View Full Version : New Call of Cthulhu Ruleset Skill-list & Modifications

March 3rd, 2014, 07:39
Which file contains the Skill list in the new CoC ruleset?

Also if I wanted to change things so that (example) Science becomes another generic skill that you're able to take points in subtypes of... How would I do that?

Much help obliged. I want to update the skill list of the CoC ruleset to reflect the more efficient Skill list detailed in the 7th Edition quickstart.

March 3rd, 2014, 10:59
The skills are defined in \scripts\manager_era.lua

For example, the following is the start of the default 1920s list:

local skills = {
["Accounting"] = { base=10},
["Anthropology"] = { base=1},
["Archaeology"] = { base=1},
["Art"] = { sublabeling=true, base=5},
["Astronomy"] = { base=1},
["Bargain"] = { base=5},
["Biology"] = { base=1},
["Chemistry"] = { base=1},
Note that "Art" is defined as having sublabeling (subtype as you call it above).

\campaign\record_char_skills.xml contains iadd buttons (visible when the brown edit / icon is pressed) for the skills with subtypes. For example, for the "Art" skill

<buttoncontrol name="skills_iadd_art">
<anchored to="skills_iadd_craft" position="lefthigh" offset="5,0" width="20" height="20" />
<icon normal="button_skillar" pressed="button_skillar_down" />
<tooltip textres="char_tooltip_skilladdart" />
<invisible />
function onButtonPress()

So, to add a new skills with a subtype you'd need to:

Add the skill with sublabeling in \scripts\manager_era.lua
Copy/paste a new iadd button control and modify names and anchoring relevant to the new skill.

You may want to look at how the Era extensions change the skill list. Although this doesn't include adding the new iadd button.

March 3rd, 2014, 11:34
You may want to look at how the Era extensions change the skill list. Although this doesn't include adding the new iadd button.

but doing it with an extension would make it far easier to share with others?

March 3rd, 2014, 11:49
but doing it with an extension would make it far easier to share with others?
Just as an FYI - you'd be very limited in what you can share from Call of Cthulhu as the RPG is not covered by anything like an OGL or Creative Commons Licence. Basic rules mechanics would be OK - so just a skill list should be fine.

March 3rd, 2014, 21:15
Thank you so much! I've been able to get my new skill list running, this should be helpful to my players.

One more question (I'm sorry for asking after this stuff, I'd figured it out in the previous version but lost my bearings when the ruleset was revamped) how do I modify what appears in the melee section at the front of the sheet so I can get rid of the other options and replace them with Brawl?