View Full Version : Unable to use Fantasy Grounds on my desktop

February 28th, 2014, 20:05
I just purchased the Ultimate License and whenever I try to log in with the setting I am getting handleusercookie: network: resolving hostname, and am unable to login.

When I try to update I get the error ERROR - GetProducts: Netwwork: resolving hostname

What is going on? My laptop is able to log in no problem.

February 28th, 2014, 20:17
The alias / license server is potentially having problems. The website was down around 8pm UK time (about 20 mins ago)

Moon Wizard
February 28th, 2014, 22:49
I've bumped this to Doug to look at. I was having some web site resolution issues myself starting this morning, and thought it was my router. It might be related to the server replacement we just had done at our ISP when the old server hardware croaked.


March 1st, 2014, 14:28
I ended up just cloning most of my files from my laptop to my desktop and ran it that way. I had the laptop simply load the campaign as well and manually shared documents to my second screen for my players- so while I didn't get the full experience of trying the fantasy ground program the first time I used it- it still felt pretty good.

The good news is- at the end of my session I was able to log in no problem. Thanks guys.

March 1st, 2014, 14:52
Tidomann, I'm happy to hear that you got it up and running again. As Moon Wizard states, we've had lots of server changes lately. We've been investigating potential issues with our new security settings that automatically block IP addresses it suspects are being used to attack our server, more regular backups, etc. Please keep us apprised of any future issues by emailing us at [email protected] with as much information as you can provide, such as the exact time that the issue occurred, if it was repeatable and your external IP address if you have that. It's possible we may need to tweak a few settings so we minimize impact on legitimate users.


March 1st, 2014, 15:14
Tidomann, I'm happy to hear that you got it up and running again. As Moon Wizard states, we've had lots of server changes lately. We've been investigating potential issues with our new security settings that automatically block IP addresses it suspects are being used to attack our server, more regular backups, etc. Please keep us apprised of any future issues by emailing us at [email protected] with as much information as you can provide, such as the exact time that the issue occurred, if it was repeatable and your external IP address if you have that. It's possible we may need to tweak a few settings so we minimize impact on legitimate users.


Access to both forums and updater process has been hit n miss for me Doug since 8pm GMT last night. Access to the forums is very slow as i write this. I sent you an email with some trace ping stats (lots of dropped packet and increased RTT times).

March 1st, 2014, 15:21
I'm right there with you. If this continues, it will eventually stop people from using their Ultimate licenses to run games with free clients, and the howling will start.(and I'll be one of them)

March 1st, 2015, 21:30
The "Howling" has started as I just purchased the Ultimate Licenses after debating whether it was a good idea...

March 1st, 2015, 21:34
This is a post from last year. I've just been playing in a game. I'm not aware of any problems with the alias server tonight.

March 1st, 2015, 21:39
Makadus, we are not aware of any problems accessing the patch or alias server at this time. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any issues you may be having and I can help you address it.

March 1st, 2015, 21:43
Thank you for the quick response. I of course have put my foot in my mouth and was quick to "Howl", it was a bit premature and judgmental. The issue was on my side and I resolved it. Please accept my apologies and I hope to enjoy the software:)

March 1st, 2015, 21:44
March 1st, 2014 - man so close, my bad:)

March 1st, 2015, 21:45
No worries. I'm glad you got it up and running.

We'd rather you contact us for help than become frustrated with the software. We actually don't mind when they turn out to be something simple. :)

Happy Gaming.