View Full Version : Star Wars Edge of the Empire

March 26th, 2014, 02:48
Hello everyone! So I am going to be trying to get a solid group together to get a Star Wars Edge of the Empire, regular session, going. What I am going to do is post here and look for some interest from all of you. Now, I have already gotten quite a bit of interest from people when I posted about running SWEotE a while back and real sessions of me GMing (3.5...Bah) got in the way. Well, I am no longer GMing for my regular group so now I am ready to rock some Star Wars!

So, how I am going to be doing this is I will list out what I will be doing and what everyone should expect from the group.

- 3 players is what I am looking for. I have found this to be an ideal group size in my experience
- Game days will be on Tuesday nights, 6-9pm PST. I am hoping for weekly but expect bi-weekly. I can also see the every so often of a weekend long session for a day happening.
- Contact info between players in CRITICAL!!! Email or whatever so we can stay in contact for when real life gets in the way
- There will be no "Oh that player didn't show up, let's just play anyhow". If someone cannot make it, we cancel. If it becomes a problem, we will have to think about replacing that player
- ROLEPLAYING IS A MUST!!!!! If you are a power gamer and only worry about your stats, move along. I don't want you in our group.
- We will be playing via Skype. If you do not want to Skype, at least listen in and type for your character. I don't mind this at all
- Have a character that lives on the EDGE OF THE EMPIRE! I am not looking for rebels or imperials. This is intended to be living on the edges between the two. It doesn't mean that we can do a little for either but I do not want to go faction based. I love the idea of "falling between the lines"

My thought is to start with the EotE beginner game (you do not have to use those pre-gen characters. If you like one of them, feel free to use it though), move to Long Arm of the Hutt and from there take it to Beyond the Rim. I think it will be a great "Star Wars" experience.

I really hope that this doesn't come across as me being a total *** or anything, that is not my intention. I just want to have a fun group and finally get to have a regular solid group to play this game.

If you are interested, please send me a PM and we can chat further from there and I will select the three players. Again, I seriously hope that this isn't making me sound like a total a**hole.

Thanks for your interest all! :)

March 26th, 2014, 14:32
Hey... just wanted to comment; every GM does themselves a disservice if they don't lay out some ground rules / expectations for how they want to run their game, including things like what you've mentioned. So, it's to your credit that you've done that.

March 26th, 2014, 15:44
Hey... just wanted to comment; every GM does themselves a disservice if they don't lay out some ground rules / expectations for how they want to run their game, including things like what you've mentioned. So, it's to your credit that you've done that.

Very true, if players know in advance what the expectations are going in that helps later on down the road ...mind you it's entirely possible to have players sign up who either assume what you said doesn't apply to them, didn't bother to read it carefully in the first place , or they figure they can "talk you out of it later" :P .. but of course one would have to be able to predict the future to be able to avoid that sort of thing :P ( a fun staple of RPG's but alas not possible in real life :( ) .. I do admire your emphasis on role playing a lot :) and totally get your reluctance to run a game if a player is missing... nothing is more annoying than having some kewl sub-plot you wrote up for the PC to be featured that session only to have the player missing in action :( ... even if that's not the case the GM is busy enough without being forced to NPC a missing player's PC (though if the player isn't squeamish about having another player look at his character sheet while he's gone conceivably another player could volunteer to run the PC too )....

Sadly I'm a fan of everything in-character being done in text otherwise I would apply to join :( .... not that I look down upon someone who chooses to run all in-character and out of character via voice chat don't get me wrong I understand it just speeds things up big time... but I've found that when I limited myself to just text in past games and stuff in-character was being done over voice chat I was pretty much ignored by everyone else :( ... not intentionally I'm sure it's just that when everyone's paying attention to the conversation they can hear I found most didn't bother to look at what was going on in the chat window in FG unless we were mid-combat or something :P ... at the risk of telling you what to do with your campaign :P perhaps you might want to limit yourself to players who are comfortable doing both in-character and out-of-character over voice chat? Mind you that's just been my experience it's more than possible there are gaming groups out there who have successfully mixed both forms of communication without any problem ;) ...

March 27th, 2014, 14:48
Hello everyone! So I am going to be trying to get a solid group together to get a Star Wars Edge of the Empire, regular session, going. What I am going to do is post here and look for some interest from all of you. Now, I have already gotten quite a bit of interest from people when I posted about running SWEotE a while back and real sessions of me GMing (3.5...Bah) got in the way. Well, I am no longer GMing for my regular group so now I am ready to rock some Star Wars!

So, how I am going to be doing this is I will list out what I will be doing and what everyone should expect from the group.

- 3 players is what I am looking for. I have found this to be an ideal group size in my experience
- Game days will be on Tuesday nights, 6-9pm PST. I am hoping for weekly but expect bi-weekly. I can also see the every so often of a weekend long session for a day happening.
- Contact info between players in CRITICAL!!! Email or whatever so we can stay in contact for when real life gets in the way
- There will be no "Oh that player didn't show up, let's just play anyhow". If someone cannot make it, we cancel. If it becomes a problem, we will have to think about replacing that player
- ROLEPLAYING IS A MUST!!!!! If you are a power gamer and only worry about your stats, move along. I don't want you in our group.
- We will be playing via Skype. If you do not want to Skype, at least listen in and type for your character. I don't mind this at all
- Have a character that lives on the EDGE OF THE EMPIRE! I am not looking for rebels or imperials. This is intended to be living on the edges between the two. It doesn't mean that we can do a little for either but I do not want to go faction based. I love the idea of "falling between the lines"

My thought is to start with the EotE beginner game (you do not have to use those pre-gen characters. If you like one of them, feel free to use it though), move to Long Arm of the Hutt and from there take it to Beyond the Rim. I think it will be a great "Star Wars" experience.

I really hope that this doesn't come across as me being a total *** or anything, that is not my intention. I just want to have a fun group and finally get to have a regular solid group to play this game.

If you are interested, please send me a PM and we can chat further from there and I will select the three players. Again, I seriously hope that this isn't making me sound like a total a**hole.

Thanks for your interest all! :)

I completely understand where he's coming from too ! I cannot tell you how many FG games I've been in where players "flake" ... they start out very interested and enthusiastic, show up for the first FG game session... then they don't come to the next FG game session... or the next one.. then they come to the next FG game session but miss the next two... I cannot count the number of times I've heard the GM say during an FG session " Hey does anyone know where so and so is ? " which makes it pretty obvious the player who is flaking can't even be bothered to let the GM know he'll be gone and is basically just showing up when he feels like it... it's annoying as all heck for players who could use that missing PC around say in the middle of a fight... even if someone runs the missing PC it either puts an additional burden on the GM or it's just one extra thing for a player to do (run someone else's PC) ... I thoroughly enjoy the "role playing/getting into character" part of RPG's (don't get me wrong combat and "complete the mission" strategy is fun too I just need a large amount of RP in there as well :) ) and I've found more often than not flaky players don't bother to RP their character's personality either , due to their obvious lack of investment in the game for one thing... if you find the game isn't for you make a firm decision about it and do the GM and your fellow players the courtesy of letting them know !

Also I'm sure the GM for this campaign will be reasonable too as most GM's tend to be :) .. or to put it another way if you say for example normally have an excellent attendance record (for lack of a better phrase) ... but then something comes up out of the blue at the last moment (you're a parent and your child is sick, boss decides at the last minute you're going to stay late at work whether you like it or not, your gosh-darn car won't start ) and you send the GM a warning via e-mail or PM or whatever... I'm sure he's not going to want to boot you out of the campaign :P and I'm also sure he's not going to be like " That's it, no game tonight, I don't care if (fill in player's name here) couldn't make it due to circumstances beyond his control.. if he's not going to be here I'm not running this game tonight , period ! " :P ... Now on the other hand if you have a good reason but real life is still forcing you to be absent a lot (work has become so demanding you're forced to miss say 3 FG game sessions within the 6 game sessions the campaign has run so far ) .. this is the time to bite the bullet, apologize profusely to your GM and fellow players, tell them that your circumstances have changed such that you are forced into no longer being as active in the campaign as you like... and then gracefully bow out to open up the spot for a player who DOES have the free time. It's the considerate, responsible thing to do.

I notice there are no reply posts here yet expressing an interest in the game. If the GM who posted this thread has managed to scare away players who tend to flake to begin with in the manner I described above then my response is " well done ! " :P (sorry to sound so judgmental but... c'mon people, common courtesy here ! For both the GM and your fellow players, it's not that hard...) ... On the other hand if you ARE a player who is normally very good about attending FG game sessions (and who is honest enough to let everyone know if real life will interfere to the point where you can't make as many game sessions as you should ... or you're simply honest enough to tell the GM up front " Hey I'm sorry this campaign really just isn't for me anymore " or at the very least make up an excuse as so not to hurt the poor GM's feelings and then leave if that makes you too uncomfortable :P ) .... I wouldn't let the bit about reliable attendance scare you away in the original recruitment post either .... if the GM has a solid group of players who will do their utmost to show up for every game session it will make for a much better campaign overall ;) ...

March 27th, 2014, 20:19
This sounds really interesting... wish I could find time in my schedule for yet more gaming. :/

March 27th, 2014, 22:29
Ransalot - Myself and another player are interested. So there's two. We usually have our weekly gaming session on Wednesday but moving it to Tuesdays shouldn't be a problem. Also, this kind of game is exactly what we're looking for. Less min/maxing/power gaming and more story and roleplaying going on. We both also have Skype already and using it for communication isn't a problem. I'll shoot him a message and inform him to read this. I suspect that he'll want to hop onboard. Going to PM you after this with contact information.

March 28th, 2014, 15:01
Ransalot - Myself and another player are interested. So there's two. We usually have our weekly gaming session on Wednesday but moving it to Tuesdays shouldn't be a problem. Also, this kind of game is exactly what we're looking for. Less min/maxing/power gaming and more story and roleplaying going on. We both also have Skype already and using it for communication isn't a problem. I'll shoot him a message and inform him to read this. I suspect that he'll want to hop onboard. Going to PM you after this with contact information.

At the risk of veering things off topic once again on my part :P ... wanted to give a shout-out to KainVorador :) , gamed with him years ago (the dpeters campaign, was a while back Kain hopefully you remember me ;) ... Alissa the antisocial female half elf ;) you played.. feel damn stupid I can't remember his name :( ... the elf PC, wizard or sorcerer I believe... ) ... in my humble opinion he did a bang-up job of RP'ing his PC, really made him come to life :) ... I'm fond of "additional" role playing that takes place on a forum outside of FG campaigns where you post character conversations with each other... Kain was one of the few players who humored me with this sort of thing and engaged in the forum RP, hard to find players that are willing to do that I've found :) ... what I'm trying to say Ransalot is that if you're looking for someone who's heavily into the RP end of things Kain's definitely your guy ;) ...

March 28th, 2014, 15:50
Let me say thank you so far for all the kind words and interest in doing this game. I have gotten quite a few PM's already with people wanting to play. Again, I will take 3 people so as of now I have my work cut out for me on choosing players. So, with that said, if I don't choose someone, please don't be offended. I'm even thinking that if it comes down to it, once this group is done running the three modules, I may run the series again with three new players. Just a thought. Again, thanks everyone

March 28th, 2014, 19:40
Thank you for the kind words, Andre. I certainly do remember you. And yes, my PC was a sun elven wizard.
Ransolot - My counter part cannot play on Tuesday but I am still able if you choose to allow me as a player in your game.

March 28th, 2014, 19:56
Thank you for the kind words, Andre. I certainly do remember you. And yes, my PC was a sun elven wizard.
Ransolot - My counter part cannot play on Tuesday but I am still able if you choose to allow me as a player in your game.

I believe I was in one of Kain's games too, where I killed a PC drow after he threw choking powder at the party... the life of a Paladin.

Great DM, and great player.

March 30th, 2014, 19:46
I remember you too, Jason. And that incident with the drow PC. lol
Again, thanks for the kind words.