rulesets and the new Simple-Brown and Simple-Grey Themes (except for a single DOE: Organisations graphic for the CnC Ruleset - if someone can help with that it'd be appreciated).

DOE Depreciation Notice

With the release of the new DORCore Ruleset (currently v0.9.1), support for Community Rulesets within the DOEs is being depreciated. While the DOEs still work with those existing Community Rulesets as listed in the individual DOE Threads, the expectation is that this functionality will be removed for the next release of FG after v3.3.4 (ie in a few months time near the middle of 2018). This will allow the Developers of these Community Rulesets time to transition their Ruleset from being a child of the CoreRPG to being a child of the DORCore.

The DOEs will continue to work and will continue to be supported by me for all of the "standard" CoreRPG-child Rulesets available via the FG Updater utility. At this point in time (Feb-2018) this list of Rulesets consists of: CoreRPG, 3.5E, 4E, 5E, 13A (13th Age, ETA=Soon(TM)), CoC, CoC7, CnC, d20 Modern, Fate Core, Numenera, PFRPG and SW.

The reason this is being done is to consolidate the time and effort that is required to maintain compatibility - basically by doing things this way there will be more time for more features and functions to be included in the DORCore, DOEs and future DORs & DOEs.

Please see the DORCore Thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?42221-DORCore-An-Advanced-Beta-Release-Of-A-New-Ruleset) for further details.

This notice is being / will be placed on each of the individual DOE Threads.

February 8th, 2018, 20:25
I liked the initiative to turn all your stuff into a ruleset, but the question is, can it be used in other rulesets?
Can you make the price column adjust to be all on one line?
And finally because some weights stay with many houses, would not it be possible to define in say 3 houses after the comma?

February 9th, 2018, 01:50
I liked the initiative to turn all your stuff into a ruleset, but the question is, can it be used in other rulesets?
Can you make the price column adjust to be all on one line?
And finally because some weights stay with many houses, would not it be possible to define in say 3 houses after the comma?

1) Yes, provided the Ruleset Dev makes their Ruleset a child of the DORCore.
2) It should be for just about all prices - apart from very long ones.
3) I don't understand what you're getting at - sorry.

February 9th, 2018, 05:13
I will send a print
the price don't adjust the column and the weigth well so "big"

Erin Righ
February 10th, 2018, 21:05
I believe what Yako is saying is the number string for small items is long and he wants to know if you can round it to 3 decimal places

February 11th, 2018, 01:56
I believe what Yako is saying is the number string for small items is long and he wants to know if you can round it to 3 decimal places

Ah, if that's the case, then yes, its a known issue (see a previous post somewhere in this thread) and its something (one of the many things) I'm working on.

February 11th, 2018, 02:37
Got I, hey I hope you can solve and thank you for your attention to always answer.

Last Post
February 14th, 2018, 17:07
Anyone else having problems with this extension. I tried to load it for the first time but it's coming up as not compatible.


February 14th, 2018, 18:02
Anyone else having problems with this extension. I tried to load it for the first time but it's coming up as not compatible.

You haven't loaded the DOE Base Extensions. All DOE extensions require DOE: Base Extension.

Last Post
February 14th, 2018, 19:41
Hmmmm.... seems even with the Base Extension checked it does not give me the option to load it. Tried starting FG with just Base loaded and it loads fine but still doesn't give me option to load Locations.

I've fiddled with it but can't seem to load it properly.


February 14th, 2018, 21:58
I just redownloaded the Base and its only 3.0 and it allows both to load...?

February 14th, 2018, 22:31
Hmm., the first post here shows the latest extension is 4.6.1. You are showing 4.7.0 in your screen shot... not sure how that could happen... I would delete/rename your current extension and re-download to make sure you have the right combination. I do note that the manual for this extension is 4.7.0, but it appears different than the extension...

Something funny going on here!

February 15th, 2018, 01:45
Hmm., the first post here shows the latest extension is 4.6.1. You are showing 4.7.0 in your screen shot... not sure how that could happen... I would delete/rename your current extension and re-download to make sure you have the right combination. I do note that the manual for this extension is 4.7.0, but it appears different than the extension...

Something funny going on here!

Sorry LordE, but that is incorrect - the first post is showing that the latest version is v4.7.0 - this is correct.

So, I've downloaded fresh from this site copies of the DOE: Base and DOE: Locations and then loaded up FG with both an old test-PF campaign and a brand new created PF campaign - both load everything correctly, and the Extensions are the correct versions (V4.7.0 & v3.1.0, respectively).

So I don't know what the issue is @Last Post. All I can suggest is that you exit FG completely, then re-start it and see if that fixes the issue (the FG Launcher can sometimes not regonize new/updated Extensions unless you restart it). If that doesn't work then you might try re-downloading the two Extensions from scratch.

Let us know how you go, OK?

Edit: PS. the DOE: Locations Thread 1st Post does say Doe: Base v3.0 - this is a typo on my part and one I just corrected - the latest version of the DOE: Base is v3.1.0

Last Post
February 15th, 2018, 02:30
So after reading all the helpful posts I realized I'm an idiot. Somehow when I moved the base extension over from my downloads into the extension folder I copied it and didn't simply move it. This caused it to get renamed to DOEBase2.ext and while it still loaded that extension, the Locations extension wouldn't piggyback on the changed name. Totally my bad but thanks everyone who chimed in a got it straightened away. Excited to get some locations in Westcrown put in tonight.

Sorry for the hassle but thanks for all the help!

February 15th, 2018, 02:45
So after reading all the helpful posts I realized I'm an idiot. Somehow when I moved the base extension over from my downloads into the extension folder I copied it and didn't simply move it. This caused it to get renamed to DOEBase2.ext and while it still loaded that extension, the Locations extension wouldn't piggyback on the changed name. Totally my bad but thanks everyone who chimed in a got it straightened away. Excited to get some locations in Westcrown put in tonight.

Sorry for the hassle but thanks for all the help!

It's cool! Glad you got things sorted.


February 15th, 2018, 03:34
Sorry LordE, but that is incorrect - the first post is showing that the latest version is v4.7.0 - this is correct.
Huh! I got them backwards (manual vs extension versions), even when I double checked cause I thought it was weird.

I don't mind being wrong though. Makes me feel special when I do get it right!

February 15th, 2018, 03:56
Huh! I got them backwards (manual vs extension versions), even when I double checked cause I thought it was weird.

I don't mind being wrong though. Makes me feel special when I do get it right!

That's cool - I had to triple check myself :)

February 15th, 2018, 16:35
Hi Everyone - just donated to support dulux-oz and plan to use the excellent location and weather extensions. Has anyone developed locations using the extension for any area(s) in the Forgotten Realms and made them available? Seems that this would be a helpful community project if not, although may fall foul of copyright laws.

Best, Kerrigaj

February 15th, 2018, 16:45
Hi Everyone - just donated to support dulux-oz and plan to use the excellent location and weather extensions. Has anyone developed locations using the extension for any area(s) in the Forgotten Realms and made them available? Seems that this would be a helpful community project if not, although may fall foul of copyright laws.

Best, Kerrigaj
No, but it has been discussed. Their are some questions regarding licensing and intellectual property restrictions. Many of the place names in the Forgotten Realms are protected, but could be distributed through the license on the DMsGuild. Their is also the DOE license. Make sure you read the license that you agreed to by installing any of the DOE extensions.

That being said, Dulux is quiet friendly and has agreed to other licensing for products on the DMsGuild, so I know he's open to discussions on similar projects.

February 15th, 2018, 17:04
No, but it has been discussed.

Thanks for the update. Would be a major undertaking, even if based on some of the excellent work in the fandom Wiki and other sources.


February 16th, 2018, 00:47
Just donated to support dulux-oz

And thank you - I was wondering who it was (matching a real name to a handle/alias can be challenging) :)

Erin Righ
February 16th, 2018, 02:40
just donated to support dulux-oz...

Best, Kerrigaj

I try to do it yearly, as I use most of his extensions

February 16th, 2018, 03:03
I try to do it yearly, as I use most of his extensions

And again, thank you - although I don't have a way of knowing which donation is your's (when you make it) so I can't thak you at the time - so I'm thanking you now :)

February 16th, 2018, 15:46
Thanks for the update. Would be a major undertaking, even if based on some of the excellent work in the fandom Wiki and other sources.


I have but it has been for personal use only. Definitely concerns in property rights, but something could be released on dmsguild I bet for free. That should get around the licensing.not sure how dulux-oz feels about that. Hopefully since it would be free he would be ok with it but I understand to selll a fog module with his extensions requires a commercial license, which makes sense to me.

With the dms guild the tough part would be maps. Only maps that are self created or WotC released can be used.

I am working on a dms guild product on waterdeep with a fog module accompanying it.

I would be happy to help with this.

February 16th, 2018, 19:31
I have but it has been for personal use only. Definitely concerns in property rights, but something could be released on dmsguild I bet for free. That should get around the licensing.not sure how dulux-oz feels about that. Hopefully since it would be free he would be ok with it but I understand to selll a fog module with his extensions requires a commercial license, which makes sense to me.

With the dms guild the tough part would be maps. Only maps that are self created or WotC released can be used.

I am working on a dms guild product on waterdeep with a fog module accompanying it.

I would be happy to help with this.
Why would you want to "get around the license"? But actually, from my reading of the DOE licensing, releasing anything that requires the use of a DOE extension on the Guild or elsewhere would be in breach of the DOE license. You have to remember, Intellectual Property licensing is not about whether you distribute something for free or for cost. It's about the right to control distribution, regardless of money or intent (with the exception of educational fair use).

But as I said earlier, if you want to distribute something on the Guild or elsewhere that uses a DOE extension, just ask Dulux.

February 17th, 2018, 15:17
@lordentrails. I was meaning that if it is released on DMS guild you would be within licensing parameters to release something with WoTC licensed content. If you release something on DMS guild you have access to all of WoTCs written content about forgotten realms.

I hadn't looked at Dulux's license, I know that there are several different types around. Creative commons has the ability for you to get paid if the licensed materials are used in a commercial product but also allow for usage in open source or free products with just attribution. I incorrectly assumed that was the type of license since he releases it for personal use here with no cost.

I wasn't trying to cut Dulux out of anything, I was thinking that a free released module using his creations would be inline with how the extensions have been released to the FG community for use. Regardless your right asking Dulux is the best way to go.

Myrdin Potter
February 17th, 2018, 15:37
There is no breach of license if you request permission first. All dulux has asked for in the past is ask him (and the license makes it clear), which, since it is his IP, seems reasonable enough.

The DMs Guild site does allow you to use actual FR place names and content from WoTC books as long as it is not a simple cut-and-paste. For example, recreating the entire SCAG and releasing it for free is a no-no. Making a DOE-locations file with the FR names and properly sourced content should be fine. If you are using dulux's ip, ask him first. DMs Guild is already free and clear for Fantasy Grounds itself.

February 23rd, 2018, 04:00
Is there a way to duplicate a previously detailed location, specifically a shop? I can't seem to drag and drop a copy like other links in FG.

In the game I play, Shadow of the Demon Lord, items have an availability rating that is determined by the size of the city population. There are 4 ratings, Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Exotic. Common items can be found virtually everywhere. Uncommon items can be found in slightly higher population areas along with Common items. And so on with Rare and Ultimately Exotic which can be found in major metropolitan areas.

So in my case I want to create not so much a specific store as 4 generic stores representing the available goods for Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Exotic locations. In order to not have to create each one from scratch I'd like to create a Common store, copy it and add Uncommon items, copy that and add Rare items, etc. Is this doable?

February 23rd, 2018, 04:35
Is there a way to duplicate a previously detailed location, specifically a shop? I can't seem to drag and drop a copy like other links in FG.

In the game I play, Shadow of the Demon Lord, items have an availability rating that is determined by the size of the city population. There are 4 ratings, Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Exotic. Common items can be found virtually everywhere. Uncommon items can be found in slightly higher population areas along with Common items. And so on with Rare and Ultimately Exotic which can be found in major metropolitan areas.

So in my case I want to create not so much a specific store as 4 generic stores representing the available goods for Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Exotic locations. In order to not have to create each one from scratch I'd like to create a Common store, copy it and add Uncommon items, copy that and add Rare items, etc. Is this doable?

This use case is described in the manual, as is the solution/procedure to implement it (at a reasonable "high level").

In short, there is a "Copy Location" radial menu button which will do this - but RTFM first so as to not get caught in the "gotcha" (basically, beware of parent and child location links).

February 23rd, 2018, 04:53
Ok thanks. I will have a look.

April 3rd, 2018, 04:27
Hello Dulux, could you tell me which file is responsible for recording the weight of the items?
I am asking because any item weighing 0.0 (some value) gets huge as you can see in the screenshot.


April 3rd, 2018, 04:33
Hello Dulux, could you tell me which file is responsible for recording the weight of the items?
I am asking because any item weighing 0.0 (some value) gets huge as you can see in the screenshot.


As has been discussed a few times before in this thread, its a known problem with the way the FG-Engine deals with fractions, and I haven't been able to come up with a suitable way around it yet.

April 3rd, 2018, 05:08
I understood, I thought it was some formula in some script that was causing this, but since it exclaimed I will have to live with my Disorder of wanting everything in the same line and without those lot of numbers.

April 3rd, 2018, 11:18
Hi again, Dolux. It's me, the pleb with the mac. :P

Anyway, no troubleshooting this time, but more of a feature request. Dunno if this has been discussed in the past, but it'd be cool if you could have chat output for buildings that function as shops. For intstance, like when an item is assigned and given to a character via the Party Sheet, and a message is displayed in the Chatbox, maybe a similar message could go out when a player buys something from a Shop? I would find this particularly useful when a player purchases a service, as--aside from cost being deducted from the coins--there is nothing on the Character sheet or chatbox that actually informs anyone that a service has been purchased. Can that be a thing?

Also, I've noticed (and I'm sure this has definatelly been discussed in the past) that coinage is case sensitive. Most items cost in gp, but FG always assigns coins in GP (in all-caps) even if I actually change it to lowercase in the Party Sheet. It's only a minor inconvinience, my players just now know to change the coinage to lowercase in their character sheet after loot has been assigned and they wish to buy something.

Anyway, once again, awesome job. ^_^

April 3rd, 2018, 11:50
Hi again, Dolux. It's me, the pleb with the mac. :P

Anyway, no troubleshooting this time, but more of a feature request. Dunno if this has been discussed in the past, but it'd be cool if you could have chat output for buildings that function as shops. For intstance, like when an item is assigned and given to a character via the Party Sheet, and a message is displayed in the Chatbox, maybe a similar message could go out when a player buys something from a Shop? I would find this particularly useful when a player purchases a service, as--aside from cost being deducted from the coins--there is nothing on the Character sheet or chatbox that actually informs anyone that a service has been purchased. Can that be a thing?

Also, I've noticed (and I'm sure this has definatelly been discussed in the past) that coinage is case sensitive. Most items cost in gp, but FG always assigns coins in GP (in all-caps) even if I actually change it to lowercase in the Party Sheet. It's only a minor inconvinience, my players just now know to change the coinage to lowercase in their character sheet after loot has been assigned and they wish to buy something.

Anyway, once again, awesome job. ^_^

The second "issue" is being worked on (slowly :) ).

The first suggestion is actually a good idea - I'll see about implementing it

April 3rd, 2018, 12:31
On the second point, I just edited all the Costs to GP takes a bit of time, but only a small amount as each shop will only carry a limited stock & it only needs to be done once.

TBH, most entries need editing slightly as the multiplier ends up with some very odd amounts & weights, but its a fantastic tool & really wow'd my players when I loaded a city map with Stores & other locations.

April 3rd, 2018, 13:20
It's just a daydream of mine, but could we relate the Treasury of Buildings to the number of items it has?
Example: Let's say that he is a Blacksmith and he has 5 swords of 100 (xx) so his treasury would be 500, when selling a sword would be 600 but the item would decrease, and when buying would decrease the purchase value but increase the item .

April 24th, 2018, 08:33
Hi Everybody,

I've just placed a new version of the Extension on the first post (v4.8.0).

This version is a compatibility update for FGv3.3.5 and also included a fix for Simple Brown & Gray Themes, plus all the DOEs now support the Starfinder Ruleset (although appropriate graphics are still required - please drop me a line if you can help out with this).

Enjoy! :)

April 25th, 2018, 14:05
I am getting DOE: Locations Extension v.4.8.0 as crossed over (a red x in the campaign detail window when you load the "campaign".).

April 25th, 2018, 15:08
I am getting DOE: Locations Extension v.4.8.0 as crossed over (a red x in the campaign detail window when you load the "campaign".).

Have you updated to the latest version of the DOE: Base (v3.2.0)?

April 26th, 2018, 10:38
DUH! That is what i get from not reading the first page... Yes, now i got it to work.


May 5th, 2018, 16:28
Would it be possible to colour code the tabs as they can be difficult to read on a smaller screen? if they were coloured you would be able to spot the spaces a bit easier


May 6th, 2018, 03:19
Would it be possible to colour code the tabs as they can be difficult to read on a smaller screen? if they were coloured you would be able to spot the spaces a bit easier


OK, so, I don't know why (because I can't reproduce the effect) but what you've got there is some sort of bug or override error or something ie its not supposed to look like that. Could you list for me all the Extensions (and their version numbers, where available) that you have running when you get that effect, please.

May 6th, 2018, 22:00

Base extension v3.0, Locations Extension v4.6.1, Organisations extension v1.6.1

May 7th, 2018, 00:49
I'm getting this error
Script Error: [string "DOELocations/Scripts/lsLocationsManager.lua"]:164: attempt to call field 'registerCustomRecordSourceType' (a nil value)

I'm using CoreRPG v3.0, SavageWorlds v4.6 (maybe that's why?)
and I deleted all DOE extensions and downloaded them again just to make sure it wasn't an older version of the extension

May 7th, 2018, 03:20

Base extension v3.0, Locations Extension v4.6.1, Organisations extension v1.6.1

You should probably update to the latest versions of the DOEs (DOE: Base v3.2.0, DOE: Locations v4.8.0, DOE: Organisations v1.8.0) :)

May 7th, 2018, 03:21
I'm getting this error
Script Error: [string "DOELocations/Scripts/lsLocationsManager.lua"]:164: attempt to call field 'registerCustomRecordSourceType' (a nil value)

I'm using CoreRPG v3.0, SavageWorlds v4.6 (maybe that's why?)
and I deleted all DOE extensions and downloaded them again just to make sure it wasn't an older version of the extension

Let me look into it - thanks for reporting in :)

May 9th, 2018, 10:56
All sorted, thanks :)

May 13th, 2018, 18:00
Let me look into it - thanks for reporting in :)

Has this been fixed? I ask, because I'm getting the exact same error and just loaded the extension last night.

May 13th, 2018, 23:38
Has this been fixed? I ask, because I'm getting the exact same error and just loaded the extension last night.
I can pretty confidently say no. The first post, which Dulux will update with the new version once it is updated hasn't been touched since "Last edited by dulux-oz; April 24th, 2018 at 00:23."

May 21st, 2018, 14:13
receiving the following error message in console when I attempt to load campaign with Base extension and this one.
Script Error: [string "DOELocations/Scripts/lsLocationsManager.lua"]:164: attempt to call field 'registerCustomRecordSourceType' (a nil value)

May 21st, 2018, 16:21
receiving the following error message in console when I attempt to load campaign with Base extension and this one.
Script Error: [string "DOELocations/Scripts/lsLocationsManager.lua"]:164: attempt to call field 'registerCustomRecordSourceType' (a nil value)

Hi All,

Well, I finally tracked down what the issue was. In the latest version of the Savage Worlds Ruleset a couple of the internal functions were renamed - and the DOE:Location Extension was calling the old function which no-longer exists.

I've fixed the function call in the DOE:Location and will be releasing a new patched version soon, along with a new DOE. In the meantime, this issue only effects the Savage worlds Ruleset and only around the shopping part of the DOE:Locations, so you can use the DOE:Locations without any problems provided that you don't try to do any shopping in the Savage worlds Ruleset - at least until the new version (probably v4.8.1 will be its version number) is released.


May 21st, 2018, 17:02
Hi All,

Well, I finally tracked down what the issue was. In the latest version of the Savage Worlds Ruleset a couple of the internal functions were renamed - and the DOE:Location Extension was calling the old function which no-longer exists.

I've fixed the function call in the DOE:Location and will be releasing a new patched version soon, along with a new DOE. In the meantime, this issue only effects the Savage worlds Ruleset and only around the shopping part of the DOE:Locations, so you can use the DOE:Locations without any problems provided that you don't try to do any shopping in the Savage worlds Ruleset - at least until the new version (probably v4.8.1 will be its version number) is released.

Awesome! Thank you so much!

May 22nd, 2018, 01:21

Did I read that right?

I wait with baited breath!


May 22nd, 2018, 03:45

Did I read that right?

I wait with baited breath!



And please, take a mint (your breath smells of bait :p )

May 22nd, 2018, 13:37
Thank You.

May 26th, 2018, 09:21
Hi Everybody,

I've just updated the Extension to v4.8.1.

This is primarily a compatibility update to fix a couple of minor bugs, etc (including the "shopping bug" in the Savage Worlds Ruleset).

Please note that with the release of the new DOE:REMU Extension the delivery method for all of the DO-REMs (Dulux-Oz Rulesets, Extensions & Modules) has changed. Please see Post #1 of this thread for full details.

Enjoy! :)

June 12th, 2018, 22:00
I noticed that regardless of the Ruleset I use, activating the DOE-Locations extension it always assigns "gp" as the currency of the items in the inventories, but if I rename the currency to GP, SP, CP I can carry out commercial transactions, if the character has the value and the nickname GP, SP, CP.
But the fact is that even though I have the money with the nicknames $, ¢, £ and the inventory items with this symbology, I always get the message that I do not have the right amount or type of money.

June 12th, 2018, 23:15
I noticed that regardless of the Ruleset I use, activating the DOE-Locations extension it always assigns "gp" as the currency of the items in the inventories, but if I rename the currency to GP, SP, CP I can carry out commercial transactions, if the character has the value and the nickname GP, SP, CP.
But the fact is that even though I have the money with the nicknames $, ¢, £ and the inventory items with this symbology, I always get the message that I do not have the right amount or type of money.
I've moved your House of Healing (general FG support) post to this thread - as this issue is to do with this extension.

Please post any issues with extension in the specific extension thread - not the general house of healing. I've asked this of you before! If there is an issue/question with an extension, please ask it in the thread relating to that extension. This gets the extensions develop's attention and also makes it easier for others interested in this extension to find issues/discussion about it in general. It is better for everyone! Thanks.

June 13th, 2018, 00:26
I know, but I think the Healing is the local to ask, but anyway thanks Trenloe.

June 13th, 2018, 00:32
Yako you have asked this/similar question multiple times over the life of the extension... you *know* where your post goes!

June 13th, 2018, 00:50
I know, but I think the Healing is the local to ask, but anyway thanks Trenloe.
The house of healing is the place to ask questions about issues with the standard FG product. If there is a question/issue with community content then questions for that should go in the thread for that community content. Please do this in future. It is better for everyone - keeps the info/issue in the relevant place for future reference, alerts the community developer so you'll get a faster response and stops people who are trying to help you wasting their time. I really don't think this is too much to ask of you? So please do this in future. Thanks.

June 13th, 2018, 04:22
As damned said:

Yako you have asked this/similar question multiple times over the life of the extension

... you *know* the answer - I'm working on it, just like I was when you first asked / brought it up, and just like every other time - and my time to work on FG-related stuff (for *free* I might add) is not unlimited.

Its a complex problem that needs to have a viable solution across *all* Rulesets (even if people only play one game-system and therefore think they can solve it for their preferred game-system - those "solutions" are almost certainly incompatible with other Rulesets) - so people will just have to be patient, or, failing that, go back to using FG *without* the benefit of a "shopping" feature.

June 13th, 2018, 04:31
Yes I know :( Dulux, but I don't know where is the problem, and I post many times to see if anyone can help :D

June 13th, 2018, 04:55
Yes I know :( Dulux, but I don't know where is the problem, and I post many times to see if anyone can help :D
Dulux said be patient.

Please be patient. Don’t post all over the place, it wastes people’s time and it is becoming *very* annoying.

June 13th, 2018, 23:54
Yako, I have been tinkering with that specific portion of the extension. Not sure I can help you but if you PM me with what you are
concerned with, I will see if I can help you.
That way you get (maybe) some answers and Dulux can focus.

June 14th, 2018, 03:00
PM sent @Intruder

August 2nd, 2018, 19:34
So the extension supports Starfinder.
If I make an item shop in Starfinder, the prices are still shown in gp instead of credits and the prices of the items is shown as zero.
Is it possible to change the currency used in the shops somehow?

August 2nd, 2018, 21:24
So the extension supports Starfinder.
If I make an item shop in Starfinder, the prices are still shown in gp instead of credits and the prices of the items is shown as zero.
Is it possible to change the currency used in the shops somehow?
Did you check out the documentation? I don't know the answer, but a quick search showed this;

When the DOE: Locations Extension is used with the DOE: WMC Extension the units of Currency can be specified.


August 2nd, 2018, 22:42
DOE: WMC Extension
I must be blind, I'm not seeing a WMC Extension. A quick search turned up nothing also.

August 2nd, 2018, 22:47
I must be blind, I'm not seeing a WMC Extension. A quick search turned up nothing also.
No idea. But if you read the documentation you will probably find what you need.

Erin Righ
August 2nd, 2018, 23:07
I must be blind, I'm not seeing a WMC Extension. A quick search turned up nothing also.

I believe that the DOE: WMC has been integrated into the DOE: Locations extension

August 2nd, 2018, 23:16
The wiki documentation might be out of date. Check the manual that comes with the extension.

August 2nd, 2018, 23:57
Dulux is still working on DOE:WMC.

August 3rd, 2018, 04:22
Dulux is still working on DOE:WMC.

This is correct.

Also, I'll look into the Starfinder gp/credits things.


August 31st, 2018, 23:50
The second "issue" is being worked on (slowly :) ).

The first suggestion is actually a good idea - I'll see about implementing it

The suggestion being, chatbox updates when purchases were being made from shops. Like what FG already does when characters exchange items between each other or when interacting with the Party Sheet Inventory.

Thank you for your time. :)

September 3rd, 2018, 16:58
The work I have done posts Vendor transactions to the chatbox.
When Dulux completes his work, these features will be included but he still must incorporate
this stuff to rulesets besides 5e, which is the only ruleset I have to work with.

September 10th, 2018, 18:56
Not sure if this has been reported yet but I just came across a bug I believe. When I create some armor in the forge and at it to the inventory of a "shop" the price doesn't seem to calculate correctly. 24596 My shop settings. 24597 The top armor is the copy from the shop and the bottom armor is the copy from the items list. 2k gold is very different from 3 gold. Is this cause it is a forge item? or has the mark up % done something weird?

September 11th, 2018, 19:42
I'd suggest that its something to do with the mark up as you have it set at 60% of the value to sell at, (you'd be out of business very quickly that way) set it to 120% or preferably set the price manually gets rid of annoying fractions and GP/gp costs and you can decide how rare in cost certain items are.

For example using the Half plate +1 Armour from the item list cost 501-5,000 gp adding it to my shops inventory (set at 110%) gives a base price of 1052.01 gp, which I would manually change to 4,500 GP as I think it reflects the costs better.

hope this helps

September 12th, 2018, 01:12
Remove the comma from the price before adding item to Shop Inventory.
When the item is added to the shop inventory, the 2,362 is read as 2, then multiplied by 1.6 (60% markup) to equal 3.2.

price ranges (ie, 501-5,000) is read as 501)

Also, Treasury is not utilized.

The currency manipulation routines currently will add/subtract similar currencies only.
It will use fractional accounting.
It will not recognize 10gp as 100sp.

Best way to use shops is to make sure you manually have the proper currency in place before buying.

October 1st, 2018, 04:07
Would it be possible to list a building at multiple locations? Say I have a store but it can be found at multiple cities. I tried dragging the building to those cities but it just jumps from one to the other. I understand it can only have one parent location. Wasn't sure if I could place it somewhere else so that they still show up for the players or do I have to create multiple entries of the same building?

October 1st, 2018, 04:18
Would it be possible to list a building at multiple locations? Say I have a store but it can be found at multiple cities. I tried dragging the building to those cities but it just jumps from one to the other. I understand it can only have one parent location. Wasn't sure if I could place it somewhere else so that they still show up for the players or do I have to create multiple entries of the same building?

I might suggest multiple pins in your map(s) that all open a Story entry, and the Story contains a link to the "master" shop.

October 1st, 2018, 04:54
Thanks for the idea. I actually don't have to make a separate story entry. If I just drag the shop on the map, and not the locations tab it places a link down without giving it a parent location.

October 1st, 2018, 04:58
No, the system isn't set up for a single Walmart in every town - its set up for a Walmart-LA, a Walmart-NY, etc.

But both the ideas of a Story Entry pined to a map and an individual Location/Building/whatever record pinned to a map are both techniques I use :)

October 1st, 2018, 17:46
One of my players noted that when using the Wizards Theme, trying to sell an item to a shop brings up a text box but the words are layered over one another. I am on a mac so I can't join my own game to test this. Is it something that can be changed by making the box bigger? Or is this a coding thing?

October 1st, 2018, 17:54
One of my players noted that when using the Wizards Theme, trying to sell an item to a shop brings up a text box but the words are layered over one another. I am on a mac so I can't join my own game to test this. Is it something that can be changed by making the box bigger? Or is this a coding thing?

No idea - I've never seen it before. I will, however, look into it :)

October 1st, 2018, 18:09
No idea - I've never seen it before. I will, however, look into it :)

Thanks! I can't sell to a store but if I try to buy from a store without enough money I get the same text overlaid bug. So I was able to get a screenshot. 24791

October 1st, 2018, 18:56
Feature Request: Stocking NPCs in Shop Inventory

Smacks of slavery? Bear with me.

Some 5E scenarios allow players to purchase beasts of burden or mounts that do not appear in the PHB (e.g. in Tomb of Annihilation, players can purchase dinosaur steeds). It would be useful occasionally to be able to drag creatures from the NPC lists directly to a vendor, and add a price - at the moment there is a work-around if you set up a new item and link it to the relevant creature.

A great extension all round. I scanned a few pages deep in the thread and didn't see this request - apologies if I overlooked anything similar.

October 1st, 2018, 18:58
Feature Request: Stocking NPCs in Shop Inventory

Smacks of slavery? Bear with me.

Some 5E scenarios allow players to purchase beasts of burden or mounts that do not appear in the PHB (e.g. in Tomb of Annihilation, players can purchase dinosaur steeds). It would be useful occasionally to be able to drag creatures from the NPC lists directly to a vendor, and add a price - at the moment there is a work-around if you set up a new item and link it to the relevant creature.

A great extension all round. I scanned a few pages deep in the thread and didn't see this request - apologies if I overlooked anything similar.

I made an animal seller. All I did was make a new Item entry with the name of the animal and how much it costs. If a character wants to purchase one then jut bring up the NPC sheet for them to use/look at. Or you can link the NPC in the item description.

October 1st, 2018, 20:16
I made an animal seller. All I did was make a new Item entry with the name of the animal and how much it costs.

Great idea - I did the same - I created duplicates of all the steeds for sale as Items, and dragged the relevant NPC stat block to each one.

October 2nd, 2018, 03:52
Pet shops is something on my to-do list - that'll allow for all sorts of NPCS: Slaves, Pets, Mounts, beasts of burden, etc.

In the meantime the work-around you've mentioned is probably the easiest way to do things - for now :)


October 2nd, 2018, 12:01
Pet shops...

Haha. Amazing to see the huge efforts going into the extension. My heartfelt thanks!

October 7th, 2018, 21:55
I'm playing in 5e.

Edit for more information:
I'm making multiple location entries for various areas of an airship. The portal entries are for the multiple stairs / ladders on the ship. When I try to drag a location entry to be the parent entry of a portal, it looks like it applies to the portal, and I can even "lock" the portal entry. The portal will correctly show up in the location entry under the portal tab as well. But when I re-open the portal entry, the relationship seems to self-clear. The portal entry disappears from the location, and the parent link disappears in the portal entry.

Thanks for looking into it!

Hi :)

Your extension is great and I use the actual version for 3.5e :) But I have the same problem as in the quote :) When it is already solved then I am sorry that I didn't find the solution. The thread is rather big :)



October 8th, 2018, 02:50
Hi :)

Your extension is great and I use the actual version for 3.5e :) But I have the same problem as in the quote :) When it is already solved then I am sorry that I didn't find the solution. The thread is rather big :)



No I havn't solved that one yet - still working on it

October 8th, 2018, 03:25
No I havn't solved that one yet - still working on it

Ah oki :) Thank you very much for your answer, I really like your extensions :)

October 9th, 2018, 20:58
Hey just wondering if you've found a solution to the 'gp' =/= 'GP' issue yet? It pretty much makes the shops unusable because the party sheet distributes coins as uppercase currency (even if you set the campaign currency as lowercase abbreviations). So in order to use the shops you need to reset the currency in the treasure tab on the character sheet back to lowercase (so the shops will recognize it) every time you get treasure from the party sheet.

Also the decimal rounding on item prices in shop inventories is pretty unsightly (i.e. a weight of 0.2 will read in the shop as 0.2000000098023 lb)

October 10th, 2018, 03:22
Hey just wondering if you've found a solution to the 'gp' =/= 'GP' issue yet? It pretty much makes the shops unusable because the party sheet distributes coins as uppercase currency (even if you set the campaign currency as lowercase abbreviations). So in order to use the shops you need to reset the currency in the treasure tab on the character sheet back to lowercase (so the shops will recognize it) every time you get treasure from the party sheet.

Also the decimal rounding on item prices in shop inventories is pretty unsightly (i.e. a weight of 0.2 will read in the shop as 0.2000000098023 lb)

The gp =/= GP issue is actually symptomatic of a larger issue relating to currency conversion. Yes, we all know that 1gp is the same as 1GP, but to a computer they are as different as $1 being the same/different as 1gp.

I am working (slowly) on a new Extension (called the DOE: WMC - Weights, Measurements & Currencies) that will solve this issue and thus all the issues around currency-conversion, giving change, etc - but I kept getting dragged off onto other things that other people want done "now".

The rounding issue is also being worked on - its an issue with the way computers store fractional numbers, and thus integral to the FG Engine. Still, we'll see what we can do.

TL;DR: its coming, but people are just going to have to be patient - I'm only one guy and there's only 24 hours in a day (and, for the record, my health isn't 100% at the moment - my issue, but it effects my productivity :( ).

October 10th, 2018, 04:27
TL;DR: its coming, but people are just going to have to be patient - I'm only one guy and there's only 24 hours in a day (and, for the record, my health isn't 100% at the moment - my issue, but it effects my productivity :( ).

Oh, get well soon. I wish you a good recover :)

October 10th, 2018, 20:04
The rounding issue is also being worked on - its an issue with the way computers store fractional numbers, and thus integral to the FG Engine. Still, we'll see what we can do.

Hmm, I'd rather say it's a symptom of the implementation chosen. Your answer ignores both fixed point representations and rational number implementations either of which is a much better format for currency. Someone back in the day decided these values were floating point and this is the consequence. You may have guessed, but I don't really like floating point numbers. There are lots of applications where they are a sub-optimal solution. Currency happens to be one of those applications.

TL;DR: its coming, but people are just going to have to be patient - I'm only one guy and there's only 24 hours in a day (and, for the record, my health isn't 100% at the moment - my issue, but it effects my productivity :( ).

Sorry to hear that, get well soon.

October 11th, 2018, 02:44
Hmm, I'd rather say it's a symptom of the implementation chosen. Your answer ignores both fixed point representations and rational number implementations either of which is a much better format for currency. Someone back in the day decided these values were floating point and this is the consequence. You may have guessed, but I don't really like floating point numbers. There are lots of applications where they are a sub-optimal solution. Currency happens to be one of those applications.

Yes, but the decision to use Floats, etc, was not made by me, but is "hard-wired" into the FG-Engine - which we don't have access to (the gut of, that is) hence it taking a while to come up with a decent solution.

October 11th, 2018, 03:31
Try using this:

function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

October 11th, 2018, 09:16
Try using this:

function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

I haven't tried it, but I don't think that will help. It is more likely that the problem is that 0.2 is not representable exactly in this floating point representation. You will likely end up with 0.2000000098023, which is the closest this floating point representation can get to 0.2

This needs a fix in the output layer. The real underlying problem is that lua doesn't have an integer type. Actually, I have no idea what the problem is :-)

It's also possible that lua has been compiled with single precision floating point numbers here. Anyway, I'm sure Dulux-Oz is aware of all this and taking it into account while looking for a "decent solution".

Moon Wizard
October 11th, 2018, 17:35
Yes, the Lua engine uses floating points internally for all numbers (and thus that is what the Lua scripts have to work with), which is the root of the situation.


October 11th, 2018, 17:58
Seems to work:

local nTest = 1 / 6;
Debug.console("Before round: " .. nTest);
nTest = round(nTest, 2);
Debug.console("After round: " .. nTest);

Runtime Notice: Reloading ruleset
Runtime Notice: s'Before round: 0.16666666666667'
Runtime Notice: s'After round: 0.17'

October 13th, 2018, 19:54
The solution Andrax listed is the method I have used for the problem of rounding.
The capitalization problem was resolved by having the routine ignore case.

Total Currency is first loaded into the extension and converted to copper,
then the transaction is conducted.
Then the resulting copper is consolidated to fewest coins using platinum as a base,
then reinserted into the record sheet.

The resulting vendor accurately transacts any exchange, giving proper change in return.
I have been using this for over 6 months with good results.

As the extension belongs to Dulux, I have not given the code to anyone.
I do not know what effect this code will have on other extensions, but expect
that Dulux will figure that out before incorporating it into his extension.

October 14th, 2018, 04:16
Intruder, he encourages people to modify his stuff and give him code in his extension threads. If you have the fix, I think he'd love to incorporate it.

October 14th, 2018, 04:30
Total Currency is first loaded into the extension and converted to copper,
then the transaction is conducted.
Then the resulting copper is consolidated to fewest coins using platinum as a base,
then reinserted into the record sheet.

Same, because merchants can also act as money lenders. or just round up and things are all dollars to make them whole numbers

copper = 1, silver = 10, gold... etc

sure people are n longer carrying 30k copper piece around, but nobody tracks weights once they get to town with it these days

October 14th, 2018, 14:01
my DM track :( Shadzar

October 14th, 2018, 18:24
I have forwarded the code to Dulux for his approval and inclusion.
Yako2020 is one individual that I have had visit my server to see the merchants function.

As of lately, I figure Dulux has not included the code yet.

October 14th, 2018, 21:20
Hey, Dulux, please get this fixed. I know you're busy, but this has been a long-standing problem. We'd sure appreciate it!

October 14th, 2018, 21:32
Hey, Dulux, please get this fixed. I know you're busy, but this has been a long-standing problem. We'd sure appreciate it!
Recently said:

TL;DR: its coming, but people are just going to have to be patient - I'm only one guy and there's only 24 hours in a day (and, for the record, my health isn't 100% at the moment - my issue, but it effects my productivity :( ).

October 14th, 2018, 23:06
Thanks, Trenloe, I remember that post now that you mention it.

November 4th, 2018, 05:57
This is my first time looking at this, but it looks like it could take care of a lot of problems for me - thanks!

I've only looked around briefly and perhaps this is handled a different way... Anyhow, I was adding a building and noticed that the building types did not include CLANDESTINE (thieves guild, spy's safehouse, etc), ENTERTAINMENT (theatre, fighting ring, etc), and while Commercial might cover it FOOD AND LODGING is a category that frequently dominates an adventure cycle. Just friendly suggestions :)

Thanks again!


November 4th, 2018, 11:41
This is my first time looking at this, but it looks like it could take care of a lot of problems for me - thanks!

I've only looked around briefly and perhaps this is handled a different way... Anyhow, I was adding a building and noticed that the building types did not include CLANDESTINE (thieves guild, spy's safehouse, etc), ENTERTAINMENT (theatre, fighting ring, etc), and while Commercial might cover it FOOD AND LODGING is a category that frequently dominates an adventure cycle. Just friendly suggestions :)

Thanks again!


Nice suggestions - thanks.

All of those are COMMERCIAL (except maybe CLANDESTINE) - and wouldn't you want CLANDESTINE to be (ie look like) something else anyway?

(Thinking about it I might just put them in anyway :) )

November 4th, 2018, 14:20
Make "Clandestine" a check box. For example, the building is a tavern, so mark it "Food and Lodging" but check the "Clandestine" box and put in a GM note that the local Thieves Guild meets in a hidden room in the basement...

November 4th, 2018, 15:17
Make "Clandestine" a check box. For example, the building is a tavern, so mark it "Food and Lodging" but check the "Clandestine" box and put in a GM note that the local Thieves Guild meets in a hidden room in the basement...

That's a good idea, Andraax! Other checkbox item ideas in the GM section might include:

Visited / Discovered
Damaged / Destroyed

There is probably a correlation between the players visiting and the damaged / destroyed status. And of lesser interest....

Magically Warded / Watched
Sanctified / Defiled
Entrance / Exit
For Sale
Player Owned

I can really think stuff up when I am not doing the work :)


November 4th, 2018, 15:39
That's a good idea, Andraax! Other checkbox item ideas in the GM section might include:

Visited / Discovered
Damaged / Destroyed

There is probably a correlation between the players visiting and the damaged / destroyed status. And of lesser interest....

Magically Warded / Watched
Sanctified / Defiled
Entrance / Exit
For Sale
Player Owned

I can really think stuff up when I am not doing the work :)


A lot of those could go into the General or GM's Notes sections - there's no real need to separate them out into separate data fields. Of course, if anyone does have a reason for a separate dat field I'm all ears :)

November 4th, 2018, 15:51
The indicator can be in the main area and be a reminder for the GM to look in the notes. Stuff like this can get "hidden" and overlooked if it's buried in the notes. If it's in the same area as the building's purpose, it gives the GM a visible trigger to go look for stuff in the notes section.

November 4th, 2018, 21:00
... I'm all ears :)
I thought you were all thumbs?

November 5th, 2018, 08:17
Visited/Discovered and Clandestine checkboxes could be useful.

Also, the ability to make building a part of more thqn one location! (For instance I've got constant need for the buildings to be part of a natural rgion, state and specific location at the same time)

December 18th, 2018, 22:57

A serious (at least to me) issue has now appeared with the 3.7.7 update - the following extensions are no longer working, as they have in the past; DOE: Locations (critical, as I am populating a city and world map with POI, and I have numerous entries already - hundreds on the city map alone), DOE: Organizations (less critical because I have yet to begin filling these in during world building - but will need functionality soon), DOE: Sounds (I have yet to play with this extension - low priority).

The extensions appear as clickable links to database(s) on the right hand navigation pane, but now display blank windows when clicked.

All the information that I have already 'pinned' to a maps image, remains so pinned as links but, I can't add any more pin (links) through DOE: Locations.

I know that you might be already aware of these issues. I am just lending my voice to the roar.

December 19th, 2018, 02:51
Hi Everyone,

With the release of FGv3.3.7 during the last 24-hours I have placed an updated version of the DOE:Locations (v4.8.2) on the first post of this thread.

As I've previously mentioned, with the retirement of the DOE:REMU I'm moving (eventually) all of the DO REMs back from the GitHub Repository to their own relevant FG Forum Threads. For the record: if a DO REM is not avaliable from the first post of its relevant Thread then it will still be avaliable (for the time being) from the GitHub Repository - but check the relevant FG Forum Thread FIRST.

Also, please note that this is a minor "bug update" - the update which will allow the use of this Extension with PF2 is still being developed & tested.


December 27th, 2018, 23:08
I just update the doe and when I try to use Locations I just get a blank window

December 28th, 2018, 02:15
I just update the doe and when I try to use Locations I just get a blank window

You are not using the latest version (v4.8.2). You did not download the Extension from the first post on this Thread, did you, and didn't read Post #906 (the one right before your post). You instead downloaded the copy from the GitHub Repo, didn't you. :)

December 28th, 2018, 16:07
If you look at the chat window you will see the version is v4.8.2. And to make sure I was using the right one I download form post one today and same thing

December 28th, 2018, 17:15
If you look at the chat window you will see the version is v4.8.2. And to make sure I was using the right one I download form post one today and same thing
Also if you look at the chat window you’ll see that coreRPG is showing version 3.3.6A and it should be 3.3.7. Go into your rulesets folder and delete the coreRPG.pak file and do an update.

December 28th, 2018, 17:22
I didn't see that. I will fix it and try again.

December 28th, 2018, 18:30
Thank you. That was the problem.

December 29th, 2018, 06:11
--Hey Folks,

Not sure if this has hit anyone before but I just updated FG today and when I went to load the campaign I was working on the locations window was empty. I had a huge amount of content built there and I haven't added anything new. any ideas?--

Nevermind. Re installing the Base file as well as locations fixed it.

December 29th, 2018, 07:15
He may have an unpacked ruleset.

January 1st, 2019, 18:21
I haven't been able to test it extensively but does the new "currencies tab" that was added in the update fix the gp/GP problem we were having? As far as I understand you can set your currencies to lowercase and when dragging parcels over it updates the character sheet with the currencies you set.

January 3rd, 2019, 21:19
Just installed the addon and finding myself quite overwhelmed with the prospect of creating so many shops and locations that I wish to offer my players in a large city. Is there anything generic/premade moduels that I can download or get of the GMGuild so I don't need to handcraft these?

January 3rd, 2019, 21:27
Just installed the addon and finding myself quite overwhelmed with the prospect of creating so many shops and locations that I wish to offer my players in a large city. Is there anything generic/premade moduels that I can download or get of the GMGuild so I don't need to handcraft these?

I used WH traders and merchants from dms guild. It has a table for inventories and prices and lots of flavor to each merchant. I would recommend it as a starting point.

January 3rd, 2019, 21:33
I used WH traders and merchants from dms guild. It has a table for inventories and prices and lots of flavor to each merchant. I would recommend it as a starting point.

Looking at that, it seems to be a PDF, I was thinking more like a module that I could load, so they are drag and dropable.

January 3rd, 2019, 22:06
Looking at that, it seems to be a PDF, I was thinking more like a module that I could load, so they are drag and dropable.

I haven’t found a module that anyone made. I had to type it all in.

January 4th, 2019, 02:45
Hey dulux-oz, do you guys have plans to adapt this extension and the others to pathfinder 2 (playtest)?

January 4th, 2019, 03:01
Hey dulux-oz, do you guys have plans to adapt this extension and the others to pathfinder 2 (playtest)?

It's being worked on. No ETA yet (I've got medical issues interferring with my productivity :( )

January 4th, 2019, 07:26
Just installed the addon and finding myself quite overwhelmed with the prospect of creating so many shops and locations that I wish to offer my players in a large city. Is there anything generic/premade moduels that I can download or get of the GMGuild so I don't need to handcraft these?

Looking at that, it seems to be a PDF, I was thinking more like a module that I could load, so they are drag and dropable.
I've thought of that and there was a discussion at one point in time for doing something like this for the Sword Coast or at least Waterdeep, but it never came to fruition. I'd like to do it one day, but too many things on my plate.Do

Do note, you would need a license from Dulux, but I;m sure that could be obtained after talking with him.

January 4th, 2019, 08:00
I've thought of that and there was a discussion at one point in time for doing something like this for the Sword Coast or at least Waterdeep, but it never came to fruition. I'd like to do it one day, but too many things on my plate.Do

Do note, you would need a license from Dulux, but I;m sure that could be obtained after talking with him.

Having just got Jason Hardin's Waterdeep 5e Fantasy Grounds Module: All things Waterdeep in one module I would pay the equivelent of ultimate licence for a Sword Coast with DOE Location Extation support.

January 4th, 2019, 11:05
It's being worked on. No ETA yet (I've got medical issues interferring with my productivity :( )

Hey, wish you the best health and a fast recovery!
Thannks for the amazing work!

January 7th, 2019, 19:05
I'm trying to do the update for the locations folder as well. Been reading through the previous posts to update, but i've seem to hit a wall.

After not reading closely enough, I deleted the Base DOE extension and looked for the new updated version on the first thread. Eventually found out that I should just use the one from the FG-REM git hub link for the time being, as a new version isn't necessary at the moment. So I recopied the Base and the (updated) Locations extensions into my extensions folder in FG, but it's saying it isn't compatible (giving me the red x).

I also don't see an option to load the Base DOE extension (see pic below). Should there be an extension checkbox like "DOE:Base"? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


January 7th, 2019, 19:12
I'm trying to do the update for the locations folder as well. Been reading through the previous posts to update, but i've seem to hit a wall.

After not reading closely enough, I deleted the Base DOE extension and looked for the new updated version on the first thread. Eventually found out that I should just use the one from the FG-REM git hub link for the time being, as a new version isn't necessary at the moment. So I recopied the Base and the (updated) Locations extensions into my extensions folder in FG, but it's saying it isn't compatible (giving me the red x).

I also don't see an option to load the Base DOE extension (see pic below). Should there be an extension checkbox like "DOE:Base"? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

When you re-downloaded DOE Base from Github, did you use right mouse Save As option or did you actually click the visible Download button from the GitHub? Only the Download button will actually download the extension, the other will download some html. And I'm pretty sure their should be a DOE Base extension listed when you start a campaign.

January 7th, 2019, 20:18
Oh my goodness! Thank you, LordEntrails! That fixed everything. Crazy how easy it was to fix with that simple change.

To clarify, I was running into problems because I was trying to "Right-Click," "Save As" the DOE Base extension on the Gitbub page. As soon as I clicked the download button it showed up for me in the launcher. Even though the file had the same name, it wasn't really the .ext file i guess. Reloaded campaign with the DOE Base on and then re-added the DOE Locations to the folder. After restarting FG, everything is running smoothly.

Thank you again!


Gozer the Gozerian
January 18th, 2019, 18:13
Is there a way to reset the locations extension data? I created a city and a location and linked them. Then I deleted the city, but when I try to delete the location, I get this error:

Script Error: [string "DOEBase/Scripts/lsMiscFunctions.lua"]:467: attempt to index local 'oChildNode' (a nil value)

What can I do to fix this? I just want to start over.

EDIT: I went back and tried right-clicking on the linked city (still present on the "Towns" tab in the Location) to delete it, and that allowed me to delete the city, which then allowed me to delete the Location.

January 19th, 2019, 02:53
Is there a way to reset the locations extension data? I created a city and a location and linked them. Then I deleted the city, but when I try to delete the location, I get this error:

Script Error: [string "DOEBase/Scripts/lsMiscFunctions.lua"]:467: attempt to index local 'oChildNode' (a nil value)

What can I do to fix this? I just want to start over.

EDIT: I went back and tried right-clicking on the linked city (still present on the "Towns" tab in the Location) to delete it, and that allowed me to delete the city, which then allowed me to delete the Location.

@Gozer: Could you email/PM me the exact details of what you did to generate the error in the first place, please, and alos the exact details on how you resolved it - thanks.

(I want to ensure I understand what's happening so I can modify the DOE:Locations if necessary)


January 20th, 2019, 11:18
When I add an item from the DMG that has the price specified as "5,001 - 50,000 gp" the price in Locations gets set to "5 gp" because it apparently stops at the thousand divider.

Can it be made to strip out the commas before parsing the number? I can't change the DMG items.

January 20th, 2019, 17:55
When I add an item from the DMG that has the price specified as "5,001 - 50,000 gp" the price in Locations gets set to "5 gp" because it apparently stops at the thousand divider.

Can it be made to strip out the commas before parsing the number? I can't change the DMG items.

When you drag the item to the shop you are then able to change the price.

January 20th, 2019, 21:01
When you drag the item to the shop you are then able to change the price.

I know that. That doesn't fix the next time I add it to a store.

January 21st, 2019, 13:37
Hey Dulux, hope it's not too hot down under at the moment ;)

At any rate when a player drag/drops an item into a shop inventory or takes an item from a shop inventory the text box pop up has issues with the positioning of the text. See attached screenshots. This is (of course) in the 5e ruleset using the Wizards Theme

January 22nd, 2019, 02:06
Hey Dulux, hope it's not too hot down under at the moment ;)

Melting... meeelllltiiing

At any rate when a player drag/drops an item into a shop inventory or takes an item from a shop inventory the text box pop up has issues with the positioning of the text. See attached screenshots. This is (of course) in the 5e ruleset using the Wizards Theme

Bugga! I'll add it (and see about the money thing) to The List - thanks. :)

January 28th, 2019, 04:28
HI, I'm hoping I'm in the right place for this question.

I've been using DOE:Locations and DOE:Organisations, but as I've been working out what I've been doing I've deleted some records, deliberately. Trouble is they still seem to be linked, and when I try to remove the links I get this message "Script Error: [string "DOEBase/Scripts/IsMiscFunctions.lua"]: 467: attempt to index local 'oChildNode' [a nil value].

Is there any way to remove the dead links?

Thank you


Gozer the Gozerian
January 28th, 2019, 10:31
I did something similar, and I was able to remove the dead links by right-clicking on the item and choosing delete item from the radial menu.

January 28th, 2019, 23:47
I did something similar, and I was able to remove the dead links by right-clicking on the item and choosing delete item from the radial menu.

No, still get the same message. I'm beginning to think I'm going to have to delete the entire campaign.

January 30th, 2019, 23:43
Gozer, I'm sorry, you're right. I had to go in and remove everything in the other tabs in the location before I could remove the location, but it worked this time. Last time I just tried to remove the location, not everything inside it first. Thank you.

March 12th, 2019, 23:33
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but for locations other than towns you have fields for latitude and longitude. I am just curious as to why this wasn't used in towns. I would think that is some info that a mapmaker would value. Especially large towns.

March 23rd, 2019, 21:47
Quick question, I want to build a shop that has random inventory. I'm doing this by doing a story template, it has all the tables for items and prices that i need. If i put this into the notes will my players be able to see that link automatically and is it possible to hide it if so?

March 23rd, 2019, 22:47
Quick question, I want to build a shop that has random inventory. I'm doing this by doing a story template, it has all the tables for items and prices that i need. If i put this into the notes will my players be able to see that link automatically and is it possible to hide it if so?

Hey there Keraki! Glad to hear that you've got the random inv tables setup. Always nice to have them handy, and I too make that happen via story templates.

It is a pain to have to have results in a story entry and not be able to export to a locations record. That'd be SOOOO ideal! But for the time I take the nicely formatted story result and i copy that into the Main tab as shown in the attached screenshot. I do NOT use the "Notes Tab" as that is visible to the players. Everything goes into the "GM Notes" on the "Main Tab", except for the small description of what the store looks like as the players approach.

March 24th, 2019, 02:27
Thanks. I was confident there was a way just hadn't found it.

May 8th, 2019, 19:05
Has there been any progress in updating the module to correctly handle decimals instead of floats or making the buy/sell work correctly with GP <> gp? I've began tinkering with the extension in an attempt to make it work for me, but it looks like a lot of work that someone may have already tackled. I was able to semi-successfully round the coin value and weight in the shop list, but the uppercase issue is eluding me because I do not know how to validate uppercase in XML.

May 8th, 2019, 20:14
Given that Dulux is just getting,got,will be getting out of the hospital this week. I suspect it may take him some time to status this.

May 8th, 2019, 23:15
Given that Dulux is just getting,got,will be getting out of the hospital this week. I suspect it may take him some time to status this.

Ah, I did not realize it was that serious or still ongoing. I hope he recovers fully.
I did manage to update the extension to deal with buying and selling regardless of GP/gp and remove the floats, though my fixes were pretty ugly I'm sure. I don't think I can figure out the currency conversion for making change though. I'm currently trying to find a way to change the font on the message boxes that pop up for selling confirmation because they are very difficult to read for me.

May 28th, 2019, 03:54
Ah, I did not realize it was that serious or still ongoing. I hope he recovers fully.
I did manage to update the extension to deal with buying and selling regardless of GP/gp and remove the floats, though my fixes were pretty ugly I'm sure. I don't think I can figure out the currency conversion for making change though. I'm currently trying to find a way to change the font on the message boxes that pop up for selling confirmation because they are very difficult to read for me.

I'm a total rookie when it comes to lua and xml, but what I've done so far is edit xLocationsStrings.xml in the DOELocations files to strip away some of the text that ends up overlapping with the buy/sell text.

By changing these 3 lines to the following:

<string name="sBuildingNoCoinHeaderStr"></string>
<string name="sBuildingNoCoinStr">Not enough coin! Purchase canceled.</string>
<string name="sBuildingPurchaseOfferHeaderStr"></string>

...I now get the attached image. Not perfect but definitely more legible than before! Honestly, all it would take now is removing the little white box/frame in the center of these popups and it would be 100% readable. Unfortunately I don't know how to do that...


(Edit: this overlapping text is only a problem when using the 5E Wizard theme, of course.)

May 28th, 2019, 04:20
I did manage to update the extension to deal with buying and selling regardless of GP/gp and remove the floats, though my fixes were pretty ugly I'm sure. I don't think I can figure out the currency conversion for making change though.
Would love to know your fix for that please ...

May 29th, 2019, 17:15
Would love to know your fix for that please ...

I'll try to explain what I did in detail...


Add a round function that was mentioned earlier in this thread:
function round(num, numDecimalPlaces)
local mult = 10^(numDecimalPlaces or 0)
return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult

Add an Upper function:
function ToUpper(str)
return (str:gsub("%a", string.upper))

In function fpParseItemCost, change the return line to use round(sCost,0),ToUpper(sCoin)
In function fpGetPriceMarkup, change sPrice to have a round(,) around the nCost calculation
In function fpBulidingSellItems, add ToUpper around the oCoinSlot and Scoin references

Add function round again
in function fpUpdateBuilding, call round around getValue

Add function round again
call round each time you see sItemWeightName).getValue()

I THINK that's all the changes I made. I know that's difficult to follow, but I'm not sure if I can share the file changes here without permission.

May 30th, 2019, 02:18
... I'm not sure if I can share the file changes here without permission.

No, you can't :)

May 30th, 2019, 02:23
Thanks for posting the outlines. Our good friend dulux has had some setbacks in making fixes on a couple things and this will help anyone brave enough to try on their own. We appreciate it and thanks dulux for letting his outline stand.

June 24th, 2019, 03:13
Hello all, Is there a way to copy or duplicate a shop with inventory? I'm trying the traditional dragging outside and then dropping the link back into the buildings section without success.

June 24th, 2019, 03:41
Hello all, Is there a way to copy or duplicate a shop with inventory? I'm trying the traditional dragging outside and then dropping the link back into the buildings section without success.

There's a "copy location" function built in to the extension - right click on the shop (or whatever) and then choose the appropriate selection from the radial menu.

(This is outlined in the manual, btw :) )

Oh, and Welcome! to the Communioty :)

June 24th, 2019, 08:49
I installed this amazing extension to use in my Savage Worlds campaign, but unfortunately its no working with SWD ruleset. I was trying to create a weapons shop and actually I managed to create a shop and an inventory for it, however players cannot buy items. The click and drag function does not work, even if you select the right tab. Any clues? =(

June 24th, 2019, 11:20
I installed this amazing extension to use in my Savage Worlds campaign, but unfortunately its no working with SWD ruleset. I was trying to create a weapons shop and actually I managed to create a shop and an inventory for it, however players cannot buy items. The click and drag function does not work, even if you select the right tab. Any clues? =(

Yes - it doesn't work with SRD (yet)

June 24th, 2019, 12:19
I did end up finding that entry in the manual, but it seems that I am only able to copy an item within the Locations tab and not the building tab. Thanks!

June 25th, 2019, 04:08
I did end up finding that entry in the manual, but it seems that I am only able to copy an item within the Locations tab and not the building tab. Thanks!

It should work for all location types :confused:

June 26th, 2019, 06:15
Yes - it doesn't work with SRD (yet)

Well, that "yet" looks promising and gives me hope. =)

June 27th, 2019, 12:57
I love this extension. I can already see how it's going to help in upcoming games!

dulux-oz, Here are a couple of screen shots of what I'm experiencing.



June 27th, 2019, 13:18
Normally in FG you copy something by grabbing its handle (the shield icon and dragging in a short ways and dropping it. Have you tried that?

June 27th, 2019, 14:14
I believe so, but I will double check that tonight. I unloaded all modules and extensions, except for the Base DOE and Locations, just to make sure something wasn't gobbing it up.

EDIT: Tried that to no avail.

July 23rd, 2019, 05:26
Hello All,

I plan on releaseing updates to all the DOE's and to the DORCore soon after FGv3.3.8 is released (this is a goal, not a promise). The new versions will be placed as a download on the first post of the relevant thread (as they were originally).

I have also removed all of the DOEs from GitHub - current versions of the DOEs can be found on the first post of the relevant Thread.


August 17th, 2019, 13:20
I cannot get Locations to work. All it shows is a blank dialog with no way to create a new entry. This is with no extensions or themes other than DOE (latest versions of Base, OLE, Calendar, Organizations, Alignment, but no Sound, no Campaign) running and with the 5E rules. I tried both the public and test versions of FG 3.3.8.

August 17th, 2019, 13:51
I cannot get Locations to work. All it shows is a blank dialog with no way to create a new entry. This is with no extensions or themes other than DOE (latest versions of Base, OLE, Calendar, Organizations, Alignment, but no Sound, no Campaign) running and with the 5E rules. I tried both the public and test versions of FG 3.3.8.

So run these two tests: On a clean/new (CoreRPG and then 5E) campaign with FG v3.3.8, DOE:Base v3.2.1, and DOE:Locations v4.8.2 (the other DOEs are not needed for this test) look at the Char box and **confirm** those version numbers, then please report back and tell me its not working and what you are trying to do to get it working.

But I do suspect you arn't running the latest version on the DOE: Locations :)


August 17th, 2019, 13:57
Thank you, Dulux-oz. I was not aware that Locations had been updated. I now have the correct version and it works.

August 17th, 2019, 14:45
Thank you, Dulux-oz. I was not aware that Locations had been updated. I now have the correct version and it works.

Excellent! Glad you got it sorted. :)

August 19th, 2019, 15:46
I have a problem with the "Shop" function of the Locations extension. I love it, but after browsing the full "items" database for setting up a store, I noticed it reads the damn comma from the items database as a real comma... ergo it sets me items costing "2,500 gp" as "2 gp and a half". I'm basically duplicating now every entry in my database to "remove" that comma and re-drag'em in the Store but... is there any way that doesn't require me spending so much time? (I suck at programming or I'd have checked it myself to see how to ignore the comma)


EDIT: forgot the image

August 19th, 2019, 16:05
I have a problem with the "Shop" function of the Locations extension. I love it, but after browsing the full "items" database for setting up a store, I noticed it reads the damn comma from the items database as a real comma... ergo it sets me items costing "2,500 gp" as "2 gp and a half". I'm basically duplicating now every entry in my database to "remove" that comma and re-drag'em in the Store but... is there any way that doesn't require me spending so much time? (I suck at programming or I'd have checked it myself to see how to ignore the comma)


EDIT: forgot the image

You don't have a location set in your profile, but it sounds to me like you're in a location that uses , as it's decimal point and the code is respecting your locale.

The US, the UK and Australia all use . as the radix. Comma is a grouping character used to separate groups of three digits to make them easier to read.

Edit: You could try temporarily changing your locale to US-English, drag the items into the shop and change it back. This may or may not work.

August 19th, 2019, 16:52
This is a known bug with the locations extension. Dulux will someday fix it we hope but he says it is more complex than you might expect (he is a professional programmer and he doesn’t do anything half-assed so I think he is hoping to take localization [which he spells localisation] into account).

August 19th, 2019, 17:01
This is a known bug with the locations extension. Dulux will someday fix it we hope but he says it is more complex than you might expect (he is a professional programmer and he doesn’t do anything half-assed so I think he is hoping to take localization [which he spells localisation] into account).

True - on all the above statements. :)

I might have a solution coming out with the next update - that's ***might*** - but if I do then its only a temporary work-around. Still, better than nothing.

And before anyone asks: I'm working as hard and as fast as my dialysis and other health issues let me - so people are just going to have to be patient.

August 19th, 2019, 18:15
Take care of yourself, buddy! We will tough it out until your situation improves.

August 19th, 2019, 18:58
Hi! Would you make this extension to work with the new D&D Classics ruleset?

August 19th, 2019, 19:02
We will tough it out until your situation improves.
And then we will beat him over the head until morale improves!

August 19th, 2019, 19:22
And then we will beat him over the head until morale improves!

Ours or his?

August 20th, 2019, 03:15
Ours or his?
Whichever works?

August 20th, 2019, 04:17
Hi! Would you make this extension to work with the new D&D Classics ruleset?

If yoiu are refering to the 2E D&D Ruleset, then this will be supported in the new release - that *is* a promise :)

August 22nd, 2019, 08:26
Thank you, Dulux-oz, for your help earlier. I have some questions.

1. If I make a location like a town that has a ruler, and I want to choose an NPC from the NPC tab for that location, how do I do it? I can't drag the icon because it is a tab of the same dialog, and I can't type into the field.

2. I am running a homebrew 5E campaign with some Birthright rules. I want to add some information to each "Province" location, such as province size (0-10), source holding (0-10), law holding (0-10), guild holding (0-10), and temple holding (0-10). Each of the holdings need an "owner" field (that uses the NPC database in the location extension), and there can be multiple holdings of the same type with different owners in each province record. I took a look at the XML file, but I'm afraid it is much too advanced for me. Can anyone help me with this?

3. Is it possible to link an image to a location (like a map or flag), and can a small image (like a flag or shield) be added to the location entry in the same way that a character sheet has a small portrait of the character?

4. Is there any way to display the organizational relationship between locations? For example, if you have a country location with some province locations, and each province has a town location, is there an easy way to show this relationship without opening all the locations individually and checking what belongs to what? Is there some way to display a chart of the relationships, for example? If not, would you consider such a feature?

Thank you!

August 22nd, 2019, 10:17
Thank you, Dulux-oz, for your help earlier. I have some questions.

1. If I make a location like a town that has a ruler, and I want to choose an NPC from the NPC tab for that location, how do I do it? I can't drag the icon because it is a tab of the same dialog, and I can't type into the field.

Either drag the NPC from the NPCs Tab to the Desktop, then from the desktop to the Ruler LinkBox; or open up the NPC and use its DragBox to drag to the Ruler Dragbox and/or the NPC Tab.

2. I am running a homebrew 5E campaign with some Birthright rules. I want to add some information to each "Province" location, such as province size (0-10), source holding (0-10), law holding (0-10), guild holding (0-10), and temple holding (0-10). Each of the holdings need an "owner" field (that uses the NPC database in the location extension), and there can be multiple holdings of the same type with different owners in each province record. I took a look at the XML file, but I'm afraid it is much too advanced for me. Can anyone help me with this?

The only way to do this at the moment is to note this information in the Notes Tab. The Notes tab is a fully formatable page, so you can even make a blank LinkBox to drag an NPC entry into.

If you send me the detail (and the context) I might put in these extra fields in a later relases (if I think its worth it to the greater FG Community).

3. Is it possible to link an image to a location (like a map or flag), and can a small image (like a flag or shield) be added to the location entry in the same way that a character sheet has a small portrait of the character?

Maps are just images (as far as FG is concerned) so whether the "map" on the Maps Tab is a map or some other sort of picture makes no differnce.

4. Is there any way to display the organizational relationship between locations? For example, if you have a country location with some province locations, and each province has a town location, is there an easy way to show this relationship without opening all the locations individually and checking what belongs to what? Is there some way to display a chart of the relationships, for example? If not, would you consider such a feature?

Thank you!

If you are talking about a display-tree (with or without collapsapble branhes), no, not at the moment. I've been playing around with the idea of having collapsable lists, but the "depth" of such a list is infinite/undefined, because Locations can be children of Locations, and Locations can be children of buildings which can be children of locations, etc. Its a "hard problem" (if you understand what the term "hard problem" means), but I am working on it.


August 25th, 2019, 11:20
If you send me the detail (and the context) I might put in these extra fields in a later relases (if I think its worth it to the greater FG Community).

Thank you for your help!

This is the information I need (and that is not homebrew - so should be useful to anyone else using Birthright):

Province (since you don't have a country or a province tab - this would be on the location tab)
Province Level (integer from 0-10 represents province development and population)
Source Holding (none, 0-10), Owner
Law Holdings (none, 0-10), Owner (there can be multiple entries of this type in one province)
Guild Holdings (none, 0-10), Owner (there can be multiple entries of this type in one province)
Temple Holdings (none, 0-10), Owner (there can be multiple entries of this type in one province)
The same character can own multiple holdings as well as provinces.

It would be nice to also have an entry for military units (number and type) too.

If the record is shared, are the notes shared as well?

Also, although I want to use the same PC/NPC to rule a town (the capital), a province, and a realm (the last two are "locations"), the extension won't allow the same NPC to rule in more than one record. Is there a way around this?

Thank you again!

September 7th, 2019, 19:51
I added this extension to an ongoing pathfinder campaign in order to use it for world development but when i open the locations tab it is completely empty. Any idea what I may have done wrong?

September 7th, 2019, 20:10
I added this extension to an ongoing pathfinder campaign in order to use it for world development but when i open the locations tab it is completely empty. Any idea what I may have done wrong?

Have you added any locations? If not, did you expect it to populate automatically?

September 7th, 2019, 20:49
Have you added any locations? If not, did you expect it to populate automatically?

No i havent added any and there is not option to do so. it is a complete blank page apearing. only option when right clicking is to close it again. No heading on the page or anything.

September 7th, 2019, 21:52
I would suggest you read the manual that hopefully you downloaded with the extension and installed. Dulux is very thorough with his documentation and it should answer 99% of any question you might come up with. If you do not wish to view the documentation, it is also linked from the first post to a wiki article; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Locations_Database

September 8th, 2019, 01:41
I added this extension to an ongoing pathfinder campaign in order to use it for world development but when i open the locations tab it is completely empty. Any idea what I may have done wrong?

First of all, does the Extension's Splash Blurb in the FG Chat Box (on first starting FG) say v4.8.2 (and did you download the Extension from the first post of this Thread - and did you download the DOE:Base Extension for the fiorst Post of its Thread)?

Second, like the "standard" way of adding Records to Lists, you can either Click on the Edit List Button located to the bottom-right of the window, next to the Filter Box, or you can Right-Click in the window's list area and choose "Add" from the Radial Menu.

If neither of these two pieces of advice help you, please get back to us with full details: versions of FG, the Ruleset(s), DOE:Base, DOE:Locations, and other Extensions you are loading, and a perhaps a screen shot(s) of what it all looks like.


September 8th, 2019, 04:59
I started up a new campaign to see if it makes a difference. Unfortunately not.

FG 3.3.8 Ultimate
Pathfinder Ruleset
DOE Base Extension 3.2.1
DOE Locations Extension 4.8.1
No other extensions loaded.

both extensions show up in the chat window upon load.

When I click the Locations "banner" a box appears with no headline. only an empty box with a search field and an all/shared button and a close button. no other things in the window.
If i right click in the center of it to add new entry the only options that appear are close window and minimize.

I tried Organisations and it does the same thing.

I tried the other DOE extensions and they appear to function Normally.

September 8th, 2019, 05:02
I see the version is off, I re-downloaded and now it works. Thank you

September 8th, 2019, 05:06
I see the version is off, I re-downloaded and now it works. Thank you

When - how long ago?

You might need to obtain a fresh downlod (of both the DOE:Base and DOE:Locations).

September 12th, 2019, 15:47
Thank you Dulux-Oz

I downloaded them all again just to be sure and they work like a charm. Thank you for your hard work.

September 25th, 2019, 03:42
I hate to be a dunce, but I can't seem to find the download link. The first page indicates that it is found at the end of the post but I don't find anything there that I can click on that looks like a download link. I must be missing something.

September 25th, 2019, 03:50
Spencerdad - it’s an attachment to the first post. (DOELocations.ext) You will need to be logged in to download it.


September 25th, 2019, 04:42
I hate to be a dunce, but I can't seem to find the download link. The first page indicates that it is found at the end of the post but I don't find anything there that I can click on that looks like a download link. I must be missing something.
Make sure you are not viewing the mobile site and that you have your theme (bottom left corner of the page) is set to 'FG Responsive'

November 10th, 2019, 03:31
Hi All,

I've just published new versions of all the DOEs. These versions work with FGv3.3.8 & FGv3.3.9 (when it gets released).

Note: For the moment, these versions of the DOEs DO NOT WORK WITH FGU-Beta (for those of you in the FGU-Beta-test Program). For the moment, please feel free to use the (now) old versions of the DOEs. I'll be releaseing FGU-Compatible/Supported/Tested version when FGU is released.

Each new DOE version has been placed on the first Post of each relevant DOE Thread, as per normal.

I'll be updating the each DOE Maunuals (and the FG Wiki), plus the individual Ruleset Extensions Threads, over the next little while.

These DOEs, apart from having general updates, have the following modifications to them:

Added ColourGroups to all DOE Lists - Allows the player to give one of 7 coloured backgrounds (8 if you include "none") to the individual Entries in Lists. Used to visually group Entries together. Look for the Rainbow on all DOE List.
Fixed the Comma in Prices Issue in Buildings (Shops)
Caused Items weighing less than 1 unit to be recorded as 0 weight to stop the FG Engine's recording them as a long decimal in Buildings (Shops).
Fixed the Coin Label case Issue in Buildings (Shops).
Added ChatBox Message on character buy & sell in Buildings (Shops).

Thanks to Tim Cox for help in getting the last 4 of these done.

These DOEs now support:

13th Age
D&D 2E
D&D 3.5E
D&D 4E
D&D 5E
Call Of Cthulhu 6E
Call Of Cthulhu 7E
Castles & Crusades - Needs a Graphic
Cypher Systems
Fate Core
SavageWorlds (SWADE) - Needs three Graphics
SFRPG - Needs Graphics
The Strange
The Dungeon, Simple Brown, Simple Grey, and Wood Themes across all supported Rulesets

These DOEs have had the following Rulesets depreciated and are no longer supported:

Dark Herasy
GURPS - may re-support in coming versions.

As per normal, if you find any bugs (these Extensions are provided "as is"), have any suggestions, etc, then please let me know by posting here for the relevant DOE and I'll get it fixed and released ASAP.


November 13th, 2019, 02:25
Hi Dulux, excited to see these updates! I'm REALLY looking forward to not having to fuss with GP/gp capitalization woes any longer, but I'm afraid I'm running into some problems with the Locations extension. I've downloaded the latest Base extension (4.0) and the latest Locations extension (5.0), and I'm testing it with no other extensions enabled. This is for 5E ruleset, Fantasy Grounds v3.3.8.

I made a test Building, threw a Breastplate that costs 400gp in there, and loaded in as a player account with 1000gp to buy it. But when I try to drag it over from Building to Inventory, the purchase fails. I get the "not enough coin" error message, despite the player account's gold dropping from 1000gp to 200gp, and the Breastplate doesn't get transferred to inventory. Additionally, I receive these script errors:

Network Notice: Client ruleset download complete
Ruleset Warning: Could not load icon resource (iBuy)
Ruleset Warning: Could not load icon resource (iSell)
Script Error: [string "DOELocations/Scripts/lsLocationsManager.lua"]:391: attempt to concatenate global 'aBuyerName' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "DOELocations/Scripts/lsLocationsManager.lua"]:391: attempt to concatenate global 'aBuyerName' (a nil value)

I tested it again but this time gave the player account 10,000gp. This time I didn't get the "not enough coin" error message, but the Breastplate still wasn't transferred to inventory, and the PC gold went from 10,000 to 8,800. I also received the same script errors.

Any help would be appreciated!


November 13th, 2019, 04:07
You have to say what ruleset you are using and what version of FG you see on startup.

November 13th, 2019, 06:26
Oops, thanks for the reminder - I had meant to have that showing in the screenshot but then I didn't notice the script error window blocked it. Editing my post to reflect this!

November 14th, 2019, 02:08
Script Error: [string "DOELocations/Scripts/lsLocationsManager.lua"]:391: attempt to concatenate global 'aBuyerName' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "DOELocations/Scripts/lsLocationsManager.lua"]:391: attempt to concatenate global 'aBuyerName' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "DOELocations/Scripts/lsLocationsManager.lua"]:391: attempt to concatenate global 'aBuyerName' (a nil value)

I'm getting this error using 5e ruleset FG 3.3.8.

November 14th, 2019, 03:25
I'm getting this error using 5e ruleset FG 3.3.8.

Already posted in post #992.

Please, everyone, when making Bug Reports, scan through the last page of post and see if the Bug has already been reported. If it has, please don't post "Me Too" posts. If you have further information about the bug, then go ahead and post, but please include the Original Post Number (which we use as the Issue Tracking Number) in your post - thanks.

November 14th, 2019, 07:10
Just uploaded a Bug Fix to the DOE:Locations on the first post (ie a new version).

While only a bug fix for Issue #992, it is recommend you update to the latest version.

The only other DOE being updated at this time is the DOE:Base.

November 15th, 2019, 02:12
Just uploaded a Bug Fix to the DOE:Locations on the first post (ie a new version).

While only a bug fix for Issue #992, it is recommend you update to the latest version.

The only other DOE being updated at this time is the DOE:Base.

OMGOODNESS I love you man, you fixed AND added a feature Ive been wanting so bad thank you thank you thank you!

November 17th, 2019, 08:04
Hi Everyone,

If you would like to report a Bug or make a Feature Request in relation to this DOE please do so in this Thread.

The best way to make a Bug Report and/or Feature Request is to follow these guidelines:

Please give your Post a Heading/Title of either “BUG Report” or “Feature Request” (eg. like the Title of this Post). Your Issue will then be assigned an Issue Number of the Post’s Post Number.
For Bug Reports, please include:

The Version of FG you are using
The Ruleset you are using
A List of all Extensions you have loaded, including any and all Version Numbers
Whether the Bug occurred on the GM's computer, the Player(s) computer, or both
Any Error Message(s) displayed (if any)
And as detailed a description of what you were doing when the Bug occured

For Feature Requests, please include as much detail about the Feature as you can.
Before making such a Bug Report or Feature Request Post, please look through this Thread to see if your Issue or Feature hasn’t already been posted. I'll periodically summarise the Bug Reports and the Feature Requests and their Status in a Post to this Thread.
If you have further information about a Bug or a Feature Request then you can make an addendum Bug Report or Feature Request by following these guidelines. Please add the original Bug Report or Feature Request Issue/Post Number to the end of your Post's Heading.
In an effort to keep the number of Posts in this Thread from being overwhelmed, please do not post “Me Too” Bug Reports or Feature Requests.

If you would like to contact me to obtain help, or for any other reason, please do so by Posting to this Thread (greatly preferred) or, if you require some privacy, to the Fantasy Grounds PM System (not preferred at all).

Note that posting to the Fantasy Grounds Forums will result in the fastest response, not just from me but also from other users of this DOE. I only check my PM Inbox every couple of days.


November 17th, 2019, 14:54
Dulux, I'm not a programmer, I don't know if it would be too much work, but I'll give you a suggestion / guess if it's feasible, useful, good, otherwise it's worth the intention.
It would be possible to have DOE: Locations assume the currencies of that local currencies in the options and when I put the items in the Building instead of assuming the gp, it would check the currency it has, the item currency and everything would be all right.
Example: I can use DOE in conjunction with CoC 7E, there I can adopt $, £, ¢ as my money depending on location and era, so it would be more enjoyable and practical.